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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. [quote name='Scorponok' timestamp='1352757791' post='3051527'] Oh shush you. [/quote] We need to chat. [quote name='Katy Perry' timestamp='1352757906' post='3051530'] One day, friend [/quote] Perhaps again .... Will have to have a little chat with Brehon
  2. I'm almost jealous Good to see you two finally signing this
  3. Oasis ~ Oct 2006 - Jan 2007 [GenMem, Chancellor, Alumni Council] * Viridian Entente ~ Jan 2007 - May 2007 [GenMem, Minister of Finance] * Royal Dominion ~ May(June?) 2007 - Sept 2007 [Minister of FA] * Viridian Entente ~ Sept 2007 - May 2008 [Minister of FA / Lord] Darwin Alliance ~ 2 weeks [GenMem ~ War Council] ** Ordo Recolitus/Verde ~ June 2008 - April 2009 [GenMem, Minister of FA] -- into the abyss of RL -- * Viridian Entente ~ November 2009 - December 09/January 2010 [Minister of Awesome] ** Selucid ~ sat on 2man Selucid AA with KingAlexanderIV from when we left VE while founding Symphony ** Symphony ~ May 2010 - August 2010 [Founder, Quadrumvir of FA] New Sith Order ~ August 2010 - present [GenMem, Marauder/Master of Propaganda & Indoctrination, Marauder/Master of Lies, Sith Lord, Dark Lord, Emperor] * - directly associated ** - with other members of/from Viridian Entente ** edit: fixed dates in the second half .. Dates were off by a year ..
  4. [quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1352581813' post='3050834'] when you accept the protection of an alliance, you sacrifice the right to be a complete ass hat without being spoken to. [/quote] So sacrifice it already ......
  5. [quote name='Jemmm' timestamp='1352567888' post='3050781']In order to join Troll Order you must be invited along with expanding relations with Troll Order you must be invited.[/quote] Sounds like a par-tay [img]http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2011/images/08/15/t1larg.stood.up.jpg[/img]
  6. [quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1351133031' post='3045001'] I have bad history with NSO but it was more of a joke than anything. [/quote] Your "bad history," princess, is nothing more than running your mouth in a forum thread about a topic you have no clue about. Trying to explain it to me and Joe ... JOE .. Just shows you [i]still[/i] don't get it. Now if you're done, this can get back to being more about Conglomerate and a little less about thier protectors.
  7. [quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1351128039' post='3044979'] This isn't from Kaskus, I think yo know what I am talking about. [/quote] I don't think I do, I think this [i]is[/i] from Kaskus
  8. [quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1351126875' post='3044971'] [size=3]Allies of NSO? Heh..good luck with that[/size]. [/quote] Luck? None needed. They just gotta avoid going full retard.
  9. [center][img]http://i431.photobucket.com/albums/qq31/cduggan81d/inprogress/NSO_draft_bod.png[/img][/center] As of this day, October 24, 2012, New Sith Order will be overseeing protectection of this fine, infantile alliance. We wish them well in their trails. / Rayvon, Emperor of the New Sith Order Dilber, Dark Lord of the New Sith Order Joe Stupid, Sith Lord rabonnobar, Sith Lord
  10. [quote name='Auctor' timestamp='1350992770' post='3044475'] [center][img]http://img560.imageshack.us/img560/3752/bestnarrow.png[/img][/center] [center][size=7][font=times new roman,times,serif]I can promise you it will set a new standard in this realm for what it means to be "let down".[/font][/size][/center] [/quote] Gonna pan down? Next birthday they'll drop
  11. [quote name='Heft' timestamp='1350533378' post='3042409'] I can't settle down, the only thing I have left is my smoldering resentment for, well, everyone. Without that, who am I? [/quote] Let the hate flow through you, dear Emeritus.
  12. [quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1350099486' post='3040932'] We no longer have official ties [/quote] Best post of the thread.
  13. [quote name='Varianz' timestamp='1350093136' post='3040883'] I'm still not clear why this required the original 30 day notice, but damn, nice OPSEC guys. Have fun Pacifica. [/quote] If you want a decent test, give it time. Anyone can hold their tongue for a couple days or a week -- but 4 weeks? For the largest talked about event in current happening.
  14. [quote name='Phaedron' timestamp='1350078521' post='3040814'] Pacifica would have attracted this much attention without the 30 days notice. [b]All the 30 days notice accomplished was forcing a few alliances into the uncomfortable position of signing new treaties and breaking old ones (more over the past 30 days than usual) *just in case* Pacifica was really prepared to roll someone they didn't like.[/b] Pacfica: If you really want to CHANGE things, you'll do a heck of a lot more than spending 30 days prepping for wargames. I liked the OP. I'm liking Pacificans more and more these days... heck, we just lost our new Professor to you guys. Just come on... do more. I know you can. I want you to. So do many many others. As it is, this is an opportunity for our good friends and allies in Sparta to gain valuable simulated wartime experience with an implacable foe, so I salute them for being part of them. o/ Sparta [/quote] Which treaties are these 'more than usual' ?
  15. [quote name='Supa_Troop3r' timestamp='1350064386' post='3040677'] you so funny, rayvon [/quote] I do my best.
  16. [quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1350015202' post='3040379'] Wait elections? I thought this was another forum [s]switch[/s].... [/quote] Crash. Congrats on the lineup .. Except that SCM fellow ..
  17. [quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1349912199' post='3039634'] NSOs been quiet recently. [/quote] Yes. We have.
  18. [quote name='Biff Webster' timestamp='1349887781' post='3039460'] Do you or anyone else have to fish so deep for something bad to say about the GPA? [/quote] Rememer that time that Valid was leader .......... [img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_IVSH4TuofIM/SqS_0c2kkgI/AAAAAAAACIw/Di3OBtjikKs/s320/deep_sea_fishing.jpg[/img]
  19. [quote name='Stewie' timestamp='1349863118' post='3039397'] oh, my bad, I joked about Non Grata hitting GPA last night... oops [/quote] Following a signage with their favourite neutral raiders ........... <3 GPA Bring on the rain, Brehon. We're all ready.
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