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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. [quote name='Jtkode' timestamp='1318559854' post='2824447'] lol? Legions financial reserves were at their breaking point after [u]one round[/u] of wars? Ok so you are saying that a 6 million NS alliance doesn't have any money after a week of fighting... thats a 120,000 NS nation having 200 million dollars >.> each... yeah that sounds accurate. [/quote] They've spent the last few years being Legion .... We've spent the past year preparing for a much bigger war than Legion can provide. We're pretty well set in our corner. [quote name='scotch' timestamp='1318559747' post='2824442'] because troops are SO expensive [/quote] [quote name='Flonker' timestamp='1318560623' post='2824478'] Oh, puhleeze...[IMG][/IMG]As can be [b]plainly[/b] seen by this screengrab off the first aid screen of NSO, you have been recieving money [b]and[/b] troops for 2 days. And most of those foreign aid cash grants come with troops.Your aid screen says different. And besides, troops are [b]cheap[/b] in Defcon 1. Try again, please. [/quote] Troops are cheap. You can read. YAY. You can also only buy so many, that pesky little 'Maximum Soldier Purchase' line .. When you're defending on 4 fronts and may not be active at the time of the attacks, it's ummm ... ummm ... ssss .. smm .. s-m-r-t? To have have that little bit extra defense against the attacks.
  2. [quote name='Varianz' timestamp='1318484829' post='2823975'] D34th you annoy the $%&@ out of me, but you make pretty pictures. I lol'd at the "Ragnarok please aid us" one. [/quote] I laughed at the bill lock one, cause not a single Sith has been bill locked yet meanwhile Legion ...................................
  3. The only option that even comes close, is the first one - and even then, I don't personally consider that as something that requires a DoW (if it's just an intel, if it causes damage then it's a whole other ball game) tho I do consider it spying. Sharing/spreading/spamming/blah blha blah information obtained from other sources is not spying. Physically being the one to go and obtain said information, is spying. The flaw in every single option there is that they are only focusing on the one who is sharing the information with no regards for who is obtaining it.
  4. [quote name='Feuersturm' timestamp='1318184861' post='2821599'] The question is: How on earth did he get re-elected? Again. [/quote] 49.2% voter turnout?
  5. [quote name='Freebird99' timestamp='1318253898' post='2822160'] He was not in Legion at the time these logs was made. [/quote] 4 days prior to October 6th is October 2nd. Logs are dated October 3rd.
  6. [quote][23:46] <dane0[tetris]> when we win this war. I really hope someone leaks these. and by that I mean, I will[/quote] You stole Dane's thunder
  7. [quote name='Letum' timestamp='1318196594' post='2821729'] If either Legion or NSO feel that "running at the mouth" and "headstrong" is indecent commentary that hurts their feelings, they are welcome to [b]tag along with me one evening so I can open up their eyes to a whole new world of what indecency truly looks like[/b]. I mean, come on Kalasin. I know you're not this naive or this sheltered, so I must assume you're grasping at straws. [/quote] I'm game, lets go [quote name='Gibsonator21' timestamp='1318207070' post='2821799'] Your hands look full with Legion. [/quote] Always have a spare hand for you, Pumpkin.
  8. [quote name='Xineoph' timestamp='1318224944' post='2822024'] You kids are absolutely adorable. [/quote] Adorable and coherent
  9. [quote name='mrwuss' timestamp='1318170472' post='2821473'] Oddly enough, that is one thing that can not be discussed. It is what it is. Doesn't matter what Legion *thinks* it is or anyone who likes Legion *thinks* what it is. Legion went to war first, their reasoning doesn't matter. Let legion activate any damned part of any treaty they hold. They will get the utter !@#$ beat out of them and this war will ramp up into something that matters on a global front. Currently it's a pissing contest of a joke between micros and a shell of a former alliance. [/quote] I fully agree up till the 11th word of the last paragraph .. Then you start to lose me ..
  10. [quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1318162430' post='2821431'] NPO has not changed its view on alliances like Legion. It's just more publicly critical of them because they serve no purpose to them anymore. It looked down on Legion even when they were still allied, which is why I'm annoyed. There's supposed to be some sort of relationship between allies and it should outlive a treaty, but clearly it was just put on when Legion was still needed. Christ people are such dicks in CN. Instead of looking for reasons to be nice, people take every opportunity to make a ~cutting and witty comment~ or score points with people they are trying to suck up to, even when said alliance is a former longterm ally. Legion may not be the best alliance but they don't deserve the continual crap they get on these boards and I'm fully supportive of their attempt to defend their honour. [/quote] And where would this 'world' (aka 'game') be with no villains? No hatred? No asshats? It'd be a drab, boring world interesting only to those who enjoy nation building like the neutrals -- but then, what's the point of the game? To be the biggest? Whoop! Please? Can we? Let the hate flow through you, cast the chains bound to you by moralism and societies forced ideas of what is right and what is wrong. Think for yourself. [size="1"]heh - casing edit[/size]
  11. [quote name='Systemfailure' timestamp='1318147538' post='2821392'] in the end if an AA wants to enter im sure they will find a way to do it that will drive the e-lawyers insane [/quote] If anyone wants in for their own ends and desires, they can always come chat with us about the Moldavi
  12. [quote name='Alexander Kerensky' timestamp='1317682807' post='2814839']As this was an aggressive action willfully perpetrated with the support of the government of Tetris, [b]All alliances that enter in defense of their action will be treated as aggressors and dealt with as such.[/b][/quote] [quote name='mrwuss' timestamp='1318142391' post='2821367'] Legion is aggressor, not the defender. If any treaties' of legion get activated it is on the oA side of it. [/quote] Not according to the OP -- but that discussion has been discussed out in several places already ......
  13. [quote name='greco' timestamp='1318081353' post='2820780'] I'm not saying it to make them look better I am sayi g it cause that's what it is Fact is they hit tetras for spying I'm sure they would have peaked out with them as soon as they apologized for spying instead they went crying to there frieds for help ( another fact ) If tetras had any balls they would have excepted what they did instead they took the coward way out and asked for assistance. [/quote] Crawl back under your iceberg, champ. I think you're done here.
  14. [quote name='greco' timestamp='1318078994' post='2820763'] Dilber your a smart man You know this already legion has already won not matter how much damage they take . They were being abused and taunted and decided to man up and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT They know they were on the losing side of planet bob and again said enough is enough and declared war.. I and anyone else on planet bob would say tetris and crew look like the biggest losers planet bob has ever seen calling in all there ally's .. They taunted legion got smacked and then ran to there big brother and friends to protect them .. Win lose or draw legion is going to come out on top in everyone's eyes and if u don't see it your blind buddy RoadRash [/quote] Haha .. I almost thought you were serious for a second there .... Sarcasm doesn't translate too well through text
  15. [quote name='LeonidasRexII' timestamp='1318063433' post='2820677'] You walked all over us? Posting some screens of spy attacks on individual nations most of which had been posted in other areas before they made their way here hardly qualifies as walking over anyone. If anything you guys flinched and went into full war mode after we tweaked your feelings a bit in July. [/quote] I gave those buildup orders, and flinching had nothing to do with it lol ... Supposedly Polar took your balls outta their purse and gave them back; so I ordered a half-buildup .. Then nothin ... Like the rest of your history .. And again, you gave us 5 hours to prepare for war and we still set out a better showing than you could muster after having a full week to start preparing nations to roll on Tetris.
  16. [quote name='LeonidasRexII' timestamp='1318061709' post='2820663'] Pretty well why? [/quote] Nice stat collection - July - Sith ~ http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=103229 Sith ~ http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=103248 Sith ~ http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=103282 Sith ~ http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=103283 Sith ~ http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=104036 - September - Tetris ~ http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=105532 Your gov let us walk all over you, and reacted to a much smaller alliance for less a couple months later.
  17. [quote name='LeonidasRexII' timestamp='1318061009' post='2820652'] Yes [/quote] How well do you remember July?
  18. [quote name='MisterShadow' timestamp='1318057651' post='2820623'] We declared war on Tetris [b]they are the ones that technically wronged us.[/b] [/quote] Really?
  19. [quote name='Teddyyo' timestamp='1318034568' post='2820279'] or blame eachother. [/quote] It's Pollards fault. It's always Pollards fault. We won't have to look any further for an alter on which to lay said blame.
  20. [quote name='Serkr' timestamp='1318023286' post='2820114'] It's not quite right to say absolutely noone knew we downgraded, obviously Tetris did and so did we. I can't quite remember where I read it, but I thought Legion already knew we only had an ODP with Tetris before they declared. Surely they would've researched Tetris' ties before they declared anyway, thus knowing it was only an ODP? I know it isn't easy to find, but they must've seen that we had downgraded. I mean what else do you have that suggests they ever had any intentions of hitting us? [/quote] You're an idiot. No one knew anything Especially the hundreds and hundreds of people who heard all morning on IRC long before Legion decided to make a move .... They're idiots. They know nothing. NOTHING.
  21. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1318028593' post='2820198'] I don't agree with so many alliances piling up on Legion here, but good luck and have fun. [/quote] Really ... That's been argued out enough over the past 4 days ... Would you !@#$%* so much about so many alliances piling up if it was 20 four-man alliances?? [i]ZOMG 20 alliances jumping Legionz!![/i] Pick a new argument. Try and make it palatable.
  22. [quote name='Gopherbashi' timestamp='1317962613' post='2819372'] [center][img]http://www2.macleans.ca/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/111006_McGuinty2-660x289.jpg[/img] [i]Most of you will have no clue why this is here.[/i][/center] [/quote] Many of us wish it wasn't there
  23. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1318017525' post='2819999'] Rush Sykes and kriekfreak, sorry but: [img]http://i412.photobucket.com/albums/pp210/valueratio_2008/LOL%20Cats%202/TryingTooHard.jpg[/img] [/quote] At least they're trying ...
  24. [quote name='Banedon' timestamp='1318015728' post='2819971'] I'm assuming it was a case of they really wanted to join in the fun and our gov had to sit on them to call them back. But I'm just guessing since I'm an ambassador, not the Grand Poobah. And I'm sure we could spin it around and ask what NSO and RoK were cooking up? We had a RoK nation declare on us, however it was just one as far as I know. [/quote] We were planning to use our treaty if your 'friends' figured out how to use theirs.
  25. [quote name='the rebel' timestamp='1318013167' post='2819922'] Probably got told not to jump the gun because they wasnt needed... Just because it was planned doesnt mean anything as [b]all directly connected alliances plan when a war kicks off.[/b] [/quote] But they don't release the target list to the membership till they're actually about to ride -- one of their members jumped, meaning he received orders ...
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