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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. [quote name='the rebel' timestamp='1295702863' post='2591795'] [img]http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/1778/spyj.jpg[/img] [/quote] That's definitely my new favourite of the war
  2. [quote name='Xerxes II' timestamp='1295705341' post='2591825'] I actually like the new NSO flag. Quite nice guys. Well have fun on the new color [/quote] Thanks We kinda see it like the lost link between our big brothers .. Pacifica's flag is blue and [b]black[/b], Polaris's blue and [b]white[/b], and then ours now [b]black[/b] and [b]white[/b]. [quote name='Prodigal Moon' timestamp='1295709720' post='2591917'] There were a few in Silence who didn't like you, true. But probably just as many of us who were neutral or positive. There are definitely some aspects of NSO that I've always admired and will try to draw from in leading DNA. [i]For me it was more that when you look at all the different MDP's we had - I mean GATO alone can't pick a side in this war - it just seemed futile to try to line us all up together like we represented a coherent whole.[/i] [/quote] If this war has taught us all anything, it's that this here is a wise train of thought. Perhaps the future will show a cleaner path. Till then, keep it up.
  3. [quote name='Ellis' timestamp='1295688753' post='2591634'] I realise you are not your entire alliance, and you shouldn't try [color="#FF0000"]to put[/color] words in my mouth [/quote] iFix. Sorry Ellis - it was right in front of me, screamin at me
  4. [quote name='rsoxbronco1' timestamp='1295680528' post='2591495'] You can tell because at least GGA attempted to war even if it was like watching a midget try to ride an otter like a rodeo cowboy. [/quote] I was one of the very few on Green still trying to offer them support - even when they had nothin left but a toe to stand on -- but that did make me lol ... I figure POT's just feelin' a little mellow at the moment
  5. [quote name='Ellis' timestamp='1295678752' post='2591426'] So, I don't really see how you saying 'shut up or your terms get worse' is any better than many of the things NPO did over the years, and strictly speaking, NpO at worst assisted a spy and accepted information, something you didn't accept as a valid reason for war in '09, so what changed? [/quote] They have a little more muscle now. Their tune will change when they're on the bottom again tho.
  6. [quote name='rsoxbronco1' timestamp='1295664685' post='2590470'] It's sad that GGA is gone on our map, they're doing all they can to ensure they're not gone from our minds. [/quote] Shane may be from the old GGA, but POT certainly has no association.
  7. [quote name='Teddyyo' timestamp='1295671240' post='2590842'] $%&@ you. [/quote] That's a little excessive. You're starting to sound like Smooth.
  8. [quote name='Greywall' timestamp='1295669540' post='2590715'] Its not impossible just difficult to deal with when people leave it and switch teams leaving those who remain to literally hunt down trades. [/quote] Actually it's been a lengthy, and slow process. And your government was made aware as soon as we were confirmed with White that we'd be welcomed here. If you're scrambling for trades, ask them why.
  9. [quote name='xoindotnler' timestamp='1295663695' post='2590399'] With some IT knowledge, that to can easily be edited. Better get this nice hat on. [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4237780/tinfoil.gif[/img] [/quote] Indeed. It's effortless to edit your clock settings and then edit a file. Doesn't take a genius to do a Google search for that information. Even Impero could figure it out.
  10. [quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1295659746' post='2590098'] Even if what you say for 4 is true, that would be a sting operation, and is a pretty good way of determining if Polar is actually willing to spy on your alliance or not. Which as it turns out, they are. [/quote] Everyone accepts screenshots. Is that not the big thing to say?
  11. [quote name='Ironfist' timestamp='1295658948' post='2590023'] You leaving makes it a lot worse, however. Again, you guys preached brown unity not long ago, I believe. [/quote] And what came of it? Trades didn't get any better. Relations didn't get any better.
  12. [quote name='Ironfist' timestamp='1295657772' post='2589925'] Well, good luck in your journey on white, guys. Your logic is kind of flawed though. "Brown doesn't have enough nations, so let's move off of brown". Yeah, makes a [i]lot of sense[/i]. Guess all that rubbish about brown unity was just another Sith lie. [/quote] Us staying doesn't make more magically appear. When the well runs dry, tap a new hole.
  13. [quote name='Ironfist' timestamp='1295658027' post='2589942'] So CN finally gets it's war, and NSO (who believe themselves to be a "do something about it" alliance) tries to complain. Shut up and war. You guys are unbelievable. [/quote] We are not complaining about anything. We are bringing forth the truth of the matter. If he wants to fight, he should just say so. The deceit is just cowardly.
  14. [quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1295657593' post='2589916'] I was with Impero for the whole thing so I know what all went on. Not that me thinking it's fake will surprise anyone. Nor convince anyone on Polar's side. So what's the point? [/quote] In the same room? Watchin over his shoulder while he multi-tasked? Watchin his every move?
  15. [quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1295656957' post='2589870'] I'd perhaps believe you if you weren't attempting to save face. [/quote] Who's saving face? The truth is out there, it must be told.
  16. [quote name='Bionic redhead' timestamp='1295654694' post='2589765'] To go with this there are a couple of changes, the first is (as pictured above) NSO's new flag. The second is a change to the treaty text[/quote] A change missed here, to our forum skins as well. http://www.NewSithOrder.info/
  17. Finally!! [img]http://images5.cpcache.com/product/52683295v4_480x480_Front_Color-White.jpg[/img] T-shirts for everyone! Good luck to those remaining few on Brown, nothing against you personally.
  18. [quote name='KainIIIC' timestamp='1295653345' post='2589720'] We're very glad to be not liked by you, Master. It feeds our ego I like how NPO gets away but not anyone else : [/quote] If it wasn't for STA, we might have got away too
  19. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1295645650' post='2589547'] I didn't know that NSO and NPO was participating of this war. [/quote] But we're the [i]true[/i] coordinators
  20. [quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1295603133' post='2588934'] If \m/ didn't like it they could've just rallied support and attacked VE. Case closed. This is not hypocrisy. [/quote] hurrr .. It's not hypocrisy if they didn't try to punish VE for it So - it's a 'do as I say, not as I do' world under PB's watch.
  21. Rayvon

    Bye CN

    It's been a long run, everyone's gotta move on eventually. You'd been a good friend for years, and tho the last year and a bit has seen next-to-no dialogue, I will still miss you. Good luck out there April
  22. [quote name='Lennox' timestamp='1295411146' post='2582729'] I sat in front of my computer howling with laughter at how many people were overcome by frothy nerd rage. [b]Why? Because within a week of returning and with minimal effort, I helped start a war. (Serious props to Impero for having the balls to take care of business, I'm sure most of you wouldn't have the courage he has).[/b] That brings up my next point, that most of you are cowards. This is a game. Take a risk once in a while and try to take someone down. If you fail, whats the worst that can happen? The numbers on your screen change lol. [/quote] Well this certainly looks pretty damning. However, considering the magnitude of the failure from VE, they've lost far more than just numbers. Then again - one could argue they've had nothing but numbers to lose since Karma.
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