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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. [center][IMG]http://i431.photobucket.com/albums/qq31/cduggan81d/SithGraphics/The_Combine_Flag-1.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i431.photobucket.com/albums/qq31/cduggan81d/SithGraphics/NSO_new-1.png[/IMG][/center] [font="Palatino Linotype"][size="3"][b]T[/b]he[b]S[/b]ith[b]C[/b]ombine[/size] [b]The Arrival[/b] In the dark undergrounds of the Sith Laboratories, their scientists had begun working on trans-dimensional portals. One night they got into the whiskey and spilt it all over the machines. While freaking out to clean it up, the machine had opened up a portal to another dimension. Out stepped the Overwatch Soldiers. They came onto an interesting sight of men in robes fighting over whiskey and waving laser swords. After a brief moment of silence between the two, the Sith offered them whiskey and from there - it was history. [b]Mutual Hatred[/b] In understanding that we tend to share a mutual hatred towards many others, New Sith Order and The Combine agree to not engage each other in war. [b]Gordon Freeman/Jedi[/b] Both alliances agree to inform the other should they come across any impending information that would threaten the security of the other. Should the Jedi be plotting to destroy the Sith, The Combine will inform the New Sith Order, and should Gordon Freeman start organizing a human resistance group, the New Sith Order will inform The Combine. [b]Technological Secrets[/b] A state of mutual respect between the two peoples level of technology has been achieved. Should either side disrespect this state and attempt to gain secrets illicitly this document will be annulled. A 24 hour truce will go into effect after annulment. [b]The Rebels[/b] Should the Rebels attack either signatory, the other is required if requested to bring the full might of its military to the defense of the other. Either by means of Star Destroyers or Inter-dimensional Portals, troops will be transported to the front line to defend the other regardless of the nature of the rebellion. [b]Crushing the Resistance[/b] Should one of the signatories engage in an action to crush a member of the Resistance, the other signatory has the right to support the other in their dream to bring an end to their enemies. It is not required for them to do so however. [b]Dimensional Lawyers[/b] Either Side reserves the right to use common sense and request that the signatory not being attacked to shut down their dimensional portal in support. The signatory not being attacked should take heed of this request, but is not required to act on it. [b]Portal Dismantling [/b] Should either side wish to permanently close their portals, reasons will be communicated in private, and the portals will remain open a further '01001000' hours to allow the various peoples to rejoin their dimension.[/font] / [b]The Combine[/b] [i]Overlord[/i] BloodFury [i]GLaDOS[/i] ObsidianSkies [i]The Conclave[/i] georgeguy Freiherr [b]New Sith Order[/b] Rayvon ~ Emperor Dilber ~ Dark Lord KirstenMichelle ~ Sith Lord Shirunei ~ Sith Lord WorldConqueror ~ Sith Lord [center][img]http://i431.photobucket.com/albums/qq31/cduggan81d/inprogress/NSOSeal-_-brotherhood3.png[/img][/center]
  2. Good luck in your battles, Hyrule. Inactivity is the silent killer.
  3. Awesome - I have a folder collection of flags for propaganda use, never thought of taking the time to resize them as emotes though. Can you add a distinctive note between old and new for NSO flags? You've got the old there already, here's the new. [img]http://images.wikia.com/cybernations/images/0/01/NSOWhite.png[/img]
  4. Viridian Entente: GWIII GCW UJW Hippy War Wolfpack War Ordo Recolitus: WotC Ordo Verde (OR merged with JCon): OV-USA NSO: 6m War NpPO Cluster$%&@ wars Incompetence Extravaganza
  5. [quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1331087121' post='2934863'] The trade offer remains on the table, gentlemen. [/quote] Certain entities would !@#$ bricks if they ever saw you on our AA, could be quite amusing
  6. [quote name='Sarmatian Empire' timestamp='1330788850' post='2932514'] So I assigned you all a number 1-5 and rolled a die and got a 6, so I did it again and got a 4. So congrats Cerridwyn! I have sent you your 50 tech. [/quote] You told me first roll was a 2
  7. [quote name='Reptyler' timestamp='1331045463' post='2934606'] Rayvon, the Sith deserve you. Please continue to wave the banner of the Sith in your bastion of dark-hearted cowardice so as to give us all the more reason to hunt you down. [/quote] Such words -- and [i]I'm[/i] accused of dragging my knuckles through the past. The Entente has no reason outside of lies to "hunt me down," nor do you have far to go. [img]http://imgc.allpostersimages.com/images/P-488-488-90/30/3068/OTYDF00Z/posters/happy-bunny-move-along.jpg[/img]
  8. They're a political force unto themselves, Prodigal Moon
  9. Good luck assimilating the new group in. Look forward to seeing you in embassy, Galvatron.
  10. [center][img]http://i431.photobucket.com/albums/qq31/cduggan81d/SithGraphics/NSO_old.png[/img][img]http://i431.photobucket.com/albums/qq31/cduggan81d/SithGraphics/NSO_new.png[/img] [img]http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/46/nsoannouncementbanner.png[/img][/center] [font="Palatino Linotype"][b]T[/b]oday, we celebrate the third birthday of the New Sith Order. However we celebrate with much on our minds. To last these past few years, under the circumstances we have, is more than most can do. Battling the odds, the critics, and even the coalitions while maintaining our community and body is without a doubt the most impressive feat I have seen in this world. [b]M[/b]y sole duty as sovereign lord is to lead our members to new frontiers. To carry the mantle to new heights. To build upon the foundation my predecessors left for me and to do it in the best way I know. It is with those principles in mind in which I defended friends, led our nations to war; and stayed away from one no matter how tempting [i]it[/i] was. [b]T[/b]hese three years have paved a windy road for us. A road that curved from the beginning and sees more than it's fair share of roadblocks. But a closer look reveals the auspicious lack of revisionism. The absence of attempting to cover tracks or past deeds speaks volumes about the nature of our alliance and encourages me like nothing else can. The path of the Sith is one of colour, contrast and clarity. [b]A[/b]s perhaps the most unapologetic but somehow still functioning entity, Our Order stands in a unique position in history. Only a handful can say the same. And yet their fortunes over time have been drastically different than ours. The New Sith Order has faced repeated betrayal, repeated abuse and repeated let downs. At the face of each; the Sith have stood our ground and persevered. [b]R[/b]esolute and defiant, we enter our fourth year. The spirit of the Sith lives on as strong as ever. On this day, we look to the future, while remembering the lessons of our past, and as Emperor of the New Sith Order I say to the cyberverse: We are here to stay. The strong will survive.[/font] [i]"So, are you ready? Are you ready to sacrifice yourself, your nation to gain every inch that will help us succeed? Prepare yourself. Grab the torch, raise the flag and begin the march towards power. Break your chains, set yourself free, get ready to enslave those who do not take the charge. For power makes right, and we are right. The strong will survive."[/i] ~ Imperator Emeritus [b]LintWad[/b] [i]"The New Sith Order will not die. This alliance will exist and succeed so long as we will it."[/i] ~ Imperator Emeritus [b]Heft[/b] [i]"We have stood strong after three years of merciless attacks and conflicts against those who want to take us down, stop us from spitting some wisdom, and shut us up once and for all. That !@#$ ain't happened yet. Our drive, determination and incomparable dedication to the cause is matched by !@#$@#$ no one. Three years and we are still here, $%^&@#s."[/i] ~ Imperator Emeritus [b]YouWish959[/b] [font="Palatino Linotype"]/ Rayvon ~ Emperor Dilber ~ Dark Lord Ivan Moldavi ~ Founder, Imperator Emeritus LintWad ~ Imperator Emeritus Heggo ~ Imperator Emeritus Heft ~ Imperator Emertius YouWish959 ~ Imperator Emeritus KirstenMichelle ~ Sith Lord Shirunei ~ Sith Lord WorldConqueror ~ Sith Lord Rabonnobar ~ Sith Master of Proliferations Cody Haner ~ Sith Master of Lies Duke Thero ~ Sith Master of Aggressive Negotiations SonicPluto ~ Sith Master of Propaganda & Indoctrination[/font] [center][img]http://i431.photobucket.com/albums/qq31/cduggan81d/inprogress/NSOSeal-_-brotherhood3.png[/img] [url=http://www.newsithorder.info]New Sith Order forums[/url] || #NSO@irc.ColdFront.net[/center]
  11. Quite pleasing to see. Certainly, considering the history, can understand STA's intents to 'Moldavi' in Polars favour if pushed; but ultimately free of the chains.
  12. Very nice Symphony and Colossus Too bad about that Auctor guy
  13. [quote name='Rogal Dorn' timestamp='1330064684' post='2927353'] brown -> white -> maroon -> white iirc [/quote] [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=97483]Indeed.[/url] It was 13 months ago we went to White.
  14. [quote name='New Frontier' timestamp='1330061559' post='2927310'] Maroon Sphere weeps, I'm sure. [/quote] They should.
  15. [center][img]http://images.wikia.com/cybernations/images/0/01/NSOWhite.png[/img] [img]http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/46/nsoannouncementbanner.png[/img][/center] With the turn of the new day, the Sith will be finding their way back home to the White Sphere and Terra Cotta. As shared in private, this includes our MEAT withdrawl. / Rayvon ~ Emperor Dilber ~ Dark Lord KirstenMichelle ~ Sith Lord Shirunei ~ Sith Lord WorldConqueror ~ Sith Lord [center][img]http://i431.photobucket.com/albums/qq31/cduggan81d/inprogress/NSOSeal-_-brotherhood3.png[/img][/center]
  16. Don't send out unsolicited, or not-agreed upon deals to other alliances' members without making arrangements with their Econ dept and this wouldn't be 'necessary'. [i]You're[/i] taking the [i]risk[/i] of [i]interjecting into another alliances business[/i] and slot usage.
  17. Kraken passed onto another world some time ago, a fine Econ officer he was
  18. [quote name='Daimos' timestamp='1329505668' post='2922709'] Demand some kind of rep from MK. I heard Archon would have given UPN just about anything if they asked. Could not hurt NSO to try? [/quote] We don't want their broken technologies or counterfit Dongs
  19. [quote name='lord bitburg' timestamp='1328551729' post='2915502'] MONGOLS will repel all boarders. [/quote] Occupy MONGOLS
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