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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. [quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1355010161' post='3061948'] Session Start: Fri Dec 07 10:16:06 2012 Session Ident: Isaac[K|MoFA] [11:35] <UnknownSmurf> Yo [11:35] <UnknownSmurf> Whats the deal with NSO? [11:36] <Isaac[K|MoFA]> they are ass holes [11:36] <Isaac[K|MoFA]> basically [11:36] <Isaac[K|MoFA]> [11:36] <Isaac[K|MoFA]> I never liked Rayvonn [11:36] <UnknownSmurf> What are they trying to do? [11:37] <Isaac[K|MoFA]> They said the situation is settled [11:37] <Isaac[K|MoFA]> but they are being ass holes about it <snip> I'm not sure if you are delusional or being intentionally obtuse. NSO was anything but nice in discussions; I read all of them. [/quote] *** R = Caparo for those not familiar with him on IRC [quote][11:20] <R> until you write us a formal letter regarding Unknown_Smurf you have no valid CB [11:20] <R> until then any attack on him is an attack on us. 01[11:23] <Rayvon[NSO]> Chest thumping on an already handled situation? Do you feel like you're accomplishing something? 01[11:23] <Rayvon[NSO]> Piss off. [11:23] <R> you want unknown Smurf [11:23] <R> give me a reason why [11:24] <R> i am the Emperor Of Kaskus. I have as much role in this as you 01[11:24] <Rayvon[NSO]> [09:41:30] <Rayvon[NSO]> If I was intersted in discussing the issue, it'd be with my allies and not Kaskus. However, I already nixed the ideas of hitting Smurf. But if you'd like to offer another apology, I just might be willing to change my mind. [11:24] <R> yes i just received that [11:24] <R> sorry 01[11:24] <Rayvon[NSO]> Now, what more is there to say? [11:24] <R> i would like to change my first sentence then[/quote] When I told him to piss off? No, I wasn't too nice. Everything was already settled and would have blown off with the wind had they not come and poked. But if they understand that you are the reason for it all, perhaps Caparo will realize it's not worth the continued hassle. Doesn't change the fact you're trying to toss them under a bus
  2. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1355018528' post='3061983'] If there is a member of TIO who did most of the work getting them sanctioned and coming up with their design,he would be a strong candidate for player of the year, but player of year by design focuses on the individual rather than all their supporters. [/quote] Scorponok
  3. [quote name='Max Power' timestamp='1355014757' post='3061973'] People really aren't giving enough credit to TIO for grabbing that sanction spot out of nowhere. [/quote] I LOVE TIO and if anything were to ever happen to send me out of the Sith [aka . some !@#$% like Goldie appears in our ranks with more influence than a fart in a wind tunnel], then I may hate them - but I can't think of anything to make me agree .. They didn't grab it out of nowhere, they made efforts to seize and hold.
  4. [quote name='Kenfolk GTS' timestamp='1355001141' post='3061924'] Wonder what Kaskus would say if you attacked him... [/quote] Not sure, but I almost regret being so kind to them already. Although, can't really blame them for being too naive to allow themselves to be pawned as such. And he did, afterall, ask for us to hit him/Kaskus. [quote]21:40 UnknownSmurf Well wait 21:40 UnknownSmurf You should attack me 21:40 UnknownSmurf TPF/NG on your side right? 21:40 UnknownSmurf Then we bring in DH/C&G via BFF on our side? 21:40 UnknownSmurf Lol 21:41 UnknownSmurf You lose BFF though which just solidifies their upper tier advantage[/quote] Two days later: [quote][09:23:42] <Isaac[K|MoFA]> Well, wed rather this not happen as it seems to be more of a personal issue than an alliance issue. [09:23:49] <Isaac[K|MoFA]> Is there a way they can overlook it? [09:25:43] <Rayvon[NSO]> Perhaps it is personal, it's between them. US has been a member here, and whether or not there's any /real/ stock behind his words - he made an effort to cross us. He made an effort to draw a target on his face. And he's making further efforts to entice and force a war. [09:25:55] <Rayvon[NSO]> I don't think this can be overlooked. [09:26:32] <Rayvon[NSO]> Smurf is putting Kaskus under a bus knowing we want him, and hiding under your skirt. [09:27:03] <Rayvon[NSO]> If you wish to stand and watch the approaching bus, well, you're Isaac. Nothing more needs to be said. [09:27:20] <Isaac[K|MoFA]> Well to be frank we will defend our members as any alliance is expected. But we are willing to negotiate. Would you be interested in an apology?[/quote] [quote][09:41:30] <Rayvon[NSO]> If I was intersted in discussing the issue, it'd be with my allies and not Kaskus. However, I already nixed the ideas of hitting Smurf. But if you'd like to offer another apology, I just might be willing to change my mind.[/quote] Kaskus, the issue is between Smurf and the Sith. Don't let him put you in the middle.
  5. A declaration is all that is required to make an alliance. 1 or 1000 people is irrelevant. I saw somewhere above someone mentioning that this size equates to how much pull they have - I agree, but it doesn't change the fact they 'exist' as an 'alliance' .. "We are an alliance". Done deal. [quote name='Comrade Craig' timestamp='1354991874' post='3061832'] No one ever has business with the LSF.[/quote] No one in their right mind, anyways /me waves to Shangri-La
  6. http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=260793
  7. Ahhh .. Wouldn't be a propaganda thread without whiney !@#$%*es.
  8. [quote name='Salmia' timestamp='1354770882' post='3060811'] Also correct me if I am wrong but I swear there is already a treaty out there with the name IRON Curtain. It has been used before. [/quote] http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Iron_Curtain No, you are not wrong.
  9. [quote name='Vorenus' timestamp='1354731439' post='3060620'] but calling the stuff you've shown in the topic anything more than average is folly. [/quote] He only called it 'honest'. Lookin good d34th
  10. [quote name='Drai' timestamp='1354748027' post='3060684'] Have you selected your target yet? [/quote] So many choices
  11. [quote name='Ogaden' timestamp='1354699220' post='3060553'] I thought we had already agreed that you are all figments of my imagination [/quote] A disturbing imagination you have. I'd seek help.
  12. Still no Emperor Scorponok, even more disappointing than a slight fall to democracy.
  13. [quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1354480702' post='3059624'] Thought it was hilarious that you thought I was spying on behalf of the Legion. As if. Still do, in fact. [/quote] .... Yes. We think you're [i]still[/i] spying for the Legion. Legion, round 2.
  14. [quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1354479075' post='3059612'] I do not understand what purpose it serves, other than perhaps an attempt at legitimization. [/quote] Same can be said about his dozen line DarkArmy spy log. That's an almost daily line in there, "spy!"/"spai!"/"zomg spai !!11!"/etc .. Especially if there happens to be a active discussion thread on the OWF or our own forums discussing a [any] spy; or if someone comes to our alliance from another 'odd' alliance [ie. members like Smurf and SonicPluto coming to us from Legion] -- we currently have a member claiming to be a spy from the defunct CD to spy on us. If that inclusion was just to provide legitimization to the fact he was accepted by us after, well, don't need logs for it when it's already well known he was a member with us.
  15. [quote name='Instr' timestamp='1354400584' post='3059192'] If Unknown Smurf seriously manages to start a war over this I will LOL. [/quote] So far just further proves what was already in belief. Doesn't change much.
  16. [quote name='Jonathan Brookbank' timestamp='1354159408' post='3057950'] As much as I like Dilber and some others in NSO, I'd rather not be in an alliance with you ever again. You're one of the most worthless people Planet Bob has ever seen. [/quote] I don't think our econ dept could survive you again anyways
  17. [quote name='Starfox101' timestamp='1354066968' post='3057634'] Don't worry. While the alliance is now in NSO, the people who had those same opinions you disliked are now in larger, more active alliances. And yes, we still hate you. [/quote] Except that you went ..... There ....
  18. [quote name='Cyber Nationz' timestamp='1354057234' post='3057573'] But goodluck with the new home in NsO [/quote] Won't find any petals here ...... They're in Shangri-La
  19. They'll rue the day .... ...... Just ask Carpe And to echo the OP, we will be protecting the remnants of the Combine AA for an indefinite period.
  20. [quote name='Solaris' timestamp='1353866747' post='3056994'] At least we don't need obsolete legalese to care for our green bretheren, whom we regard very near and dear to us. [/quote] Hahahahaha ....... ha [my self-esteem has hit rock bottom. You've finished me off.] [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=114057&st=40#entry3055664]It shows.[/url]
  21. [quote name='Solaris' timestamp='1353833391' post='3056947'] Your statement reeks of delusion, and compulsory drive to contradict your betters. UJA is bit alive at best. Far, far, from very much alive. Would you regard a bloc with just one signatory left as very much alive too? [/quote] Haha - my betters. Always good for a laugh when you climb up outta that hole. UJA was not a [i]bloc[/i]; it was an acknowledgement of a free Green, the ending of an era of tyranny and 'ownership.' A chance to return home. Yes, it's very dead to the Viridian population as you leaders teach your new that they're better than everyone else on that sphere and around this globe. But to some, the spirit of solidarity and respect still lives strong. Perhaps we made a mistake in the past in fighting for this freedom, seems you don't remember anything it was for.
  22. Oh - you mean when VE was struggling for trades and the unstaffed trades dept that I was heavily at work with and trying to improve? My bad.
  23. [quote name='jerdge' timestamp='1353659527' post='3056487'] I'd call it a (funny) joke, but probably not a "real" raid. Not something anyone can really still be upset for IMHO. [/quote] You haven't been around to visit since your retirement Also wasn't it only 1 tech?? second edit: no - we doubled it cause it was "necessary" to call in support lol .. So yeah, 2 ..
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