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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. [quote name='Scorponok' timestamp='1328192832' post='2913148'] But we are much further away from Polar, than people tend to think. [/quote] Not quite far enough TIO congrats and good luck
  2. [quote name='Leet Guy' timestamp='1328041325' post='2911692'] KK has continued her nuclear assault against the Mushroom Kingdom and has hereby been placed on our Goomba List. I would also strongly advise against aiding a nation at war with my alliance. [/quote] Where's Heft when we need him ............
  3. [quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1328036115' post='2911614']I do however find your legalistic argument for not wanting to recognize the new government interesting though and I ponder if in fact it is the only reason, beyond not wanting to run afoul of MK of course.[/quote] Pretty much, yeah. NSO is an alliance that heralds and adores coups. Our Challenge System, our entire basis for ascension, is a controlled coup-like process. Seeking out support that you're the better option, [i]pointing out and identifying situations where the Challenged could have done better and how the Challenger feels they would have done better[/i] and convincing the membership that you deserve the position more than the person who holds it (and more, that's a very light overview). Adel isn't really as bad as many in this thread are making her out to be - however she is fairly inexperienced at this level of government, and doesn't seem to be receiving proper assistance in-house on what they should be doing to rectify their situation. Adel left the NSO-RoK gov channel a day or two prior to me receiving word via text message from my Dark Lord Dilber about how their Gov went nuts; Bob and Joe were banned; etc. At that point, with the government that was doing the overthrowing having left us only with that which they were looking to get rid of - the only choice I can make is that the legitimate government is that which I signed the treaty with and still remained in contact with me was in fact THE rightful (yes, KK's name appears on the treaty however that was nothing more than an internal RoK thing, she had ZERO to do with relations between us and would have actually sent things quite the opposite if she was involved). Wasn't till after she (Adel) was already Empress that I heard back from her, and by that point it was pretty clear how things were gonna go - I informed her there was nothing that could be done at that point to reverse my decision. Yes they most definitely had a large amount of priority tasks in-house to look at; but contacting allies for support and letting them know what's up should have also been right up in the top 3 tasks - not an afterthought. As far as MK goes, we have a decent reciprocated relationship with them - but not at any point did they play into our decision. (and as amusing as I found [i]some[/i] of it to be, the OOC incidents involved in all this had zero impact either)
  4. [quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1328030738' post='2911574'] You're missing the point. An AA is only worth something if there are people on it. Since the membership of Ragnarok proclaimed Adel to be their Empress, the people are hers. So in reality if Joe Stupid wants to live up to his name and actually try to claim ownership of the AA, then he controls an AA of one (himself) and only has himself to boss around. If Ragnarok's allies would rather not associate with an AA of one, then he's a free raid target. The civilized thing to do is to move on and do better someplace else. [/quote] The bigger point is how his and Emperor Bob's power was removed. The path that lead to an Adel ran Ragnarok. And the fatal error of postponing discussions with MK due to their lack of priority. That process is what, in my case anyways, really what led me to want to cancel. I would have offered more support to Adel, had the route been more proper. If they had a disagreement with how Emperor Bob Illyani made his mind up, then fine. As an Emperor, I can't respect a system where an admin can overthrow it's Government through an abuse of power and retain power simply because they disagree with a decision. There's better ways to go about this.
  5. [quote name='mrwuss' timestamp='1327998593' post='2911456'] You are going to get your alliance rolled with your pitiful attitude. If you can't approach the public in a gracious manner then stop addressing the public. Your alliance is currently in a rocky state which will feed the sharks, stop smacking your ore in the water. The subject doesn't matter in the least. NATO is not going to scare anyone off. Just stop replying to the thread and walk away. Your current leader, no matter who it is, needs to reign in the fools before someone just gets tired of the constant quips. This will be the last time I make a serious post on this forum, take good advice when it is offered. Pride is a dangerous thing. [/quote] I'd listen to this man. [quote name='Lenny N Karl' timestamp='1328017298' post='2911510'] Berbs, please state your opinion about a matter in a more respectful manner about those you consider the opposition next time. It is not the NATO way to stoop to such demeaning and unprofessional insults. The bad gains respect through imitation, the good loses it. [/quote] I'd say Berbers has been the most respectful poster from both the NATO and defacto RoK camps thus far.
  6. [quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1327976622' post='2911159'] Im almost 18 Back on topic, basically all of this was an alliance with no business in the internal situations of another alliance poking its nose in and getting mad when there is a reaction. [/quote] Indeed - RoK shouldn't be telling MK what AA's they can associate and condone.
  7. [quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1327967720' post='2910990'] You are arguing that every member can be claimed as a member of an alliance even if they do not officially hold the alliance affiliation. It would be as if Xiphosis rescinded his GOD AA to hit TOP and you held GOD accountable.[/quote] The difference is a rescinding. They're making a name change on activity. MK members did not rescind their membership, they engaged in MK activities in a different uniform.
  8. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1327949479' post='2910724'] If I get locked out of CoJ's forum tomorrow, I can do two things: I can assert my authority, or I can walk into the sunset.[/quote] What about the third option, ragequit? I'd give my first born to see that.
  9. [quote name='Da DreadLord' timestamp='1327947904' post='2910707'] So you're saying he was ghosting RoK for a while. [/quote] That would have been a decision left up to the illegitimate government.
  10. At Bob's request due to a temporary ban: [quote]For a little clarification: The Fark treaty was cancelled on RoK’s behalf shortly into my admittedly brief term as Emperor. Afterwards, the GO treaty was cancelled by my government. After my violent and unlawful expulsion from the government and the alliance, I approached both Nordreich and the New Sith Order and spoke with both parties, and they agreed that neither viewed the change in government as legitimate or proper, and both promptly decided to cancel their individual treaties with Ragnarok. Hear that? For clarification, [b]both the NoR and NSO treaties with Ragnarok were cancelled last night in protest to recent political movements within Ragnarok.[/b] At this point I’d like to thank KaitlinK and Van Hoo III for making the remarkably cunning decision to forcibly remove me and my Regent from power. I’m sure you will value this decision in the coming weeks as much as you valued it a few nights ago. Bob Ilyani[/quote]
  11. [quote name='berbers' timestamp='1327864608' post='2909633'] Wasn't there a whole mega deal about GATO cancelling on NSO when it got rolled, like "wait until after the war before cancelling", etc, etc. Not that I care, but seems a bit weird. [/quote] Timing. As it sits, it's just a lot of hearsay about the attacks pending on RoK. There's no active DoWs, nothing. And we, as has been stated, have no desire to continue to work with them or wait for such events to happen. When GATO cancelled, iirc to those hazy days gone past, there was already a posted DoW.
  12. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1327861847' post='2909565'] The current Empress was Lord of IA when you signed, Kait was Empress when you signed. Bob and Joe went insane and sent packing. If anything, this is a return to the government that NSO signed with. [/quote] Well by all means, just me hit the backspace a few times ...... Done. Cancellation rescinded due to clerical error.
  13. [quote name='Biff Webster' timestamp='1327861147' post='2909551'] I figured you guys would appreciate a challenge system. [/quote] A challenge system, yes indeed. Not a challenge[i]d[/i] system tho.
  14. Try our page .. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=105628
  15. [center][img]http://images.wikia.com/cybernations/images/0/01/NSOWhite.png[/img] [img]http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/46/nsoannouncementbanner.png[/img][/center] Last night the New Sith Orders intentions to cancel the 50 Cent Treaty were passed in private. Three hours prior to Days End on January 31, 2012 the seventy-two (72) hour period will expire. [quote]Article V The above articles will remain in effect for 72 hours after breaking up.[/quote] / Rayvon ~ Emperor Dilber ~ Dark Lord KirstenMichelle ~ Sith Lord Shirunei ~ Sith Lord WorldConqueror ~ Sith Lord [center][img]http://i431.photobucket.com/albums/qq31/cduggan81d/inprogress/NSOSeal-_-brotherhood3.png[/img][/center]
  16. [quote name='Evella Vada' timestamp='1327272339' post='2905002'] C.) We [b]outperformed[/b] them because we kept a decent amount of members on their IRC channel close to 7 in our Embassy. [/quote] When you take FA in a competitive state like that you've already failed. Leave that to the meatheads in Mil
  17. [quote name='Supa_Troop3r' timestamp='1326929150' post='2902455'] Admin, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing by having Auinur as gov. [/quote] What's worse, I see a Corey name in thar Congrats on the gov changes Templars.
  18. [center][img]http://images.wikia.com/cybernations/images/0/01/NSOWhite.png[/img] [img]http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/46/nsoannouncementbanner.png[/img][/center] Tumultuous times often give way to new relationships, new avenues of growth and development, and ends of old ways. Events of recent have brought about a new relationship between Government and Membership of Legacy and the New Sith Order. To make official the new found friendship, we come together to present: [quote][center][img]http://i431.photobucket.com/albums/qq31/cduggan81d/inprogress/KingAdasLegacy3.png[/img] [font="Book Antiqua"][size="3"][b]Sith'ari[/b] - King Adas united the Sith into an empire, establishing peace, spreading intelligence, and occassionally aid throughout the new empire. Legacy and NSO respect King Adas and have established our own peace, intelligence, and aid rules in his honor. [b]Vexok savaka[/b] - Legacy and NSO have established mutual defense and optional aggression clauses in an effort to help drive out the Rakata invaders. [b]Zhol kash dinora, Ja'ak[/b] - If our new empire decides to implode, as it did after King Adas died, it must wait 72 hours before doing so.[/size][/font] [i]/ Signed /[/i] [color="#008000"][b]Legacy[/b][/color] Sarmatian Empire ~ Lord Master Conservative ~ Regent Spartacus ~ Master of Foreign Affairs [b]New Sith Order[/b] Rayvon ~ Emperor Dilber ~ Dark Lord Anthony ~ Sith Lord KirstenMichelle ~ Sith Lord WorldConqueror ~ Sith Lord [/center][/quote] In time honoured tradition of our friends in Legacy, here's a cake for you: [img]http://www.wilton.com/img/pig-cake-main.jpg[/img]
  19. Oh dear admin ... You didn't ... o/ Hereno
  20. Self-important blowhards ITT No $%&@in clue who ya are TGE, but forget the rest of them. Do [i]your[/i] !@#$, and run [i]your[/i] show.
  21. Good luck Yevgeni, still getting ours back in shape too.
  22. He doesn't look tyrannical enough to push our tech dept, Judge
  23. Of course - cause any posted announcement during a time of war that doesn't contain a DoW is a fake DoW
  24. [center][img]http://images.wikia.com/cybernations/images/0/01/NSOWhite.png[/img] [img]http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/46/nsoannouncementbanner.png[/img][/center] [font="Book Antiqua"][size="3"][b]A[/b]s you all have been busy scorching the earth, the Sith have been without forums for a couple days now. [b]A[/b]s of yesterday, we are back up and running. [b]A[/b]ll foreign dignitaries will be required to re-register on the new boards.[/size][/font] [center]http://www.newsithorder.info/forums/ [color="#8B0000"][size="4"][font="Book Antiqua"][b]N[/b]o - not skinned yet. Suffer.[/font][/size][/color] [font="Book Antiqua"][i][b]S[/b]ome kinks with masking and permissions are still being ironed out, we'll have them repaired as we come across them.[/i][/font] [img]http://i431.photobucket.com/albums/qq31/cduggan81d/inprogress/NSOSeal-_-brotherhood3.png[/img][/center] [center][font="Book Antiqua"][b]T[/b]o all our friends in combat, we wish we could be there too ~ our envy is with you. Save something for us. [/font][/center]
  25. Do not accept. This promotes distraction from embassy. Have at em TIO - and happy hunting. Leave the beer, it's not as great as they claim
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