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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. [quote name='Baltus' timestamp='1322920316' post='2860607'] FAN has one goal, and they will do whatever necessary to maintain it. [/quote] A true bastion of consistency. Many could learn.
  2. [quote][00:34] <@SurenGal[Away]> "We follow TOP" - that's all I read in that whole thing .... Good for you FARK. Good to know your place.[/quote] Enjoy Pacifica o/
  3. [quote name='green muffins' timestamp='1322813960' post='2859233'] looks like nso is in trying times too, they have two people with opposite opinions about an alliance [/quote] Holy balls of Admin .. Two people on the same AA with different opinions of Xippy. (one has a longer history around him than the other ... Just sayin ... )
  4. Lack of disbandment notice in this declaration is disheartening.
  5. [quote name='Jacapo Saladin' timestamp='1320772785' post='2841697'] You got your alliance smoked in a war by legion, yeah youwish you were pretty much the worst emperor yet. [/quote] I guess I'll have to try hard to better impress you.
  6. [center][img]http://images.wikia.com/cybernations/images/0/01/NSOWhite.png[/img][/center] [center][img]http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/46/nsoannouncementbanner.png[/img][/center] At the very heart of all NSO's ideal is change. Frequent moves to enhance and improve the way the world and it's inhabitants live has always been it's goal. The NSO has always operated differently than most, believing it true that no one man should reign supreme for more time than he believes necessary. Emperor Youwish ascended to the throne in the Spring, a fitting season for a time in which our Order was once again rebuilding itself from the chaos of war. In his first day as Emperor he promised that while under his rule the NSO would operate differently than it previously had, it's core ideals would not be touched. The ideals of a third way within our realm or the absolute refusal to disregard an allies plea for help would remain intact all while bringing his alliance to new heights both at home and abroad. After personally spearheading a collage of projects, his goals and promises were realized. New friends were made, new pacts formed, a robust economy built. And at the end of our war, our allies were not abandoned. His time as Emperor marked a time in which bonds that do not expect to be broken for a long time were forged and with this in mind, Emperor Youwish saw his time at the helm coming to an end. With the spreading of the next great lie, Imperator Emeritus YouWish has chosen ascension through the darkness to realms beyond. His presence amongst the Brotherhood will be missed, we wish him well. [font="Palatino Linotype"][size="3"][b]As per his parting decree, the new dawn will see myself on point to serve and lead the Brotherhood. To carry on our traditions and ideals, as Emperor of the New Sith Order.[/b][/size][/font] o/ Imperator Emeritus YouWish959 o/ [b]N[/b]ew [b]S[/b]ith [b]O[/b]rder [center][IMG]http://i431.photobucket.com/albums/qq31/cduggan81d/inprogress/NSOSeal-_-brotherhood3.png[/IMG][/center] [url="http://www.newsithorder.info"]www.NewSithOrder.info[/url] #NSO@ColdFront.net [url="http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/New_Sith_Order"]Sith Wiki[/url]
  7. [quote name='Immerael' timestamp='1320611784' post='2840491'] o/ Peace I'd like to give props to Rayvon of NSO Griff of NSO Dane0 of Tetris I had several several wars this time around and you three were the only ones who gave me a hard time. Made this war a lot of fun, best of luck in the future to all of you. [/quote] Your air force was the first to offer resistance .. It was a fun back-n-forth [quote name='Lord Levistus' timestamp='1320612548' post='2840504'] NSO has never lost a war, didn't you know? They're undefeated, the greatest military in the cyberverse. The world could be ripped to shreds around them and NSO would be standing strong on the smoldering bodies of their allies. Coalition defeat, NSO "Strategic Victory" [/quote] We're not always the most destructive, but we [i]always[/i] achieve what we set out for. [quote name='Heft' timestamp='1320614744' post='2840569'] Legion has earned more respect in this war. Whatever else any of us may say about them, they displayed a greater willingness and ability to seize opportunities than many, many other alliances over the last month, and, for that matter, a greater fortitude in the face of uncertainty. So props to them for that. The NSO didn't win and you won't see anyone from NSO seriously claiming we did, but I am still proud of our performance over the last month, given everything that we had to put up with. And finally, this had nothing to do with MK/VE's little stunt the other night - both side were already well on the path to this resolution by then. Just to be clear. [/quote] Wise words of a former Emperor [quote name='White Chocolate' timestamp='1320621915' post='2840666'] But that wasn't what happened. The Legion-NSO "peace" was agreed to under duress to both parties. Thus it isn't any sort of a military victory for either Legion OR NSO, in my opinion. [/quote] Alexander and I were already in discussion of another meeting prior to the surprise MK/VE announcement, and I'd like to believe that we carried that meeting out exactly as intended regardless of the unnecessary 3rd party involvement. [quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1320627341' post='2840732'] All !@#$%^&*ting aside, I could see this as a strategic victory for NSO since their strategy was to not to surrender and they didn't. [/quote] First thing you've said this war that made sense [quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1320630828' post='2840762'] If we were really blue-balled, we would have just declared war on them. I'm glad to see this, Tetris has their peace and can rebuild, NSO and Legion can shrink back into britches that fit a little better, and the world can move on. [/quote] Tried to fit in to your britches, but they were a bit too dirty for my liking.
  8. [quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1320520020' post='2839741'] a few prominent members were ousted for multies [/quote] [i]One[/i], and finally.
  9. [quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1320483094' post='2839503'] Yea man, keeping up the arrogant attitude is definitely warranted, since you guys always have a one up on everyone. It's why you do so well. Strategic victory incoming? [/quote] Actually yeah ... But, I think I've changed my mind. Just to watch you go forward with this little endeavour. Tetris and Legion can thank you later for your strong support in seeing an end to this.
  10. [quote name='Lincongrad' timestamp='1320482194' post='2839500'] I'm puzzled as to what leverage VE/MK intend to use on NSO. [/quote] Me too. Especially when they're essentially clueless to what's going on.
  11. Voted no ..... We have some rebuilding to do before they go anywhere
  12. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1320276277' post='2837253'] If a nation called Germany already had plans to attack another nation called the USA, then the USA giving assistance to someone already under attack by Germany would be defensive. Although I'm not sure of the nations and history you speak of, [b]as none of that occurred in this world as far as I know.[/b] [/quote] Close - it was at the alliance level that USA got declared on - http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=43888
  13. When this line of conversation is done, does someone wanna give me a rundown of the stats again?
  14. [quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1320173684' post='2836588'] I don't think its that people don't recruit anymore, I think people are much more selective with their recruitment process. There aren't alliances that just let people in for posting an application anymore, everyone wants new members to read guides and take quizzes and stuff... While that is good for the alliance, its really too much work for most people just jumping on a browser based game. So they stay on the none AA, get raided by someone much stronger (or bored because there isn't much to do in-game) and quit. I think we should have all nations automatically have an IRC window open and put them on #cybernations on coldfront. Theres already a link for it on the left hand page, its just really hard to find. Or, like we used to do on myspace/forums, have that "ChatBox" thing that every nation can post in and it just stays there... like some sort of lobby for people on CN. It would make recruitment easier and get people more involved from the get-go. [/quote] We actively recruit, we probably get between 5 and 20 new recruits on average per week -- but only 2 or 3 often find their way out of the academy each month .. The chatboxes are too restricting in the amount of messages it displays at once, becomes a whole other area of clicking around and digging just like the OWF - when you have 1000s (ideally for your idea to go anywhere, it'd have to be believed there'd be a large amount of use of it) using it .... But then, it also just becomes another tool to be oppressed and restricted like senate messaging .. More player imposed rules and precedences which slow the game down - and then it fades into the background like everything else .......
  15. [quote name='sir pwnage' timestamp='1320190819' post='2836783'] I don't care who you are, I don't care if you give it a fancy name and call it a Doctrine, and I don't care if you threaten to have RoK roll me. That's still a load of foul smelling pond muck. [/quote] Aw shucks. Well - back to the drawing board I guess
  16. [quote name='Heft' timestamp='1320184712' post='2836718'] Is this real? Are you serious? Holy god are you that dumb? [/quote] Legion should thank Admin for his disclaimer .. "please dont claim anything of the sort of me posting for Legion because we are somehow indirectly allied, i think there's something like 7 chains there?"
  17. [quote name='Tank4ever' timestamp='1320180427' post='2836685'] ok so since you said summarize half the arguments before these logs as "yadda yadda", you are basically saying that planning our defense for a threat before hand makes us the aggressors ?? [/quote] Yes. You're not allowed to strategize your defense before the first punch is thrown. Strategy is for the declarer only.
  18. [quote name='Flonker' timestamp='1320178785' post='2836658'] [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=105760]Um, no[/url]. But thank you for playing. [/quote] "The New Sith Order hereby declares war on the Legion [b]in accordance with[/b] The Good Stuff of Hereno's Fictional Penis." But thank you for playing.
  19. [quote name='Rayvon' timestamp='1320151478' post='2836407'] They haven't earned enough of a victory to stand over top of us and piss on us without a foot to come up the side of their head. There's still plenty of fight in us, we are not defeated. Pride be damned, we just won't lie to 'save our skin'. We won't admit defeat when we aren't truly defeated. [/quote] [quote name='Fallen Fool' timestamp='1320172206' post='2836567'] Are you NSO government? [/quote] He is not, but I am.
  20. [quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1320134560' post='2836347'] [b]Legion is trying hard to turn this from what most would view as a good, hard fought victory by just giving straight up white peace now into a horrific nightmarish defeat for itself and their allies[/b] if they keep up their line of making NSO admit defeat.....it's almost painful to watch. Get while the getting is good Legion. There is nowhere to go but down from here...trust me. You will do one of two things if you try to stay this course...you will eventually give the white peace and then you will look like you caved...or... NSO's allies will eventually join ending all hope of any kind of victory for you. You need to realize this now because when it all does go down no one will have any sympathy for you because quite frankly most will view it as you having brought it upon yourselves. [/quote] Indeed it is ... I've been watching this go on all night and keeping quiet. Admin knows we've got enough people posting horribly right now. Some keep going on about Legion's great terms, and their generosity and good will (with rare occasions like yours pointing out 'reality' as is also being tossed frequently) .. We should just take this 'white peace' from Legion and move on .. We should offer words of wrongdoing etc etc and the great sleeping giant will be merciful blah blah blah .. [spoiler][quote]Oct 27 23:35:02 <Lowgain> Well, we would be willing to offer an admission of wrong doing or something. [b]Oct 27 23:35:36 <killer04|Legion|MoD> We are not looking for any sort of admission of wrong doing, apology, or what ever you want to call it.[/b] Oct 27 23:35:45 <Randalla[Apparatus]> why not? Oct 27 23:35:51 <killer04|Legion|MoD> Just something like "Tetris surrenders to The Legion" Oct 27 23:36:04 <Ernie[AppD]> what does that accomplish? Oct 27 23:36:06 <youwish959> And what purpose does that serve? Oct 27 23:36:38 <killer04|Legion|MoD> They were the ones that leaked the information, they offered things before the war started but never delievered or got in contact with us again with an update Oct 27 23:37:07 <youwish959> Would they have been adequate prior to the war? Oct 27 23:37:16 <BobIlyani> and what does a surrender accomplish that an admission of wrongdoing does not, in that case? Oct 27 23:37:43 <Randalla[Apparatus]> You would rather have it said, "We surrender" instead of, "we posted questionable material, we're sorry"? Oct 27 23:38:09 <killer04|Legion|MoD> I cant really say whether it would have been adequate prior, I know that we were waiting to hear back from them and waiting to see the things happened that they offered[/quote] [quote]Oct 27 23:42:02 <Randalla[Apparatus]> [b]Tetris representative has offered to post an apology[/b], if I understood him correctly. That to me is a step from them. Oct 27 23:42:16 <Heft> It is difficult to have a discussion if you refuse to say anything other than "surrender' Oct 27 23:42:31 <killer04|Legion|MoD> A step that was offered before the war started, but was never given Oct 27 23:43:12 <MaximillianThorton> dajobo, why is it not a stalemate? could i please have some stats, if it's not too much trouble? [b]Oct 27 23:43:20 <youwish959> <killer04|Legion|MoD> A step that was offered before the war started, but was never given <<< Did you ever attempt to get in touch with Tetris? Oct 27 23:43:39 <killer04|Legion|MoD> Good night everyone[/b] Oct 27 23:43:43 <Heft> I'd rather avoid going down the rabbit hole of competing statistics Oct 27 23:43:48 <Dajobo|NpO|> Max I don't have time to hunt stats Oct 27 23:44:04 <Heft> killer04|Legion|MoD, did you come here to talk or not? Oct 27 23:44:28 <MaximillianThorton> alright, fine by me. just thought i'd get a feel for this {Legion Representative walks out, Dajobo continues for a little longer} [b]Oct 27 23:44:39 <killer04|Legion|MoD> Our stance still has not chaned, and thats the end of it for now[/b] Oct 27 23:44:42 <-- killer04|Legion|MoD (killer0404@coldfront-F5A44627.tx.res.rr.com) has left #paintedclay[/quote] [quote]Oct 30 19:33:55 <Heft> So a peace that mentions neither surrender nor white peace? Oct 30 19:34:12 <Alexander[Proconsul]> correct it would state a conditional peace. Oct 30 19:34:18 <Heft> What is a conditional peace? Oct 30 19:35:34 <Alexander[Proconsul]> just peace with conditions, ie. NSO does hereby accept the offer of Conditional Peace from the Legion and agrees to leave the field of battle. Oct 30 19:36:22 <Alexander[Proconsul]> most of my terms are from geopolotical/NATO roots so if I say something that comes off weird or has very different CN meanings let me know. Oct 30 19:37:58 <Heft> How about simply "The NSO and Legion agree to exit the field of battle"? Oct 30 19:38:15 <Alexander[Proconsul]> thats the difference.. that white peace. Oct 30 19:39:19 <Heft> I suppose Oct 30 19:40:09 <Alexander[Proconsul]> One reads as a joint agreement one does not. Oct 30 19:40:20 <Heft> Yes Oct 30 19:42:01 <Heft> A joint agreement would be appropriate, in our view. Oct 30 19:42:16 <Alexander[Proconsul]> not in ours though[/quote][/spoiler] They haven't earned enough of a victory to stand over top of us and piss on us without a foot to come up the side of their head. There's still plenty of fight in us, we are not defeated. Pride be damned, we just won't lie to 'save our skin'. We won't admit defeat when we aren't truly defeated. Edit: Precious feelings
  21. Congrats on 3 years guys Supa, TiTan, MyWorld Yeah - you too GO
  22. Good luck to the fallen in your new homes.
  23. [quote name='GoddessOfLinn' timestamp='1319984910' post='2835017'] He only need to look at the terms NSO accepted after the 6 Million Dollar War. Thoose was fair terms and we ask for much less. [/quote] Your gov should probably look at those terms and our current state with particular co-inhabitants of our fine coloured domain. Somewhere they seem to have developed the silly notion that 'surrender' will prevent us from knocking on your door in several months. How was that phrased? Something about slapping a kids hand for taking a cookie or some stupid !@#$ will make one think twice? Think about who the kid is before you do this. [quote name='kolsara' timestamp='1319994210' post='2835075'] We did go to war with tetris for the reasons in our DOW, posting images lifted from our private forums. We didn't declare on NSO as we had no proof at the time of var spying however we did have proof of tetris posting the images to the world stage. [/quote] And you still have no proof of him spying, you have proof, by way of his word, of him passing along said screens from a Legion source. [quote name='RegentPancras' timestamp='1319997350' post='2835112'] Er, no. I pointed out that your contention that the screen shots had been circulating "for many months" was a lie, because [b]one[/b] of the screen shots was only four days old. [/quote] [quote name='Lusitan' timestamp='1320009534' post='2835206'] Just as much as you and your allies operated under the assumption that the sum of you was more competent than Legion? [/quote] Who's assuming? It's a fact.
  24. [quote name='Jens of the desert' timestamp='1320001007' post='2835145'] I wouldn't like us if I were you. [/quote] I tried not to, but that damned Elrich Good luck to both of you after this.
  25. [quote name='Aeros' timestamp='1319812218' post='2833586'] Now it seems NSO will be in need of more then just money from their allies. Should be interesting to see how this plays out. [/quote] Should take this opportunity to grab a fresh bag of popcorn - you're gonna need it
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