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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. [quote name='Samwise' timestamp='1353637810' post='3056430'] Sorry I'm late! Thanksgiving week and all. It's sad to see the UJA go, however, I still have love for my green brothers. VE is a class act. R.I.P. UJA o/ VE o/ GOP [/quote] UJA is very much alive. Despite Goldie's .... Over sight ... In communicating with GPA before opting to dissolve, they've stated they are not withdrawing.
  2. [quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1353598661' post='3056226'] I'm sure you think that made you tough. [/quote] Oh yes, cause that's exactly what it was all about. I'm a beast.
  3. Awww is poor wittle Billy Wallace still upset I raided a GPA nation a couple years ago? [img]http://www.sherv.net/cm/emo/sad/crying.gif[/img]
  4. [quote name='LastoftheRomans' timestamp='1353525707' post='3055664'] I will just make a few clarifications. While VE dissolved their membership in the UJA (as is perfectly within their right to do so), the GPA is still a neutral signatory to the accords. The UJA still lives on. The GPA has no intention of leaving the UJA. However, on the aggregate we agree that the UJA is effectively meaningless (from its former role) as there are no other signatories to it. The GPA - as the sole remaining signatory - will not admit any new members to the UJA, as doing so is inherently not neutral. We will also not withdraw from the accords. As neutral signatories, the UJA's provisions for neutral alliances goes well with our own beliefs and values. There's no reason to end our association with that. And there is no reason to end our practice of electing only one GPA senator for the Green sphere and to keep all other UJA practices intact. The withdrawal of VE from the UJA is an end to an era. And I wish the best of luck to both VE and the GOP on their future endeavors - LastoftheRomans Vice-President of the GPA [/quote] I'm glad to see this. o/ United Jungle Accords o/ Green Protection Agency
  5. [quote name='Caladin' timestamp='1353479605' post='3055458'] Which raises the question about how the treaty was dissolved by VE, given that it stated, to dissolve the treaty it would require the consent of all signatories, making no difference between standard signatories and neutral ones (or, for that matter, protectorate ones) [/quote] Viridian Entente [i]is [/i]UJA. Viridian Entente [i]is [/i]Green Sphere.
  6. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1353454063' post='3055242'] [color=#0000ff] I all want is in Wnner12345, and I will have him one way or another.[/color] [/quote] I, for one, look forward to the ensuing events.
  7. [quote name='Spartacus1082' timestamp='1353276675' post='3054307'] BTW, Leafs suck.............. (if they ever get to play again that is) [/quote] Combine can expect a visit soon.
  8. This thread just gets better and better !@#$@#$ Commies, learn2flag.
  9. [quote name='mythicknight' timestamp='1353309964' post='3054457'] Our withdrawal from DR is scheduled for next month. Stay tuned. [/quote] Momma Woody would roll in his grave to hear those words lol "The taking back of DR is scheduled for next month. Stay tuned."
  10. [quote name='prather6' timestamp='1353274003' post='3054287'] Give it a year or two more; you'll find crazes are that keep you from losing it yourself. You must have some sort of comedy relief in this game If you don't you'll burn out ... [/quote] Haha - that response was to Winner's question as to why they're banned. You just ninja'd in with the crazies comment .. These global conversations are mine [and many others] comedy relief in this life.
  11. [quote name='Winner12345' timestamp='1353269568' post='3054240'] I have never been even contacted about it. [/quote] You skated under the wire. The proper authorities will be in touch shortly.
  12. [quote name='Winner12345' timestamp='1353253801' post='3054152'] Dude we ain`t multis. Drop it. [/quote] Not convincing.
  13. [quote name='shahenshah' timestamp='1353235887' post='3054113'] It's a ploy to raid D34th's mind. [/quote] This sounds most plausible haha Otherwise, all they've written is cryptic-like workarounds saying they 'can' continue to do what they're doing now unfettered, but to appease the elawyers are adding [i]softer[/i] and [i]optional sounding words[/i] to the text body.
  14. [quote name='Winner12345' timestamp='1353184031' post='3053795'] Nuthin, where awesome! We will be soon. [/quote] Where awesome? Here awesome. Look us up when you do.
  15. Changes changes ... Congrats on the new lineup and charter ... didn't read charter .. :x
  16. [quote name='HailSatan' timestamp='1353080600' post='3053324'] So, you are saying if a ex leader that was kicked out of the AA came back and posted some BS post saying he is the leader of that AA now, then goes rogue on someone is justified to curb stomp the rest of the alliance, that had nothing to do with anything. [/quote] Sounds like a good interpretation to me. Another interpretation, could be that it was an off-handed retort ["I remember back when"] to when whole alliances were once held accountable for those they allowed to lead them. "Guilty by association" at the most basic level, till the moralists got a hold of !@#$ and "oh you had nothing to do with the choice so you can go free" -- despite the fact they could well have supported and even cast a choice in the leadership .. Back in the day when alliances fought real wars and leaders weren't afraid to stir !@#$ .. And weren't afraid of their own allies and combatmates.
  17. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1352842049' post='3051940'] even when they go to the bathroom? [/quote] Buddy system.
  18. [quote name='Namayan' timestamp='1352768723' post='3051610'] or vice versa... [/quote] C&G is applying for NPO?
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