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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. [quote name='TypoNinja' timestamp='1295404748' post='2582510'] You missed the point, the Bipolar Order has a track record such that you really can't take the moral high ground on anything. [/quote] And yours is pristine?
  2. Congrats Exodus and IAA They're watching their numbers fall short - they're gonna !@#$%* with their 'nice timing' stuff on everything.
  3. [quote name='Smooth' timestamp='1295397557' post='2582335'] Your name is also on another MDoAP. *shrug* I can't believe you're still so butt hurt. Move on man. [/quote] Nah - I'm just getting an odd pleasure in watching you spiral .. I'm quite glad to not be apart of what you are now.
  4. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1295395101' post='2582285'] I know it's hard to VE understand the concept of friendship and honor, I forgive you don't worry. [/quote] It doesn't just stop at treaty partners
  5. [quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1295376302' post='2581685'] FOK is saving it's Vassal State! Overkill booooo NOT FAIR, Can't you do it with just VE, iFOK and PC COWARDSSSS This is how I predict the topic will evolve. [/quote] Sounds more like a guilty conscience than a prediction.
  6. [quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1295377909' post='2581767'] How we handle internal policy on this matter with Lennox has absolutely no relation to how we decide to handle our external foreign policy in regard to NpO. We don't have to punish anyone, or not punish anyone, to be justified for defending our alliance when an alliance leader infiltrates us with a spy. [/quote] I remember arguing the opposite of this as a Viridian. People and times really do change.... And Karma's a double-edged sword.
  7. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1295364183' post='2581364'] [b]VE is a trash zombie alliance refounded by fairweather patriots who have always been scared !@#$less by the prospects of a losing battle[/b] and would rather lick the bootheels of their masters than stand up for any principles that were oh-so-easy to type and oh-so-hard to enact. [/quote] In all fairness, that's not true. We reformed solely to fight. They've just lost their way over the subsequent years .......
  8. [quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1295343587' post='2581012'] I don't think VE claimed a lack of diplomacy or even cares that NpO turned them away or told them to go to hell. [b]But what I do see an awful lot of is people claiming that VE never tried any diplomacy, when they obviously did. When NpO tells you they aren't going to "waste their time on you,"[/b] they sort of lose the ability to complain that no diplomacy attempt was made. [/quote] [quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1295343753' post='2581017'] You understand those logs continued soon after I got back then a later conversation took place with Random, right? [/quote] You could atleast line the stories up a little better if you're going to dance around it .. You're dense little tag along is tugging at Random's discussion being a reason to not have sat and listened to Dajoboo -- but, the conversation took place [i]after[/i] you dismissed Dajoboo? [quote name='Merrie Melodies' timestamp='1295348367' post='2581076'] I am laughing so frigging hilariously hard at VE using spying as a CB. May you never try to use the word honor and Viridian Entente in the same breath ever again. [/quote] Oh they've found a way, see my sig
  9. [quote name='Smooth' timestamp='1295334279' post='2580645'] [b]We did our part world[/b], time to do yours. Time for a good old fashioned world war. [/quote] [quote name='President Kuse' timestamp='1295335035' post='2580679'] Gotta love our Traditional VE Haters, Even when we show a valid CB people immediate call us [b]war mongers[/b], Yet if the shoe was on the other foot they would have done the same thing if not more sloppier.[/quote] [quote][b]No VE acts in an honorable justifiable way[/b], and if push comes to shove then they shall have the fight they really wanted all along![/quote] A sad, but true truth.
  10. [img]http://img1.uploadscreenshot.com/images/orig/1/1702043245-orig.png[/img] Is it an infestation? The complete conversation will make you piss yourself - PM/query me if you want the full .. lol
  11. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1295327736' post='2580228'] I love people who like to argue with the propaganda sigs [/quote] That just means the job is being done right lol
  12. [quote name='captain america' timestamp='1295325795' post='2580071'] its good to know that you willingly admit to being incompetent. Also you might want to tell your fellas how to stagger properly [/quote] [IMG]http://i431.photobucket.com/albums/qq31/cduggan81d/SithBiznus/StaggerFail.jpg[/IMG] I guess even since 6m they still haven't learned how to do so properly.
  13. [quote name='Stormsend' timestamp='1295325030' post='2580031'] Why are you involving lebubu in this? [/quote] Wasn't intended as lebubu .. I just found the most pathetic lookin !@#$%cat I could find.
  14. [quote name='Locke' timestamp='1295325029' post='2580030'] This makes the second spy from VE who is still masked as a member. Not sure if you missed it or you're just trying to make a point, but it was covered in the OP's logs: [/quote] So they willingly accepted him knowing he was Lennox .. lol ... Very interesting.
  15. [quote name='Stewie' timestamp='1295324612' post='2580009'] A: VE aren't our master, they're our friend. B: Does your master know you're out this late? Go back and bawl to Moldavi that one of his babies is up in flames. [/quote] The Orders are like the Hydra (haha .. no connection to our friends in Hydra ) - attempt to cut off a head and the magic in Moldavi will sprout a new one
  16. [quote name='The Big Bad' timestamp='1295323956' post='2579971'] He did go tell VE when he was sent the screen shots, they did not want to hear it. Of course Imperos waiving of the academy (in the above screen shot) for the supposed spy makes me wonder if perhaps he was in on in from the start. Hmmm this is just getting better and better. [/quote] Since I'm sure it was ignored by VE earlier, I'll ask again - where in the app it was clear that it was an experienced player? How did Impero know? (Not directed at you TBB - you're question increases the relevancy)
  17. Where in that app did it be clear to Impero he was experienced?
  18. [quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1295318979' post='2579606'] [img]http://i431.photobucket.com/albums/qq31/cduggan81d/SithBiznus/ImperoPCLapDog.png[/img] artist unknown [/quote] Thar be mine. The PC lap dogs ... And their "kitty" *ahem* owners [img]http://i431.photobucket.com/albums/qq31/cduggan81d/SithBiznus/VEflagKitten.png[/img]
  19. [quote name='President Obama' timestamp='1295320831' post='2579754'] No peace for Polar. Disbandment or permanent war. [/quote] Viridia does not support forced disbandment. Then again, they also support proper use of diplomacy .......... 20 hrs??? >.<
  20. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1295320481' post='2579731'] [color="#0000FF"]Good question. How did he get access to war chest information? Does VE give that information to just anyone?[/color] [/quote] I've already asked several times ... The only offered answer from Viridia is "how the hell should I know?"
  21. [quote name='Stewie' timestamp='1295319341' post='2579639'] Or maybe GOONs/FOK/Umbrella Ella Ella Ella are waiting for counters [/quote] They be the hounds waiting in the yard where they belong.
  22. [quote name='Willaim Kreiger' timestamp='1295319050' post='2579615'] You should ask them how long they waited for us to report Lennox's screenshots before they rolled us. The answer is comical at best. [/quote] I don't want to over burden them with questions. It's taking them long enough to construct an answer to that one still.
  23. [quote name='Sooner' timestamp='1295318789' post='2579586'] We have never been gunning for Polaris. The fact that people throw that deranged thought around like a bull whip really chaps my hind. We had let bygones be bygones but Polar in her infinite wisdom was running around like a headless chicken that we were out to get them for BiPolar, SpyGate with Chickenzilla, and Bleu vs DF. [/quote] And are you also going to ignore the big question? "Speaking of, how, exactly, did Lennox get VE's warchest info after only being in the alliance for just a couple days? Is VE just that lax, or was it a set up?" Or can all you offer is 'how the hell do I know' like Monsieur Typo?
  24. [quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1295317790' post='2579479'] This seems to translate into "it's not possible for someone you want to attack to give you a reason to attack them." [/quote] Considering the sensitive nature of warchests, I'd think it's a perfectly valid response ... And I know VE keeps a tight lip on their econ information.
  25. [quote name='TypoNinja' timestamp='1295317174' post='2579418'] Despite the paranoia Polar has been harboring about us ever since blaming us for WotC, we really don't have a giant Polar hate on going round. Sure we think they are a little crazy since the BiPolar shens, but no feelings strong enough to motivate us into trying to randomly roll them. Our diplomatic interactions over time have all been focused on closer relations, truly we even have more than one common ally. If we were simply looking for somebody to roll we'd have gone for something less politically inconvenient like every bodies favorite boogey man NPO, whom we have no common allies with. Back off the tinfoil-hattery a bit, sometimes things really are that straight forward, Polar sent us a spy, this is not something we take lightly, end of story. [/quote] But yet you still avoid Pez's question as to how this alleged Lennox obtained such information.
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