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Everything posted by Caustic

  1. ? I was happily retired and passed the torch. Sadly, some on your side don't seem to want to let me stay that way. People may come to regret that decision. See you soon 😘
  2. So let me get this straight. Hitchcock leaked some irrelevant logs from our internal members channel (not even our gov chan as he had no access) and CLAWS then sat on said logs since July? So CLAWS and RFI have violated the clause of our NAP regarding peaceful attempts at resolution of grievances, and they accepted stolen screenshots from a spy? Classy.
  3. No Salt here, hombre. I applaud you for coming clean.
  4. Nailed it, exactly what we were asking for. So you admit your "CB" is about as full of !@#$ as all ours were when we were doing the good work for NPO? Cool
  5. Pretty sure we're all still waiting on proof of said plot, but sure Spoiler, Lord Hitchcock spewing !@#$%^&* from the streetcorner is not proof. But I digress.
  6. We found the QAnon supporter, guys.
  7. We used to dump logs with CB's to actually prove intent, but like I said in my prior post. This is a pre-empt from RON/NPO against us for unknown reasons. It is what it is, CN at it's finest.
  8. Let's be real. There is no CB, just a vague allegation of "nefarious activity." The reality is that NPO/IRON saw our stat gains and slot usage and decided to pre-emptively hamstring us before we could become a problem someday in some vague future event. Idk. Nothing else plausible from where I'm sitting. Enjoy the nukes, we'll be at this as long as you want, just like last time
  9. Why would anyone do that in good faith only to repeat the cycle?
  10. Yo @AL Bundy, genuine curiosity. Did you ever follow through with clause 3? Or is this just an IRON/NPO led farce to never let NG grow again. Asking for a friend.
  11. Huh, I was happily asleep and retired. Ok then?
  12. I'm still waiting for Xiph to pay for our last wall.
  13. NinjaR was always preferable to you anyway.
  14. Considering your merry band of mongoloids for the last how many years? The precedent was set a while ago.
  15. Wasn't it you and your betters bawwwing about how my relentless wars were killing the planet? The irony here is amusing.
  16. Does it really? Sure, we tore !@#$ up in the past, but we never outright obfuscated peace or attempted to drive entire alliances out of the game. (MI6 not included.)
  17. So you emulated the multi tech, just with human bots paid for via distribution of illegal copyrighted material? Good to know. 🙄
  18. I was banned and never posted a single image to NPO discord. HMMMMMM...
  19. So let me get this straight. NG causes wars, which is bad for player retention according to NPO. NPO then engages in EZI and driving players out of the game. Standard Pacifica hypocrisy at it's finest.
  20. Victory at last, and a mindless hail to all the legends that joined the cause and spent their final days on Bob fighting alongside us.
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