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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. [quote name='Biazt' timestamp='1282876678' post='2432337'] The irony of NSO complaining about evil tech raiding will never get old. [/quote] No ones complaining about tech raiding. It's about the absurd methods to find peace.
  2. [quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1282874239' post='2432280'] The alternative to having them write a short essay is to [i]not peace out because we really want their tech[/i]. It's up to you which one you prefer. [/quote] You are no better than GOONS of old. I've always said Impero would have been better in the likes of a GOONS or GOD alliance -- I guess best he can do is treaty you.
  3. [quote name='O-Dog' timestamp='1282861875' post='2432092'] An unproportionate war calls for an unproportionate thread. This has delivered. [/quote] Someones finally on to something here
  4. [quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1282853880' post='2431987'] But you can give them two options. Eternal war or disbandment. And Eternal War is pretty !@#$@#$ bad. [/quote] So push comes to shove, you don't have the conviction to fight for what you believe in.
  5. [quote name='Tungsten' timestamp='1282803521' post='2431584'] The butthurt, its spreading! Seems to be most contagious in members of alliances that didn't even fight in this war... interesting. Rayvon, I suggest we form a joint committee on the issue before more innocents fall victim to this strange phenomenon. [/quote] [quote name='Tungsten' timestamp='1282828761' post='2431717'] I see your "you're not relevant" and raise you a [i]no u[/i] - in all seriousness, the most interesting thing about this last conflict has been the amount of emotion coming from those on the sidelines. I guess if you can't beat them, or join them, the CN response is to post with vigor. I Lol'd (seriously, that was a great comeback). And you're right - generally its an awful line to take... but when it draws in a third party willing to roll in the mud a bit? I'll a bit for that. As usual, especially in an OOC forum, nothing personal. [/quote] It's called PGSS [i](Peanut Gallery Support Syndrome)[/i]. It's a very serious affliction. There, sadly, is no cure for it. A support group to help them in their time of need could be beneficial - however I fear bringing together such a large group may cause rapid spreading, perhaps even at global levels.
  6. [quote name='Lukapaka' timestamp='1282817651' post='2431672'] [i]Fark [/i]your [i]THONG[/i]s. I'm not a [i]FAN[/i], so don't be such a [i]TOOL[/i]. Get this announcement off my [i]PC[/i] seriously, [i]WTF[/i]? [i]GOD[/i]! Lol, that was fun. [/quote] That actually made me laugh
  7. Don't be hatin now Cobalt I had fun in this thread through that lol .. They weren't all bad ..
  8. Good luck Shakira And again, welcome for the flag - the google image search for a thong was ... Entertaining
  9. [quote name='Van Hoo III' timestamp='1282690259' post='2430004'] I had six wars also ... yet, I didn't turtle. All in good fun anyway, 'Nando. I just prefer an actual fight when attacked. [/quote] Up until 2 weeks ago I've always believed you a respectable man of your word. But my doubts have grown exponentially with my doubts in your treaty partners due to their recent actions and your inactions. "As you all may remember, a long time ago, almost thirty years ago, this poor soul cried out for help time and time again, but no person answered her calls. Though many saw, no one so much as called the police. They all just watched as Kitty was being stabbed to death in broad daylight. They watched as her assailant walked away. Now, we must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most, and that is the indifference of good men. " the words of a Monseigneur (no more fictional than any of our characters) .. [quote name='Van Hoo III' timestamp='1282690469' post='2430008'] I am open to a duel once you guys rebuild. We do allow those here at RoK. [/quote] I'll believe that the moment you'll actually step forward without the bloodhounds.
  10. [quote name='Smooth' timestamp='1282691747' post='2430045'] Not true. You and your "clan" (for want of a better term) had problems communicating. This does not have any bearing whatsoever upon the feelings, views, or actions of the rest of the alliance. Edit: wordsmithing [/quote] You of all people should know me better than than to use a 'your clan' definition .. Of [i]any[/i] Viridian - as much as I used to refer to even Impero as one of my best friends (past tense) - (you) have known/understood/supported/refuted/etc anything we've ever talked about on a personal level of the course of the Entente. Except within these threads. And if that's a quote to somehow involve Symphony. Then you best PM me quick - because I have a few choice words I won't hold back any longer. Not if you backstabbing !@#$%*es in VE want to continue slandering me even while I've made every attempt to diverse myself from you. Personal politics have no play here - and I'll gladly put any AA aside if you want to make it as such. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1282704652' post='2430318'] You forgot one: -If you're in VE, you probably don't have argumentation skills and just talk about the AA of the people not about their post. [/quote] You're selling the entire Entente short over the actions of the current 'Good Ol Boys Club' ... While I agree with it to the current persuasion, it's not the full case.
  11. [quote name='Van Hoo III' timestamp='1282688482' post='2429967'] You're missing the fact that I [b]didn't[/b] let an alliance burn this time. [/quote] Thank you Hoo. You're the bestest bestest ever. Is that what you're wanting to hear?
  12. [quote name='Van Hoo III' timestamp='1282688081' post='2429955'] Nah, you know damn well they will find a way to complain about that too. "How [b]dare[/b] RoK step aside and let the NSO let die!" Like I said, next time you guys can burn for all I care. We'll step aside and make it happen. [/quote] As long as they aren't in defending you on your request, so be it. The accountability is then theirs - not yours.
  13. [quote name='Van Hoo III' timestamp='1282685817' post='2429881'] Again, we signed it to reflect that we were no longer at war with the NSO. If you want to pretend that there is an asterisk next to our names, feel free. [/quote] You signed your name without accountability is what it comes down to. You brought them in. It's on you. We took accountability for our (Hefts) actions, our allies respected our wishes and stood aside.
  14. [quote name='shilo' timestamp='1282682832' post='2429813'] At least to me (and I clearly admit this is my opinion) it seems you'd have to be really weak to let your allies force you to break your own word in your own war to get them to follow your lead. I admit, that's not something I would expect from friends and allies at all. [/quote] Some friends are self-serving and don't respect the wishes of their allies.
  15. [quote name='Rayvon' timestamp='1282675687' post='2429652'] Yes - most of us would. But at this time, it would have been dumb. It's a cointoss. [/quote] [quote name='VeritasK' timestamp='1282676097' post='2429659'] If you think Wad of Lint made a mistake, leave NSO, create an alliance, declare war on RoK, VE, R&R, GOD, and TENE. Otherwise in the end you support his decision of saving pixels and have no right being a hypocrite criticizing it. [/quote] My yes, was to continuing the fight. I should have removed the part of the quote about asking if he made a mistake for the sake of clarity. Though I figured the part about it being dumb to continue would have offered something to clarity on that.
  16. [quote name='Valtamdraugr' timestamp='1282675518' post='2429650'] Do you believe LintWad made a mistake? If you were in his position, would you have declined the offer and fought on? [/quote] Yes - most of us would. But at this time, it would have been dumb. It's a cointoss.
  17. [quote name='Bill Wallace' timestamp='1282661504' post='2429433'] You're not going to find 300 sycophants mindlessly following a cult of personality in the VE. [/quote] This I can agree to. Sadly, too many [i](*not* all)[/i] of those who do have their own mind and think for themselves are also too afraid to say so to the right person/people.
  18. [quote name='Van Hoo III' timestamp='1282669879' post='2429550'] I don't base my opinion of people on whether or not they demand apologies. It is possible to disagree with someone else's stance on something and still like or respect them. This point is something I would just tend to agree to disagree on. [/quote] In other words - having people like that around make things convenient so he has no wish to delve into a discussion where this may become more apparent than his avoidance does.
  19. [quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1282667436' post='2429503'] Don't get me wrong, I found the beer review funny and all (really did), but I don't think an alliance full of star track enthusiasts should really be poking fun at what someone else is into. [/quote] Star wars. And just because we're here doesn't make us all enthusiasts. I actually do enjoy a lil HP now and then - and Malfoy is actually one of my more favourite characters (if I had to pick one) - tho not in the manner he's displayed in my av, that part is merely for poking a little fun.
  20. [quote name='Midkn1ght' timestamp='1282666598' post='2429481'] Amusing calling someone childish when your alliance is making OOC attacks against Xiph, the newest one literally one post down from your post in Rayvon's avatar. [/quote] Malfoy completes me. I can change it to appease you.
  21. [quote name='lorian' timestamp='1282666292' post='2429475'] why is everyone congratulating NSO when we should be congratulating the victors especially TENE as they are a small alliance who would have been surely destroyed if it wasn't for ROK's support and the valiant members of TENE [/quote] TENE would never have been destroyed. The incident between them and Sedrick would have remained between them had RoK not declared on him while he was under our AA ...... But - that's a wartime argument. We're post-war now. We'll save it for next time RoK comes knocking.
  22. [quote name='CRex of Gulo Gulo' timestamp='1282663134' post='2429451'] Alliances who exist only because of a protectorate agreement shouldn't run their mouths. Drop that peace of paper and the big boys that tech raid would turn into a smoldering crater within an update or two. Swatch0's comments really just show how bush league TENE is. Same with Pear Chris. News flash guys, the Sith have survived multiple wars, this curb stomp, a change of Emperor and their block (Frostbite) falling apart. While they do tend to reel drunkenly from disaster to disaster, [b]their membership appears to do so in a uniform manner.[/b] [/quote] The true course of an alliance - more so than decisions, pixels, and words ..
  23. [quote name='MrMuz' timestamp='1282664182' post='2429455'] You know it's good propaganda if people get defensive about it. [/quote] Aye - clearly it struck a nerve -- or pulled a wrong thread as the case may be
  24. [quote name='Sandwich Controversy' timestamp='1282652873' post='2429322'] It's ridiculous simply because NSO lost a lot more than 300k this war and everybody knows that. [/quote] Yes. About 1.7m or so worth of NS in total (rough estimate based off Day 1 and Day 16 NS numbers from the Stats Thread). What's ridiculous is the reading comprehension of those so quick to dismiss it. [i]"After 7 days"[/i] - the source of the image is very clearly from in-game, it shows the last 7 days of war. Where we, as the massive underdog, should be so badly beaten to a pulp after such odds shouldn't be able to deal so much damage at this point.
  25. [quote name='Van Hoo III' timestamp='1282662301' post='2429442'] I'm horribly ill and have been in bed for 24 hours ... I had to catch up. [/quote] Ah so there was a Hoo impersonator allowing your name to be slandered by you're [i]allies[/i] only 10 hrs ago.
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