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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. [quote name='kevin32891' timestamp='1310223584' post='2753286'] When war time comes around and you're working with Legion, you'll see how much sense and class they truly have. [/quote] But they have [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=103458&view=findpost&p=2753220]a new, ambitious gov member[/url] to steer them right
  2. [quote name='RegentPancras' timestamp='1310209617' post='2753220'] We could have allowed the 48 hours to lapse, kept our heads down, and allowed NPO to post their announcement. It probably would not have conveyed our true sentiment and feeling on the matter though. We believe this decision was the right one for us as well as them, and it's just a strange coincidence that their alliance arrived at the same conclusion as ours at about the same time. [/quote] [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=103458&view=findpost&p=2752416]Considering[/url] ... Was the intended sentiment to be '$%&@ you' ?
  3. [quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1310193435' post='2753148'] Hey ray, how's it goin buddy? [/quote] Peachy keen. That little backyard of yours is shrinking again.
  4. [quote name='Aguacenta' timestamp='1310145547' post='2752615'] Yep, and this year we picked our own present... [/quote] I couldn't think of anything better to want than a distance from them
  5. A big change from where we started .. Happy to see everything toting along smooth and upwards. o/ Symphony
  6. [quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1310068411' post='2751565'] Your alliance (or members of your alliance) made three. What's your point? [/quote] The matter involved us.
  7. [quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1310061011' post='2751481'] I am truly sorry they cannot be more like me. Sorry NSO! [/quote] It deeply saddens me we cannot live up to your standards. Perhaps one day, under the watch of the Holy Admins merciful eye, we'll see the way of the Damsky.
  8. [quote name='Rage McKill' timestamp='1310010731' post='2751114']I do not, however, apologize for spying away a few cruise missiles on that one guy. Seriously bro, get rid of them.[/quote] GOONS'll save ya more money than Geico. [quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1310011901' post='2751128'] Not really, pretty much just one way to fight when all is said and done. Though, that obviously goes out more to legion then you guys. [/quote] Evolve. Develop that thing between your shoulders. Sometimes you can fight more successful fights with it than with your soldiers and tanks. [quote name='Jrenster' timestamp='1310016813' post='2751200'] Dilber, you know as well as I do that Jaiar's opinion is his own and not Pacifica's. In my opinion, the rest of NPO still treat NSO as good friends however distasteful they find this situation between NSO and Legion. [/quote] Indeed. As is the opinion of some of ours. As a former Sith Lord, you know this well - and exactly who to expect it from over here.
  9. [quote name='Heft' timestamp='1309912500' post='2749840'] Legion's problem is Legion, not NPO. [/quote] This right here.
  10. [quote name='nutkase' timestamp='1309926786' post='2750048'] It all hinges on the sole fact of the general dislike of Legion and NpO. General population dislike NpO therefor accept VE's CB as a valid one, general population dislike Legion therefor discredit it's own. Nothing more then hypocrisy. [/quote] GP =/= NSO VE =/= NSO NpO =/= NSO It all hinged on Legion being willing and able to follow through. This issue was between NSO and Legion. And the next move hinged only on us - and not on anyone else. The hypocrisy of the GP is not our burden or concern. [quote name='Chalaskan' timestamp='1309927252' post='2750054'] I don't think most are discrediting it really. I think it is just that everyone knows if allies were drawn in who would win this war. [b]And there is one particular ally that people have a keen eye on.[/b] I imagine all of Legions allies are praying they don't take a swing at NSO, while NSO has a few allies that are foaming at the mouth for one of their allies to jump into they frey so they can jump them. From what I've seen there have been a fair amount of people flat out saying this is a solid CB. Kinda like the 15 year old kid picking on another one with his 20 year old body builder brother sitting behind him smiling. I would love to see a 1v1 war, no elevation. Regardless, Legion should take a punch. [/quote] And to which ally are you referring? [quote name='Jaiar' timestamp='1309928323' post='2750073'] If members of your alliance did not spy on Legion themselves, where did they get the spy reports? If they accepted the spy reports directly from the person(s) that spied then it basically becomes the same situation as why VE declared on Polar. So it cannot be both ways. Either accepting information is bad or it isn't. People cannot agree with VE then and hail NSO now for posting spy reports. Well, I guess people certainly can as the hypocrisy in this world knows no bounds. [/quote] You really are trying hard. Perhaps you'd find yourself more comfortable in Polar? The Sith stood (and for quite some time will) in disdain of the Entente. As I said above, the hypocrisy of the world is not our burden or concern.
  11. [quote name='Hymenbreach' timestamp='1309887231' post='2749507'] A not completely unpredictable response from the Angry Teenage Sith Peanuts. Predictably will do for you in the end. I hope fate allows me to be eating popcorn while this happens. [/quote] Words. I think you're missing some, and others in the wrong place?
  12. [quote name='Letum' timestamp='1309884826' post='2749448'] NSO wants an apology for hurt feelings? Now I've seen everything. [/quote] Nah Letum - there's no feelings involved at all. They ill-willingly chose Varianz as the target of their accusations. A witch hunt as I've been referring to it the past couple days in the drama the followed. The apology was an offer of exchange.
  13. [quote name='youwish959' timestamp='1309815759' post='2748685'] Furthermore The Legion requested that the New Sith Order pressure our members to not post spy reports. I being a reasonable man would have been able to accept this slight degradation of our strong held ideals of freedom of information and freedom of speech, if only we could put this issue to rest with a simple apology for the blatant, baseless, false slander of Sith Lord Varianz. Even though The Legion has admitted to the wrong they have as of yet been unable to publicly admit that wrong and apologize for said wrong; [b]as such in the interests of freedom of information the New Sith Order considers this matter closed.[/b][/quote] [quote name='nutkase' timestamp='1309828284' post='2748915'] Also considering NSO is asking for a apology, what happens if you don't get it? You going to "do something about it"? [/quote] Read the OP. They want to make baseless accusations, beg for mercy from our information machines, and then refuse to rescind the accusations? Fine. Their choice is made. Our point is made. We attempted to meet ground on them, NATO even helped with mediation. Legion government flat out refused to apologize for the accusations against Varianz - therefore we make no effort to lean on our machines. [quote name='Jaiar' timestamp='1309834652' post='2749025'] Take into account NSO's track record. Van Hoo says don't aid said nation or it will be war, NSO sends aid anyway. GOONS is at war with Methrage and NSO decides to aid Methrage. So you see, jumping to the conclusion that NSO would do something stupid isn't completely out of line here. Have your fun. In the end it will accomplish nothing for you. [/quote] Track record train of throught, in this sense of it, is flawed. Your examples are all times where we've made choice to interject in an existing incident. And we took the '$%&@ you' route. This situation, Legion brought to us. They came at us accusing our government, and other !@#$. They're getting a bigger '$%&@ you' response, but this one ended with this post. Unless Legion wishes to take their balls out of their purse. [quote name='AtheistRepublican' timestamp='1309846007' post='2749186'] I'm trying to wrap my head around how one guy, who is not Legion gov, somehow represents all of Legion and their government; and Legion should apologize over what one of their guys posts in World Affairs. If NSO is not responsible for what their members post, and does not censor their membership, why are you asking Legion to apologize for their members' posts and thus censor their membership? [/quote] We didn't say we aren't responsible. We said we will not gag them. Also - we aren't asking them to censor anyone. An apology does not equal a censorship. You can take that 'thus' out of there. Freedom of information/speech applies to truth and fact. To spread around lies, destroys the entire institution of the act. To throw around, or to stand by and support, slanderous comments against another government in no way has any sort of kinship to exercising freedom of speech or information.
  14. [quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1309816295' post='2748708'] As a newly signed treaty partner of The Legion, we at TLR must officially protest behavior like this. NSO [/quote] Will your protest fair more fireworks than theirs?
  15. [quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1309813378' post='2748628'] and obviously NSO feel that they don't have enough hate from Viridia's direction yet. [/quote] We've been neglecting them lately, just wanted to ensure they still felt our love.
  16. It can have serious repercussions to hold it too long. You'll turn out like Legion. I vote go nao.
  17. [quote name='youwish959' timestamp='1309716271' post='2747775'] I would never tell an [i]esteemed gentleman with such poise and grace to "$%&@ off"[/i]. [/quote] It's Impero. [quote name='AAAAAAAAAAGGGG' timestamp='1309720305' post='2747816'] Funny, I would have thought receiving NPO's badges for fighting alongside them this last war would have salvaged this relationship. Also, congrats to NSO, for not having to be indirectly tied to Legion and Invicta anymore. [/quote] While we may not be particularly close to Invicta, they aren't entirely bad. Certainly feels good to be shed of Legion tho
  18. Were they not the first voted WAE? Or was that GATO?
  19. [quote name='Johnny Apocalypse' timestamp='1309703352' post='2747621'] If you're not going to go to war over this then that means everyone on your AA is fair game for just about anything as you are completely incapable of defending yourselves. Even if you did declare war though you'd probably be laughed out of the gate for such a terrifyingly awful blitz. It's a lose-lose situation really, [b]there's really only one thing left you can do and I think you know what it is.[/b] [/quote] Disband? I think that's about the only vanishing act we have [i]not[/i] seen from them yet.
  20. [quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1309708568' post='2747663'] Diplomacy, knowledge and a quality argument. The mark of a great leader. [/quote] At which point were we supposed to openly and actively care about our diplomacy towards VE? Does the world demandeth it? If so, would you even expect us to care then? I think, as a sovereign and self-aware alliance, that we're quite able to choose our own course of action with whom we desire. Our dear Emperor, like those of the past, embodies this well.
  21. If they're going to stand to accuse us so assuredly, they can come forth and burn.
  22. [quote name='The Pansy' timestamp='1309671395' post='2747490'] Sir, I believe I know where you are coming from. [/quote] Too bad they won't ... 5 years I've wanted to get a shot at them.
  23. [quote name='DanDesade' timestamp='1309668647' post='2747445'] plenty on your face for sure. why, oh why, would you would think those quotes would indicate relevance? [/quote] I dunno - colour me stupid, but I believe that since they're qualities that apply to relevance, and the manner in which you're presenting them, would very much be an attempt at expressing relevance.
  24. [quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1309523937' post='2745895'] No, I would be quite relieved. You should sign with MK instead. [/quote] Hmmm ..... Ardus?
  25. [quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1309523549' post='2745892'] I am probably way off but I've expected this followed by a GOONS treaty for quite a while now. [/quote] Hopefully you won't be too disappointed over a lack of the latter?
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