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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. [quote name='Varianz' timestamp='1296501927' post='2613238'] Yes actually, you caught onto our super-sekrit plan- have [i]one [/i]nation declare [i]one [/i]war on [i]one [/i]member of VE, thus tipping the balance of power on that front. There's no hiding from you is there? Hint for the peanut gallery before they drool too much: one of our members, an ex-member of VE, declared on a friend. As far as I'm aware, no damage was done- it was simply a joke between friends. Peace was made, end of story. [/quote] Indeed - I unleashed a fury so strong it corrupted even my own vision and I opened the wrong envelope. Even the best get bested
  2. [quote name='lebubu' timestamp='1296495680' post='2613151'] Yeah, except we actually have the means to fight forever. You don't. Hail Doomhouse. [/quote] All the drive to get this thing started, I don't think you've realized what you've unleashed. Especially now that you're pressing for a world in the Sith image.
  3. [quote name='MrMuz' timestamp='1296495128' post='2613144'] It's irreparable damage when it's done to the upper tier.[/quote] Doesn't matter what tier, it's always repairable.
  4. [quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1296494794' post='2613140'] It's so cute that you think you have a chance. [/quote] Who said anything about a chance? We just won't quit. There's a difference. And in the end it will eventually mean our win.
  5. [quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1296494615' post='2613134'] We'll see about [I]that[/I]. [/quote] Yes - yes we will ... When?
  6. [quote name='abdur' timestamp='1296493997' post='2613113'] It evidently does piss you off, if it didn't you wouldn't have bothered correcting them after the first few times. [/quote] In multiple threads, no lesS
  7. hahaha .. I don't know why GOONs have to act all bravado in here .. It was clear we were entering the war from the get-go .. 'When' was obviously due to 'side' planning .. To quote one of our leaders, "Throwing everything in a front-line charge doesn't make any more sense now than it did during Pickett's charge." We're here now, and we're good to go. How's that war weariness affecting you?
  8. [IMG]http://i431.photobucket.com/albums/qq31/cduggan81d/SithBiznus/SithStory.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i431.photobucket.com/albums/qq31/cduggan81d/SithBiznus/NSOBattlehungry.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i431.photobucket.com/albums/qq31/cduggan81d/SithBiznus/GOONsSpreadCult.png[/IMG]
  9. [quote name='mrwuss' timestamp='1296477480' post='2612901'] [color=#C80046]H[/color][color=#C80040]e[/color][color=#C7003B]y[/color][color=#C80035] [/color][color=#C80030]l[/color][color=#C7002A]o[/color][color=#C80024]o[/color][color=#C8001F]k[/color][color=#C70019] [/color][color=#C80013]t[/color][color=#C8000D]h[/color][color=#C80006]e[/color][color=#C80000] [/color][color=#C80600]m[/color][color=#C80C00]o[/color][color=#C71200]u[/color][color=#C81800]t[/color][color=#C81D00]h[/color][color=#C82300] [/color][color=#C72800]b[/color][color=#C82D00]r[/color][color=#C83300]e[/color][color=#C83800]a[/color][color=#C83D00]t[/color][color=#C84100]h[/color][color=#C74600]e[/color][color=#C84B00]r[/color][color=#C75000]s[/color][color=#C85400] [/color][color=#C85900]d[/color][color=#C85E00]e[/color][color=#C76200]c[/color][color=#C86700]i[/color][color=#C86C00]d[/color][color=#C87000]e[/color][color=#C87500]d[/color][color=#C87A00] [/color][color=#C87F00]t[/color][color=#C88300]o[/color][color=#C88800] [/color][color=#C88D00]s[/color][color=#C89200]o[/color][color=#C79700] [/color][color=#C89C00]s[/color][color=#C8A200]o[/color][color=#C8A700]m[/color][color=#C8AD00]e[/color][color=#C7B200]t[/color][color=#C8B800]h[/color][color=#C8BE00]i[/color][color=#C8C500]n[/color][color=#C4C800]g[/color][color=#BDC800] [/color][color=#B7C700]b[/color][color=#B1C800]e[/color][color=#ABC700]s[/color][color=#A5C700]i[/color][color=#9FC700]d[/color][color=#9AC800]e[/color][color=#94C800]s[/color][color=#8FC800] [/color][color=#89C800]p[/color][color=#84C800]o[/color][color=#7EC800]s[/color][color=#79C800]t[/color][color=#73C700] [/color][color=#6EC800]a[/color][color=#69C700]n[/color][color=#63C800]g[/color][color=#5EC800]r[/color][color=#58C800]i[/color][color=#53C700]l[/color][color=#4DC800]y[/color][color=#47C800].[/color][color=#41C800] [/color][color=#3CC800]C[/color][color=#36C800]o[/color][color=#2FC800]l[/color][color=#29C800]o[/color][color=#23C800]r[/color][color=#1CC800]e[/color][color=#15C800]d[/color][color=#0EC800] [/color][color=#07C800]m[/color][color=#00C700]e[/color][color=#00C807] [/color][color=#00C80E]f[/color][color=#00C815]r[/color][color=#00C81C]e[/color][color=#00C722]a[/color][color=#00C829]k[/color][color=#00C82F]i[/color][color=#00C835]n[/color][color=#00C73B]g[/color][color=#00C841] [/color][color=#00C747]p[/color][color=#00C84D]i[/color][color=#00C852]n[/color][color=#00C858]k[/color][color=#00C75D].[/color][color=#00C863] [/color][color=#00C868]W[/color][color=#00C86E]a[/color][color=#00C873]t[/color][color=#00C779]c[/color][color=#00C87E]h[/color][color=#00C883]i[/color][color=#00C789]n[/color][color=#00C88E]g[/color][color=#00C894] [/color][color=#00C89A]N[/color][color=#00C89F]S[/color][color=#00C8A5]O[/color][color=#00C8AB] [/color][color=#00C7B1]b[/color][color=#00C8B7]e[/color][color=#00C8BD]g[/color][color=#00C8C3] [/color][color=#00C5C8]f[/color][color=#00BFC8]o[/color][color=#00B9C8]r[/color][color=#00B3C7] [/color][color=#00ADC8]m[/color][color=#00A7C8]e[/color][color=#00A2C8]r[/color][color=#009DC8]c[/color][color=#0097C8]y[/color][color=#0092C8] [/color][color=#008DC8]a[/color][color=#0088C7]n[/color][color=#0084C8]d[/color][color=#007FC8] [/color][color=#007AC8]R[/color][color=#0075C8]V[/color][color=#0071C8] [/color][color=#006CC8]p[/color][color=#0067C7]o[/color][color=#0063C7]s[/color][color=#005EC8]t[/color][color=#0059C8] [/color][color=#0055C8]i[/color][color=#0050C8]n[/color][color=#004BC8] [/color][color=#0047C8]b[/color][color=#0042C8]l[/color][color=#003DC7]u[/color][color=#0038C7]e[/color][color=#0033C8] [/color][color=#002EC7]a[/color][color=#0028C8] [/color][color=#0023C8]l[/color][color=#001EC8]o[/color][color=#0018C8]t[/color][color=#0012C8] [/color][color=#000CC8]i[/color][color=#0006C8]s[/color][color=#0000C7] [/color][color=#0600C8]g[/color][color=#0C00C8]o[/color][color=#1200C8]i[/color][color=#1800C8]n[/color][color=#1E00C8]g[/color][color=#2400C8] [/color][color=#2A00C8]t[/color][color=#3000C8]o[/color][color=#3500C8] [/color][color=#3B00C8]b[/color][color=#4000C8]e[/color][color=#4600C8] [/color][color=#4B00C8]t[/color][color=#5000C8]h[/color][color=#5600C8]e[/color][color=#5B00C8] [/color][color=#6100C8]b[/color][color=#6600C8]e[/color][color=#6C00C7]s[/color][color=#7100C8]t[/color][color=#7700C8] [/color][color=#7C00C8]t[/color][color=#8200C8]h[/color][color=#8800C8]i[/color][color=#8E00C7]n[/color][color=#9400C8]g[/color][color=#9A00C7] [/color][color=#A000C8]e[/color][color=#A700C8]v[/color][color=#AE00C8]e[/color][color=#B400C8]r[/color][color=#BC00C7].[/color] [/quote] You'll be waiting a long time for that, we have no intentions of withdrawing as long as there's still a combatant on allied soil.
  10. [b]For too long now[/b], the Sith have sat back and watched as war ravaged the lands. [b]We burned[/b] when war was brought to us in subterfuge to goad our Pacific brothers. [b]We watched[/b] as our Polar brothers met unwarranted steel from the cowards of Pandora's Box in a further attempt to goad Pacifica. [b]We watched[/b] as our Siberian brothers-in-arms rode to their defense. [b]We watched[/b] as the devils; desperate and fearful; lashed out directly at Pacifica - afraid of a future where they once again held power. [b]Today, We watch no more[/b]. [b]Finally[/b] - the leash is off .. [b]GOONS[/b][i], now you will receive us! We do not ask for your demise. We do not want your tears. It is your Corrupt we claim. It is your evil that will be saught by us. With every breath we shall hunt them down. Each day we will spill your blood till it rains down from the skies...! There are principles, which every man of every faith can embrace. These are not polite suggestions, these are codes of behaviour and those of you that ignore them will pay the dearest cost. There are varying degrees of evil. We urge you lesser forms of filth, not to push the bounds and cross over into true corruption, into our domain. But if you do, one day you will look behind you and you will see we three, and on that day, you will reap it. And we will send you to whatever God you wish![/i] [b]Today GOONs, we ride to your lands[/b] - we come for your women, your children, your weak and your sick. To make clean your lands; make them fit for the endurance of the Sith. [IMG]http://i431.photobucket.com/albums/qq31/cduggan81d/SithBiznus/SithStory.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i431.photobucket.com/albums/qq31/cduggan81d/SithBiznus/NSOBattlehungry.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i431.photobucket.com/albums/qq31/cduggan81d/SithBiznus/GOONsSpreadCult.png[/IMG] [img]http://i1182.photobucket.com/albums/x446/NSOPI/TCP/tcprwh_cd.png[/img] [img]http://i1182.photobucket.com/albums/x446/NSOPI/TCP/tcprwh_cdwar.png[/img] [img]http://i1182.photobucket.com/albums/x446/NSOPI/TCP/tcprwh_asu.png[/img] [img]http://i1182.photobucket.com/albums/x446/NSOPI/TCP/tcprwh_nso.png[/img] [i]"The Ancient Sith have spoken. Together, we will bring down the galaxy."[/i] ―Exar Kun [i]"Once you accept it, the dark side is with you forever."[/i] ―Freedon Nadd [i]"As long as the dark side flows through the cracks of my flesh, I cannot be killed."[/i] -Darth Sion [i]"I will not fall, I cannot die."[/i] -Darth Sion [i]Disclaimer: No, Terra Cotta is not riding together on this front - but the speech seemed like an awesome way to present the TCP sigs [/i] [OOC: Kinda hurt to edit that speech, but watching it last night just made it sound that much more awesome lol <3 Boondock Saints :/OOC]
  11. [quote name='Masterof9puppets' timestamp='1296436582' post='2611782'] [i]From the Desk of Puppets[/i] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/Ya8V4.gif[/IMG] [/quote] hahaha .. Nice What program are you doing your anims with?
  12. [quote name='maskofblue' timestamp='1296415333' post='2611342'] Indeed. Even now as your allies undergo trial by fire, their sky lighting up as with a thousand suns as missile upon missile rains down upon their heads, the strength of their nations rapidly edging towards nothingness, they look upon you, their treaty partner, friend, ally even now remaining unmoved and unengaged and say to themselves, "welp, I am sure glad NSO is so disciplined." [/quote] Far be it from us to try and educate you on tactic and discipline. It is indeed our discipline that has kept us out thus far, at the request of our allies thus far. Co-ordination has not brought a front logical to put us on. Our time will come. We all have a role to play.
  13. [quote name='TypoNinja' timestamp='1296412549' post='2611285'] Of course you have purpose, you are a disgruntled ex member who's bitter over seeing the alliance flourish and do better without your leadership that it ever did with you at the helm. This is naturally unacceptable to your fragile ego, so you do everything you can to convince yourself and others that we aren't doing as well as we are.[/quote] If you believe I'm disgruntled, then I'm doing my job right. And I wouldn't exactly call what you are 'flourishing'. [quote]Cast out? You mean how when you were Lord, the dictator of the alliance, you decided to quit in a massive display of butthurt, instead of sitting down and doing the work and using your position as Executive to make the alliance the place you wanted it to be? [/quote] Well now you're going back a couple years - and way off key for this thread or anything to do with - anything. And quit in a 'massive display of butthurt'? Perhaps you're subscribing to Solaris' uneducated stories. When I left, at the end of my tenure as Lord in May 2008 (which even further throws off your projection - since I was the leadership of an MADP partner and still heavily involved and close to Viridia), it was due to a coup in progress regarding my inactivity. Speak to your MoAwe on that. Those that have apologized for it in past years like Smooth, Impero and Corny; those who were part of and created Ordo Recolitus (the one's who informed me of it going on behind my back - specifically Chief4Real). The cast out comment was referring to a year ago, when I left VE to go form Symphony (where even still I couldn't get reprieve to just [s]play the game[/s] live my life) . When I effectively washed my hands of the Entente and the sewer the leadership is flushing it down. When the leadership of that alliance was pushing a lot of people away. Claiming all of us left due to said 'butthurt' over promotion passings. When you were all too blinded by your own egos and desires to see the path you were taking. And I'm not alone in this. Your accusations of delusion would only be accurate if your insinuating a mass delusion. [quote]I donnuo, you went from leader of a sanctioned alliance to member of a joke of an alliance, who can't do anything but rage impotently on the OWF. That pretty much makes you the poster child for foolishness as far as I'm concerned.[/quote] Again, a very old and tired argument. And very stringy. You leave out the time I mentioned above where I spent a period of time leading an alliance that was MADP'd and effectively closer than even GOD in it's own respects. I've been in the Viridian circle since January 2007, and it is only August of 2010 that I finally made the full sway away. [quote]Also, feel free to join the war at any time, I believe you have multiple treaty partners under attack at this point, so you've even got a selection to choose from.[/quote] I'm well aware we do. It's not within my power to do anything about that tho, is it? Unlike your 'protectorates', our lower gov members know when not to speak out for the alliance. We don't lack in discipline.
  14. [quote name='Felix von Agnu' timestamp='1296406517' post='2611197'] A fool thinks he is a wise man, while a wise man knows he is a fool. Nice to see you making a fool of yourself. [/quote] Hahaha - you really don't want to go down that road. Not considering your history in these threads. To sit here and think I speak without fore knowledge, or without purpose - is a foolish thought all it's own. I've been amongst your government for years. I've worked close beside them. I've been in higher levels of that forum than you could even dream of. Talked with them all on personal levels. I've seen truths in those discussions that would make any true Viridian's blood boil. Been subjected to their lies. Witnessed their deceit. Argued treachery. And eventually cast out. Who is really the fool? The one who opens their eyes to the truth in front of them? Or the one who continues to follow blindly?
  15. [quote name='leprecon' timestamp='1296402466' post='2611136'] Your failure to accept that those who disagree with you aren't complete morons (or plain evil) just shows your ignorance. [/quote] Your failure to accept that I know more about your government than you do just shows your ignorance.
  16. [quote name='leprecon' timestamp='1296384583' post='2610996'] Oh, and Rayvon discovered a thread to troll in. I really hope for your sake that this wasn't an honest attempt at a debate. [/quote] I [i]share my thoughts[/i] where I see fit, and how I see fit. To use a saying your 'side' has effectively used up, do something about it. A debate would imply there's another way of seeing it.
  17. [quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1296285021' post='2609128'] I'm sorry to see this turned into such an emotional experience for you, KoH. Despite what you may think, I sincerely wish you good luck in the remainder of this war as well as rebuilding both your nations and any harm done to your feelings. [/quote] Your empty words and false empathy aren't needed here. Your 'sincerities' don't make you look any better than the lying, two-faced piece of !@#$ you are. And MoB -- you left Pacifica all those years ago to escape this kind of behaviour - now your firmly attaching to Viridia like this?? The bastion of hypocrisy in this world. I'd put more trust in the word Moo of 4 years ago than I would in the Impero of today. [quote name='MrMuz' timestamp='1296281540' post='2608998'] Well, hey, if you don't want to get declared on, don't attack a protectorate. It doesn't count as an agreement unless it's officially signed. Why not bring your own bigger brother down on Misfits too, to make it fair? Oh wait, Misfits have been at war with Polaris since the first day without a complaint. They're real warriors. KoH can't seem to take two war slots from VE without crying. [/quote] [img]http://skyrope.files.wordpress.com/2008/05/fish-eat-fish.jpg[/img] That's all this war has been for their side. One big farce to try and entrap whomever they please using their subservient satellites as bait. The more they do this stupid !@#$ of theirs, the more they [i]think[/i] they're goading us. [quote name='AtheistRepublican' timestamp='1296291672' post='2609273'] I would say it is well within VE's rights to assist MN, even if MN does not need it. However, I do think that not posting a DoW is extremely underhanded. This is not the first instance I have heard of this - FOK attacking DRAGON to help PC, or Umbrella attacking Legion & TPF - and for all I know my "side" of this war could be doing the same thing. But I still think it's rather low to send assistance without actually DoWing to avoid the treaty implications. Granted, in this case, there are not any real treaty implications. But whoever thinks about all the poor souls making war webs and wiki updates, hmm? [/quote] I've come to stop expecting any level of decency from them. All they're promoting is anarchy. "$%&@ treaties." "$%&@ peace." "$%&@ sitting around and waiting for someone to sneak up in the night and slit my throat." They don't believe any one should require any reason for any sort of militia action. And they don't believe in anything but self-preservation. Edit to avoid double post: [quote name='Penkala' timestamp='1296315175' post='2609510'] Yeah man Polaris is tiny. Regardless, while the rest of my alliance appears to be preoccupied with removing Polaris from its sanctioned status, [b]I think I can spare a few war slots[/b] for your alliance (seeing as half of you are in my range). See ya soon! Edit: Hope you have a good banking system [/quote] You have no defensive or offensive wars, I'd hope you could "spare" a few.
  18. [quote name='The Catalyst' timestamp='1296244336' post='2607816'] yeh there really long because i wanted to make sure everyone could read everything easily. i thought better to have more time than not enough time [/quote] Helpful - but sometimes takes away from the effectiveness
  19. [quote name='William Blake' timestamp='1296190968' post='2606787'] Is there a reference for this that would explain it? I don't get it. [/quote] The 'gift' represents their attempts to draw Pacifica out - and the last frame displays their disappointment.
  20. [quote name='NewPoseidon' timestamp='1296133726' post='2605450'] VE is allied with many other AA's on the green sphere, where the vast majority of us stayed when GGA crumbled. GGA is gone, so I suppose it's not fair to bring it up. But that's my feeling at the moment. Maybe the Jungle Accords will prevent anything like that. [/quote] Yeah - and VE has done so much to uphold the ideals and principles behind the Jungle Accords, and they give two !@#$% about it and the alliances in it. I bet they were awfully welcoming to former GGA'ers too - have they told you how proud they are to finally see GGA gone? That they wish they had a hand in it's final minutes? Phoenix's biggest mistake would have been to align that way - as per the mistakes they've witnessed through GGA, they've learned to identify the evils that were the Orders back when it was a bad time for them. Those evils aren't here now, and they certainly aren't in this Order.
  21. Is that what they call linguistical terrorists in Doomhouse? Disappointing.
  22. [quote name='ironchef' timestamp='1296108121' post='2604860'] Why did you tell them youwish. I wanted them to figure that one out on their own [/quote] How long were you plannin on waitin up?
  23. [quote name='Zeta Defender' timestamp='1296103771' post='2604467'] Considering Ivan said that quote back in 2007, you should be paying him royalties for its adapted usage [/quote] lol thank you - I was searching for the post .. But I can't recall the thread ... So long ago ..
  24. Far, far too long in the making .. Why must everything be destroyed first? lol o/ Phoenix Rising o/ New Sith Order
  25. [img]http://i431.photobucket.com/albums/qq31/cduggan81d/IvanSaysWrong.gif[/img]
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