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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. [quote name='KainIIIC' timestamp='1317260468' post='2810655'] Maroon has once at last established [b]odor[/b] and cleansed the CNverse of some rather smelly senators. o/ Fresh MEAT [img]http://images.wikia.com/diablo/images/c/c2/The_Butcher.gif[/img] [/quote] I told you to put the steaks back in the fridge [quote name='Ryan Greenberg' timestamp='1317262708' post='2810700'] Haha. It's funny because every alliance who signed this hates GOD. Get it? Haha. o/ CNtel [/quote] [quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1317263175' post='2810708'] They also all dislike Polar. You have to have the MEAT before you can BEAT it though. [/quote]
  2. [quote name='dane0' timestamp='1316903936' post='2807707'] I lold. If [b]and when[/b] we finally do create a bloc, I will be sure that you all get your "I KNEW ABOUT THIS MONTHS AGO" [/quote] Threats are unnecessary.
  3. [quote name='Krack' timestamp='1317026874' post='2808844'] /I don't think I've ever interacted with a member of Legion ever. [/quote] I don't recommend it. It's detrimental to your mental stability.
  4. [quote name='Hime Themis' timestamp='1316969152' post='2808191'] Gentle Persons I rarely engage in debates of this nature but I am somewhat dumbfounded that we get this level of discourse on the basis of 10 screenshots ONE of which is less than a month old and half of which are 2 months old. The Legion has 243 members and they were able to find 10 screen shots. Maybe we can find Jimmy Hoffa if we try hard enough. I actually am impressed that the leadership of Legion FA is trying to get their membership more involved in allies channels. For those braying about the laugh-ability of this I suggest you check to see how your won alliances are doing on this front before the hilarity ensues. As the chief of our FA I can tell you how long some people let posts in their embassies sit before noticing. So while I believe that Legion has had some issues, it is sad to see many who have never bothered to actually take the time and effort to engage in diplomacy to come and throw aspersions. If all were doing so well at FA I doubt we would need the regular embassy clearing notices that are all too familiar. I think even those of us who only watch the OWF know that many of you dislike Legion [b]was another thread really necessary?[/b] I am disappointed that some people think that posting private forum material on any alliance is anything but poor taste. We like Tetris and are supporting them against a nuke rogue alliance as others have helped us so this is directed at the general trend of uncivil baiting and spying. Respectfully Dame Hime Themis [/quote] If the Mods would only sticky us a thread ..........
  5. [quote name='Systemfailure' timestamp='1316957180' post='2808107'] Hereno should be fine Legion hasn't been able to find the DoW button in years at worst he will be inundated with angry PM's in small font comic sans [font="Comic Sans MS"][size="1"]be afraid be very afraid[/size][/font] [/quote] That whispering voice, enough times over, could implant itself on the sub-conscious
  6. [quote name='GoddessOfLinn' timestamp='1316955269' post='2808098'] he just did something that normally is done by people with no class at all. [/quote] What? [quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1316956127' post='2808102'] Hereno didn't take the screenshots, he simply posted them. You don't kill the messenger. Maybe you should look inside your own alliance in order to find out who leaked those SS instead of requesting apologies. [/quote] Be warned, in lolLegion everyone is responsible for their words - even messengers.
  7. [quote name='Hereno' timestamp='1316918283' post='2807879'] [IMG]http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/3516/adonwh.jpg[/IMG] [b]Warning: Images in spoiler tags have questionable language, including profanity, and thus viewer discretion is advised.[/b] [spoiler][IMG]http://img829.imageshack.us/img829/7640/2jb5ljd.jpg[/IMG][/spoiler] [/quote] I can't decide which one is my favourite Hereno [quote name='The Pansy' timestamp='1316920807' post='2807923'] Save them Obiwan Kzoppistan, you're their only hope. [/quote] That really made me el-oh-el
  8. [quote name='Kzoppistan' timestamp='1316842366' post='2807219'] *Edit: And, actually, what IS the relationship between NSO and Deinos, considering Cheyenne's history there? [/quote] We don't have one. Nor do we hold embassy with them at our or their forums.
  9. [quote name='Jaiar' timestamp='1316823532' post='2806999'] I'm sure you're completely new here and in no way have you ever been connected to NSO and are not some NSO re-roll that was sent over to create a stupid topic like this so NSO doesn't look more stupid and desperate creating another topic about Legion. NSO, grow a sack and attack Legion if you hate them so much. [/quote] Ohhhhhhh you got us .... Goddamn we can't get nothin past you, can we?
  10. [quote name='Timberland' timestamp='1316783195' post='2806649'] I don't hate the legion, I love them. In fact last war I gained nation strength fighting them. Instead of focusing on spying my nukes or even money reserves they focused on trying to spy away my infra then ran aircraft dog attacks on me. It wasn't just one nation with this tactic but rounds and rounds of them. LOL [/quote] Woulda been nice if GOONS had of taken a lesson from the Masters
  11. Lines being drawn. See you soon Symphony I mean uhh ... heh Sad to see this go, but I'm pretty sure I can figure out why. Good luck to PhR.
  12. [quote name='Alexander Kerensky' timestamp='1316629956' post='2805378'] I do not so much believe that there is still hate for the Legion since most of the people who are old enough to have those reasons are long gone and forgotten. Though the problem is two fold; on one hand you have a lack of continued presence on the official forums which [b]allows everyone else to create an image of the Legion as they see fit (see the NSO replies above)[/b]. On the other you have wasted potential, which is far more worse. In all honesty the Legion is a great alliance that has survived despite the best efforts of outside and a few inside influences, that is until you try and do something with them. The Legions biggest enemy is not an outside AA it is our own moral high ground mentality mixed with a dash of xenophobic outlook that stagnates our internal growth. Hate as a word is far overused in common language a more befitting term would be disappointment. [/quote] Except - we didn't create the image. You did. We only describe what we see. ... And poke your half-rotted carcass with a stick ... Indeed tho - 'hate' is definitely not the case.
  13. [quote name='chefjoe' timestamp='1316636771' post='2805443'] FOK OK'd the raids then decided several days later that raids werent OK [/quote] This sounds eerily familiar ... "Circumstances have changed" ...
  14. [quote name='deth2munkies' timestamp='1316611784' post='2805264'] 4) Like I said, I don't care, I don't want to know what went on. All I want is for people to stop posting (or making people post) crap like this. [/quote] Use your !@#$@#$ head -- if you have a problem with this thread existing, take it up with FOK who demanded it as a term. Don't rant on DT for it.
  15. [quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1316570232' post='2804981'] Sorry, I have to be ambiguous and superior! [/quote] Stick with ignorant. It's what yo do best. (aka - Don't quit your day job)
  16. [quote name='Baltus' timestamp='1316571023' post='2805003'] Outsiders who attempt to damage our Box will always be dealt with, in the fullness of time. History is on our side. We will bury you. [/quote] What? But I like playing with your box.
  17. [quote name='Zoomzoomzoom' timestamp='1316547375' post='2804610'] We'll work with the side that has the least amount of Europeans and Canadians. [/quote] As a proud Canuckstanian, I take great offense to that We all want the same thing after all, to see [i]religion[/i] seperated from politics.
  18. Legion is the worst alliance to [s]dis[/s]grace this game. Cowardice, incompetence, general stupidity. Legions 3 best qualities.
  19. [img]http://i52.tinypic.com/28rnu0.jpg[/img] Kevins' certainly is
  20. [quote name='MrMuz' timestamp='1315976182' post='2800199'] Tsk tsk, backing out already? [/quote] That was dumb. I hope your SDI is in good repair.
  21. [quote name='Schad' timestamp='1315392907' post='2796252'] How does a four-year-old treaty that has been invoked on the losing side of a war before represent an attempt to tie oneself to hegemonic superpowers. Bonus idiocy: I'd imagine that it also would have been invoked on what looked like it would be the losing side of a war [i]to defend your alliance[/i] had WWE not fizzled out. [/quote] When and how it's been wielded in the past doesn't make the tie into one of the previously stated 'power-groups' any less written. Though personally, I don't see them as a hegemonic group. Tyrannical, perhaps
  22. [quote name='sir pwnage' timestamp='1315132661' post='2794538'] I thought this whole war was started because you people were mad at Xiph for talking !@#$? There was a sig about it and everything. [/quote] 'Supporting it', and 'doing something about it' are opposite sides of the coin. Doesn't mean they'll sit and take it.
  23. [quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1315113895' post='2794392'] The way to get on Impero's nerves would be to NOT attack him. [/quote] [i]Nation Strength: 38,277.293 (My nation strength is: 7,213.245)[/i] I guess I'll be a real pain in his ass a little while longer yet
  24. [quote name='Vladimir Stukov II' timestamp='1315117224' post='2794471'] Famous [b]last words[/b]! [/quote] Please deliver.
  25. I support this. Hopefully there will be more declarations on the war screen soon.
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