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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. [quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1318006993' post='2819806'] You're reaching so much it's almost sad. [/quote] Well fine - so Legion wants to fight you But VE won't roll alone anyways .. Soooooo ..
  2. [quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1318006560' post='2819797'] Legion declared war expecting VE to counter. [/quote] So Legion wants to fight PB. Gotcha.
  3. [quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1318005630' post='2819784'] EDIT: I see I have failed. [/quote] You'll get used to this in time ..
  4. Legions' surrender terms are gonna include a OWF gag on Smurf
  5. [quote name='Jaiar' timestamp='1317946777' post='2819057'] Third day in of the war. You do not know if they will stay in pm for the duration or if they will come out when the lock expires. It's not hypocrisy yet. [/quote] They spend such long periods in it - they must not realize there's a floor limit to how long PM lasts ....
  6. [quote name='LeonidasRexII' timestamp='1317946313' post='2819047'] [left]Hey NSO I know you're new to this game having never been in Peace Mode before, but speaking from one PM warrior to another you might want to tell some of your lower ranks to hit the hippie button. Having seven of your eight largest nations in PM while the rest of NSO fights is...well you know, cowardly. I heard that somewhere recently. [/left] [/center] [/quote] The wars not even 5 days old yet
  7. [quote name='Kzoppistan' timestamp='1317944925' post='2819015'] Oh, you want to drag it out do you? Waiting implies that we had some foreknowledge of the cancellation and attacked after it happened. That is not the case. The gears of war began turning the moment Tetris made those posts. What ever was going on between their own stupidity and VE's reaction to it was not even on our radar. Tetris's treaties were irrelevant to the scenario as there was only one course of action. As far as we knew, VE would be a likely counter. "There is no avoiding war, only postponing it to the benefit of your enemy." Now get the $%&@ out of here with that spin. Get smarter or find something else to make up. [/quote] You sure talk a lot of !@#$ for a rank and file like you know what's actually going on behind closed gov doors.
  8. [quote name='Kzoppistan' timestamp='1317934645' post='2818857'] Mmm, well written but not entirely accurate. Once Tetris posted those screenshots no backpeddling in the world would have saved them. The action was inexcusable and as far as diplomacy was concerned, I can't fathom anything that they could have brought to the table that would rectify such blatant disrespect. It didn't matter what sort of backing Tetris had, sooner or later you just have to stand up for yourself and roll tanks. Consequences be damned. [/quote] Perhaps the tanks should have been refitted first
  9. [quote name='Wu Tang Clan' timestamp='1317918136' post='2818599'] Are you suggesting NsO, IAA, and BTA are gonna go around rolling everybody? [/quote] Wanna join us?
  10. [quote name='kwell' timestamp='1317839993' post='2817225'] By my numbers, legion still can take Tetris, NsO,and NSO. Just saying. Granted its pretty dam close and will ultimately come down to activity, which isn't legions strength. [/quote] That's assuming they can utilize what they have
  11. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1317824858' post='2817079'] They can froth at their mouth all they want, but its pointless if Legion doesn't care or need the help. How many alliances Legion will end up fighting if they don't bring in their allies will be interesting to watch, as so far Legion has just been relying on their own strength. So far its Tetris/NSO/NsO vs Legion [/quote] They're gonna need help soon if they keep sending this crap .. [spoiler][quote]To: Rayvon From: Jessiebell Date: 10/5/2011 6:42:11 AM Subject: Spy Operation Attack Message: A spy operation has been launched against your nation. The attacking spies were given the following order: Incite Government Propaganda. In the attack your counter intelligence systems prevailed and managed to thwart the attack. Your counter spies managed to kill 4 enemy spies. [/quote] [quote]To: Rayvon From: Jessiebell Date: 10/5/2011 6:42:48 AM Subject: Spy Operation Attack Message: A spy operation has been launched against your nation. The attacking spies were given the following order: Incite Government Propaganda. In the attack your counter intelligence systems prevailed and managed to thwart the attack. Your counter spies managed to kill 6 enemy spies. [/quote][/spoiler]
  12. [quote name='Avery du Troiseau' timestamp='1317824669' post='2817077'] Remember guys, this isn't summer camp so you can't call it experimenting if you try to beat our MEAT. [/quote] Haha - sigged
  13. [quote name='Leet Guy' timestamp='1317822428' post='2817057'] Then what the hell were they doing in the week plus that they let this CB simmer [/quote] Definitely not teaching their nations how to fight.
  14. [quote name='Mayzie' timestamp='1317817665' post='2817025'] I don't know what's worse, the last few months of dumb threads calling out The Legion or the bickering over who's 'winning'. [/quote] The latter ..... It's too early still ..... At least the past few months also offered some lulz.
  15. [quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1317812471' post='2816993'] Just by glancing at your nation I know you have no idea how to war at a small level.. probably due to your reroll. Just wait until tech deals expire and we can aid our runts, and show you why they say wars at won at the upper tier. [/quote] They know other tricks than just 'roll over' ?
  16. [quote name='Atmosfear' timestamp='1317808180' post='2816963'] [color="#4169e1"]P.S. I just read every post in this thread [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/smug.gif[/img][/color] [/quote] [img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_pmIQSV_6HWg/TJJ0K-TpotI/AAAAAAAACB4/Afs4NCRBkds/s1600/goldstar.jpg[/img] Maybe if you ask MK enough times, they'll bring ya along /if/ it makes it to them
  17. [quote name='Ayatollah Bromeini' timestamp='1317795813' post='2816873'] Funny, I thought your lot was looking at this situation as an aggressive act by Tetris. [/quote] Only if it suits the moment .. Blink, and it might change (again).
  18. [quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1317793249' post='2816823'] To be fair some NSO members were upset about the ingame spying, though for the most part indifferent. You guys did make me pay 3mill+50t in reps iirc [size="1"]EDIT: Also for clarification Rayvon means the spying was in-game not the conversation[/size] [/quote] I'm talking about the screen we discussed the other night, the screen I showed you on IRC which you showed to Legion gov and they booted you over. There was no reps.
  19. [quote name='Vulpes Inculta' timestamp='1317763087' post='2816397'] If someone decided to come out and begin insulting NSO and posting information gathered from private NSO forums, your lot would be up in arms, don't try to deny it. [/quote] Not true at all, ask Legion Gov (I spoke with Killer very briefly) and Unknown Smurf. (granted, it wasn't forums but in-game)
  20. hahaha - love the Duck Hunt anim .... Welcome to the fray - if you want a little bite behind them katanas, give us a hollar
  21. [quote name='The Normandy' timestamp='1317735180' post='2816049'] That explains why so little of your top nations are involved in the war. [/quote] They're cycling
  22. [quote name='Dilber' timestamp='1317733031' post='2816030'] We will continue to be at war with alliances larger then us, and w[b]ill also continue to get in wars right before hitting 3 mil.[/b] [/quote] We peaked at 2.93 within the past 30 days
  23. [quote name='zzzptm' timestamp='1317730339' post='2816005'] At first I thought NSO was going totally paperless, but I now stand corrected. Some traditions are worth keeping, and the NSO war flag is always a good attraction. Best of luck to the soldiers of both sides, who bear the brunt of the grand thoughts of their nations' leaders. [/quote] They got too impatient awaiting my return to office (I took a 2 hour nap before work - our Emperor is a little plagued atm by another realm) to post this for them. Damn war-mongering Sith
  24. [quote name='Ridin High' timestamp='1317718571' post='2815930'] Sup Sith, glad you showed up to the party. The free drinks are in Legion's nations. [/quote] You know we wouldn't leave you hangin
  25. [quote name='EpsilonPhoenix' timestamp='1317699105' post='2815463'] I look forward to seeing an NSO blitz tonight. [/quote] You're welcome.
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