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Everything posted by Caustic

  1. That's absolutely false. The Pope of Non Grata has made his decree. Deus Vult.
  2. He's even less intelligent than a golden.
  3. From the Pope of Non Grata, herald of the Eternal Crusade; request denied. Get $%&@ed.
  4. The same Ben Hitchcock that stole and leaked screenshots from NG's private channel? You think he's getting away? 😂😂😂 Not today.
  5. No, no it won't come to pass. Even the guy from CCC is laughing at you.
  6. We already proved it, your side backed down.
  7. We know, that was my point. Your alliance is trash.
  8. Here's a thought exercise for you. Lets say 1 nuke is 100 NS. You can only nuke 1 person a day. In this simplified scenario, CLAWS can launch 40 nukes at NG a day no matter how many actual wars are launched. Assume you manage to overcome your well documented ineptitude and fill all our slots with purely CLAWS nations, that means we can drop 6 nukes on you in a day. That means on average CLAWS can lose at most 4000 NS a day to our 24,000. Extrapolate that out over 7 days and get back to me. Now, for real numbers. Your trash alliance managed only 16 total wars on Non Grata in the last week. That means out of 120 total defensive slots available on us, you took 13%. Out of a coalition of over 700 nations. We'll ignore how sad that is and continue to pat you on the head and tell you what a special little boy you are. Maybe CLAWS can get another shot at us when you aren't junior partners in whatever nonsense Bundy managed to cook up this time.
  9. You know how NS relates to nuke stockpile depletion, right? I'll gladly pull actual damage charts out of Carnivore in a bit. Also, this u? https://ibb.co/KwnL7JT
  10. Imagine thinking that an entire alliance dumping all their nukes in a week doesn't lead to a downward chart. Again, CLAWS shows us their infinite tactical brilliance.
  11. We certainly did manage to cuck the $%&@ out of yours. 😘
  12. You are correct, simpleton. There was nothing in the OP that would possibly make anyone think otherwise. Also, "earnest."
  13. Oh hi Ben! I take it you're the one that leaked our internal member chat to CLAWS? That's cute. Back in my day that was a most legitimate CB. Unlike the one you tried to cook up here based on nothing. Bend over and assume the position, we're coming.
  14. Maybe you should remove that walking trash pile, Bundy, and get some quality leadership in place? Or at least put something with greater intelligence than a potato in charge. You have at least a few options.
  15. Now you're starting to learn. Good boy. Sit, stay, now play dead.
  16. You cannot actually be this infallibly stupid. Or can you?
  17. Poor Ben, late to the table and forgotten like always.
  18. And when we do it, we have the balls to do it from our own AA. Go back to javahouse, WC. Irrelevant micros were much more your style than tryharding on the big boys stage.
  19. I would never join any alliance that you're in anyway, nor are you NG material. Try again, cupcake. Your insult fell kinda short of the mark.
  20. Probably too much of a deep dive for 2021 CN
  21. Also, since I didn't want this to get all lost in the high and mighty nonsense coming from Bundy, what was that again about moral high ground?
  22. Grub of course owned it, which is our point. The dumb!@#$s in charge of whatever is happening now are scrambling trying to come up with something that will plausibly stick. From ignoring their own NAP based on stolen screenshots provided by !@#$@#$ BEN HITCHCOCK to accusations of Lyanna and I watching the entire Fast and Furious series together on Discord (hanging out means we must be PLOTTING, right @Tevron?) The answers are all over the board. TAKE YOUR PICK BOYOS.
  23. We took note of your note and responded with actual statistics drawn from these things called real numbers produced by your trash alliance. Kindly seek the exit and crawl back in your hovel.
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