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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. [center][img]http://cnsymphony.com/img/doe-emblem.png[/img][/center] [color=green] Good evening, I come before you this evening to announce the existence of Symphony, a new Green Sphere alliance. Symphony is the culmination of the years of combined experience of many veteran players who hope to form a new union based on the ideals that all among our ranks hold dear. We form this union based on the principles of loyalty, integrity, intelligence, and mutual respect. We cultivate this new community to ensure the mutual defense, prosperity, and respect of all those privileged to join our ranks. The aforementioned concepts are the inspiration for Symphony's foundation, and will remain at the forefront of all of our policies, procedures, and actions.[/color] [quote] [font=georgia][size=12pt][u][b]Article I – PREAMBLE[/b][/u][/size] [size=12pt][i]Section 1[/i][/size][size=10pt] – The purpose of Symphony shall be to provide for the protection and support of her member nations, as well as present organized interactions with other alliances in an effort to promote a productive and holistic existence within the world of CyberNations.[/size] [size=12pt][i]Section 2[/i][/size][size=10pt] – Above all else, Symphony values honor, loyalty, respect, strength, integrity, mutual prosperity, a sense of humor, intelligence, and most importantly, the voice of all nations contained within the membership. These concepts are the inspiration for the foundation of the alliance, and should remain at the forefront of all policies, procedures, and actions of the member nations.[/size] [size=12pt][b][u]Article II – GOVERNMENT STRUCTURE[/u][/b][/size] [size=12pt][i]Section 1[/i][/size][size=10pt] – The premier legislative body of Symphony is composed of four members, hereby referred to as “the Quadrumvirate,” which shall consist of the following positions: * Quadrumvir of Defense – Responsible for wartime preparations and military organization * Quadrumvir of Economics – Responsible for procuring trades, technology, and growth opportunities * Quadrumvir of Foreign Affairs – Responsible for creating and maintaining foreign relations * Quadrumvir of Internal Affairs – Responsible for member admission, compliance, and discipline[/size] [size=12pt][i]Section 2[/i][/size][size=10pt] – Each Quadrumvir shall have complete dominion over all policies, procedures, and personnel of their respective Council. In any situation that requires cooperation between two or more divisions, these efforts shall be overseen by the entirety of the Quadrumvirate.[/size] [size=12pt][i]Section 3[/i][/size][size=10pt] – Quadrumvirs may appoint up to two Deputies – one Senior and one Junior – in order to assist with the proper supervision of all matters within their Council. The Senior Deputy shall lead their Council during an approved leave of absence of the Quadrumvir, and shall be the prime candidate to replace the Quadrumvir in the case of resignation or removal from office.[/size] [size=12pt][i]Section 4[/i][/size][size=10pt] – When a measure has reached the stage of a vote, each Quadrumvir must cast their ballot on the forums within a 72-hour window from the initial call for a vote. Responses via proxy will not be permitted. In addition, each Quadrumvir is responsible for stating that they have voted on the issue, while not revealing which response they have chosen.[/size] [size=12pt][i]Section 5[/i][/size][size=10pt] – A three-fourths (or 75%) majority must be reached in order for any legislation to be successfully passed. If any Quadrumvirate vote should result in a tie, the Senior Deputies of each Council will be brought into a joint vote with the Quadrumvirate. Following further debate, another vote shall take place. In this circumstance, a five-eighths majority (or 63%) vote is required for approval.[/size] [size=12pt][i]Section 6[/i][/size][size=10pt] – In the event that a Quadrumvir is absent for a period of two weeks, and they have not been properly cleared for a leave of absence by the rest of the Quadrumvirate, a Vote of No Confidence shall be brought forth to the alliance.[/size] [size=12pt][i]Section 7[/i][/size][size=10pt] – Should any one Quadrumvir resign or be removed from office, their Senior Deputy will supervise all functions of their Council until another Quadrumvir is selected by a unanimous vote of the remaining members of the Quadrumvirate.[/size] [size=12pt][b][u]Article III – GOVERNMENT SELECTION[/u][/b][/size] [size=12pt][i]Section 1[/i][/size][size=10pt] – At any time, if the membership feels as though a Quadrumvir does not properly represent the alliance and her principles, or is incapable of properly running their Council, they may present a Vote of No Confidence. This Vote can be called at any time given the signature of any five members in good standing.[/size] [size=12pt][i]Section 2[/i][/size][size=10pt] – In the case of a Vote of No Confidence, a vote shall be placed before the entire population of the alliance. A two-thirds (or 67%) majority is required in order to remove any Quadrumvir from power.[/size] [size=12pt][i]Section 3[/i][/size][size=10pt] – If the Senior Deputy is not approved as the replacement, or if two positions within the Quadrumvirate are vacant at the same time, a joint vote of the congress between the remaining Quadrumvirs and Senior Deputies shall take place in order to instate another candidate. In this circumstance, a four-sevenths (or 57%) majority is required to declare a clear winner.[/size] [size=12pt][i]Section 4[/i][/size][size=10pt] – If a Senior Deputy resigns, the Junior Deputy is automatically assumed to be the Senior Deputy of their respective Council, unless the Quadrumvir appoints another candidate.[/size] [size=12pt][b][u]Article IV – MEMBERSHIP[/u][/b][/size] [size=12pt][i]Section 1[/i][/size][size=10pt] – This alliance shall never tolerate preferential treatment of any nation ruler, including those wishing to apply for membership. In accordance with the guiding principles in Article I.2 of this charter, all applicants are to be given proper consideration and respect. However, anyone may be rejected in order to maintain the integrity of the alliance.[/size] [size=12pt][i]Section 2[/i][/size][size=10pt] – All nations seeking entry to Symphony may post a public application within the forums. In order to determine the nature of the application, these applicants will be subjected to examinations and an interview process.[/size] [size=12pt][i]Section 3[/i][/size][size=10pt] – Following successful completion of the previous section, each application will be subjected to a 72-hour window of private discussion and debate within the full membership. If any current Symphonian in good standing has reason to suspect that the acceptance of the applicant would not better the alliance or its community, they may openly present this to the membership and the Council without fear of censorship or repercussion. Any such statements will be taken into serious consideration prior to an applicant's admission.[/size] [size=12pt][i]Section 4[/i][/size][size=10pt] – Any applicants that have active wars, are indebted to another alliance, or are listed on any form of ZI list must indicate this on their applications. All issues must be resolved before any further steps may be made toward membership. Failure to present the full truth about any such issues may result in the immediate termination of membership.[/size] [size=12pt][i]Section 5[/i][/size][size=10pt] – If an applicant is approved to become a member of Symphony, they will have a period of four weeks in which they should switch to the Green team. If this statute is not met, the member will be removed from good standing, and may be asked to leave the alliance. The Quadrumvir of Internal Affairs may make any exceptions to this requirement on a case-by-case basis.[/size] [size=12pt][i]Section 6[/i][/size][size=10pt] – Should a nation be found wearing the “Symphony” Alliance Affiliation without proper authorization, they will be declared to be a ghost/rogue, and will be dealt with accordingly.[/size] [size=12pt][u][b]Article V – CODE OF CONDUCT[/b][/u][/size] [size=12pt][i]Section 1[/i][/size][size=10pt] – All Symphonians shall remain in good standing in the alliance provided that they are not in violation of any of the following Sections. Should a member be found to not be in compliance, their membership may be terminated, and their nation may possibly be subjected to a sentence of Zero Infrastructure.[/size] [size=12pt][i]Section 2[/i][/size][size=10pt] – Symphonians are expected to uphold all legislation and orders that the Quadrumvirate present to the alliance, unless these actions are deemed to be in violation of Article I.2 of this charter. In this circumstance, a Vote of No Confidence should be brought forth.[/size] [size=12pt][i]Section 3[/i][/size][size=10pt] – All Symphonians are to be on the Green team, unless the Quadrumvir of Internal Affairs approves exemption.[/size] [size=12pt][i]Section 4[/i][/size][size=10pt] – All Symphonians are expected to proudly wear the Alliance Affiliation of “Symphony,” and include their membership identification number in their nation biography at all times.[/size] [size=12pt][i]Section 5[/i][/size][size=10pt] – When dealing with any outside persons or groups, each member is expected to exemplify all of the characteristics listed in Article I.2 of this charter. The image, honor, and integrity of Symphony are greater than any one member.[/size] [size=12pt][i]Section 6[/i][/size][size=10pt] – Individual nations may not engage in any aggressive wars with, or provide intelligence to, any non-member for any reason, unless given explicit orders from the Quadrumvirate.[/size] [size=12pt][i]Section 7[/i][/size][size=10pt] – All Symphonians are expected to repay any possible debts within a reasonable amount of time, though the Quadrumvir of Economics may make exceptions.[/size] [size=12pt][i]Section 8[/i][/size][size=10pt] – Tech raiding is deemed as an unacceptable practice for any Symphonian. There are no exceptions to this section.[/size] [size=12pt][i]Section 9[/i][/size][size=10pt] – Prior to departure from the alliance, a member must post a public resignation 72 hours before they are allowed to leave. All resignations are subject to approval by the Quadrumvirate.[/size] [size=12pt][u][b]Article VI – WAR[/b][/u][/size] [size=12pt][i]Section 1[/i][/size][size=10pt] – Member nations may only declare an aggressive war upon receiving an order from the Quadrumvirate or the Senior Deputy of the Defense Council. Wars declared without clear and direct orders will be seen as rogue actions.[/size] [size=12pt][i]Section 2[/i][/size][size=10pt] – At any time, members are permitted and expected to defend against any offensive military action on their nations, and will have the full support of their alliance in terms of diplomacy, finances, and military.[/size] [size=12pt][i]Section 3[/i][/size][size=10pt] – The alliance has a strict NO FIRST STRIKE policy in regard to nuclear assaults. Nuclear weapons may be used in defensive measures, but only when at least one member nation has been attacked by a nuclear weapon or upon the unanimous approval of the Quadrumvirate.[/size] [size=12pt][i]Section 4[/i][/size][size=10pt] – During a state of war, all admissions will be closed. No members are to be admitted, nor shall any be allowed to resign. In addition, those refusing to follow orders to defend their fellow members shall be declared enemies of the alliance.[/size] [size=12pt][b][u]Article VII – AMENDMENTS[/u][/b][/size] [size=12pt][i]Section 1[/i][/size][size=10pt] – Any Symphonian in good standing may present Charter amendments for debate. If significant popular opinion is deemed to be in favor of the addition, subtraction, or changing of text, the Quadrumvirate shall bring it forth for a vote.[/size] [size=12pt][i]Section 2[/i][/size][size=10pt] – Ratification of all Charter amendments requires a three-fourths (or 75%) vote from the Quadrumvirate in order to be placed into effect.[/size][/font][/quote] [color=green]We extend our hand in friendship to all those who wish to come to know us, and invite you to join us on our Forums (http://forums.cnsymphony.com/), and in our public IRC channel #Symphony on irc.coldfront.net. We can also be found on Wiki at http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Symphony[/color] [center][img]http://cnsymphony.com/img/symflag-500wave.gif[/img] [img]http://cnsymphony.com/img/founders.png[/img][/center]
  2. I have to say I hold reserve on my feelings on this. Some ways I see good, some bad. I don't know. Welcome back Egore [center][img]http://images.marthastewart.com/images/content/pub/ms_living/1997Q4//ml711_1197_dishwasher_kitchen_xl.jpg[/img][/center]
  3. Hmm ... Supa and TiTaN together in gov positions - somethings missing ... Congrats on the format change, hope it serves you well
  4. [quote name='Ejayrazz' date='28 April 2010 - 12:40 AM' timestamp='1272429629' post='2278167'] Damsky, unfortunately it is a grudge I simply cannot get over, but the world still spins and I am fine with that. The leader represents an alliance and its name; when an alliance leader laughs and condones such !@#$@#$ stupid and vile acts, it is something I wont forget. I forgive IC, I do not forgive OOC actions which are demoralizing. I must respectfully disagree; as I said man, IC actions are one thing, OOC are another. [/quote] I have to echo a smart man However, since I see none around, Ejay will do
  5. [quote name='Nonymguy' date='27 April 2010 - 10:30 PM' timestamp='1272421841' post='2278006'] Nope. I had no idea of the history. I'm a n00b here who was just bored, so thought I'd take on a challenge, with no idea of what the scope of the project was. I still havent exactly been elected as leader, just the /b/'s were clamoring for someone to announce a DoE of the alliance. I had no idea of the history the previous reich left on this world. I had never even heard of the Third Great war. [b]This will be fun to see how long I can make it last without asking for anybodies permission.[/b] By the way, have you asked me for permission to breath? No? Okay well same idea. /B/ is here, and I'll do my best to kick them in the nuts if they try to act up. [/quote] I think that may be counter-productive to a lasting stay.
  6. [quote name='Mr Damsky' date='27 April 2010 - 07:54 PM' timestamp='1272412440' post='2277830'] I have no idea why VE cares but whatever. Good luck. [/quote] It's been explained several times over already.
  7. [i]Mmm .. The sweet taste of /b/lood .. How I miss it.[/i]
  8. [quote name='Il Impero Romano' date='25 April 2010 - 10:49 PM' timestamp='1272250137' post='2275352']While you single handedly stopped all progress within UJA since you took over, that certainly does not mean your destabilizing the whole green sphere.[/quote] This entire thread is out of hand and retarded. Wisest words in here so far are from Argin. However, this part here made me stop dead and fall off my chair laughing. Are you suggesting that this incident is what's causing in-action within UJA? What about the last few months I spent trying hard to push Viridia to put more effort into it while being stopped and blocked in my actions and told it's a waste of time and to not bother cause we have too much within VE to worry about. That doesn't sound to me like GGA singlehandedly stopping anything.
  9. [quote name='Enrage' date='22 April 2010 - 09:37 PM' timestamp='1271986620' post='2271404'] A new green alliance's existence shall not be threatened simply cause they left without a particular person's permission. [/quote] [quote]Article II. Any nation currently represented in The Entente has the right to secede at any time if it so wishes. [b]However, it is required to submit a letter of resignation to the Secretary of the Interior.[/b] If a nation wishes to be readmitted into The Entente, it must follow the same admission guidelines as first-time applicants. However, the Lord and Secretaries retain the right to restrict membership flow during times of war and mandate repercussions for desertion.[/quote] So if someone leaves Viridia, and is declared EoTE due to failure to adhere to policy - they're free game to be protected without fear or repercussions? ** Yes - I'm fully aware this is a wF announcement, not a Viridian announcement. The relevance of the question is based on the fact that these people left against their previous charter, a sovereignty wF has no more control over than they do Viridias in the sense of this question **
  10. [quote name='Hime Themis' date='18 March 2010 - 07:06 PM' timestamp='1268957194' post='2229683'] Gentle Persons [b]Notification of Unilateral Ceasefire[/b] The Order of the Black Rose engages in alliance war only to protect herself and those whom we call friend and ally. To this end when war came unbidden to our friends and allies in the Greenland Republic they called upon us through our treaty. We honored this request by declaring a defensive war against TORN. TORN fought us in numerous conflicts with humor and honor. Nuclear weapons were exchanged in almost all conflicts and significant damage was received and given by both sides. TORN has conducted their public discourse with us as well as private discourse with grace. There was and is no animus from us resulting from this exchange. The Order of the Black Rose, as per our Terms of Engagement, sought neither restitution nor terms from our opponent,that remains unchanged. We will not seek a separate peace from our ally who has other specific terms in mind. We will not leave our post at their side should TORN re-engage. However since TORN is in no wars with GR and since the last offensive war from TORN on GR expired Feb 7, 2010 we cannot justify continued hostility against this alliance. We never seek the reduction of an alliance nor do we profit from our duty in war. We sought earlier on to remove TORN from the conflict as is our duty. We were regrettably unable to accommodate agreeable terms for TORN and her adversaries and thus maintained our conflicts with them. However, the time has passed for us to support such operations. To be very clear, this is a cessation of offensive operations; a state of war still exists and will continue until peace with GR is achieved. Should TORN take any offensive action against GR then this ceasefire will be null and void. That would of course, sadly, mean a resumption of hostilities. We have striven to achieve an honorable peace for those involved and will continue to do so. It is sadly a case where both sides believe that they are honorably supporting their allies and the lines drawn are too far apart right now to be bridged. That is valorous but lamentable. We cannot support further hostilities at this time when the cause of our involvement is long past and peace should now be the goal. Respectfully Dame Hime Themis For the Knights Council Order of the Black Rose [/quote] Much respect here. Excellent move OBR. I hope we can see a cessation across the boards.
  11. [quote name='neneko' date='21 March 2010 - 10:46 AM' timestamp='1269186350' post='2232167'] So much haters. If you find the doctrine pointless why even bother to reply? I think it's a great first step towards green unity. Obviously there's more work ahead to get some unity on green but this is a good start imo. [/quote] It's not necessarily a step towards 'Green unity', moreso a step forward in cementing their commitments; it certainly is a good step for the Grand Global Alliance in their intentions under this new administration. [quote name='Andre27' date='21 March 2010 - 11:28 AM' timestamp='1269188863' post='2232187'] I believe Bob Janova hits the nail on the head. The new GGA administration did not cancel UJA and therefor did never "cancel" this old policy. Even though i truly hope the GGA will grow you folks will have to do better than such an obvious PR stunt. [/quote] How is this a PR stunt? They are, to use your term, re-inventing the wheel essentially. They threw out the useless, and are making proper steps towards reinsertion into the community at large. Some other alliances could stand to learn a thing or two here. [quote name='goldielax25' date='21 March 2010 - 12:47 PM' timestamp='1269193619' post='2232254'] That isn't my point at all, what my point is is you guys don't need foreign policy right now, you need internal policy. I'll stop before people get going on the 'why don't you let GGA run GGA' but as a valid suggestion, if I were in your position the second anyone started distracting themselves from fixing real problems by saying something like 'we should do xxx foreign policy thing' I would respectfully try to steer them back in the right direction. [/quote] Before you go poking at other peoples policies, try fixing stuff at home. You wouldn't know a 'fixed problem' (or respect for that matter) if it bit you on the nose. Great move JB and GGA. I look forward to seeing more changes out of you down the road. Keep on forward. There's still a long ways to go, a lot to repair. But you can do it.
  12. Two slots available @ http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=368054
  13. [quote name='andre27' date='10 February 2010 - 05:22 PM' timestamp='1265840528' post='2173272'] Don't forget Dementual [/quote] Yes - yes ... Dementual ... Congrats
  14. I don't get it. Is this supposed to be amusing?
  15. Another one I'm both sad and happy to see :s o/ GGA o/ MHA
  16. First thing I've seen you do right since Ennoia's foundation. Too bad it had to be Polar
  17. I get fuzzy feelings reading that treaty <3 Welcome POT
  18. This thread hurts my head. Both sides of it.
  19. You gots a purty gun o/ GOD Go get you some
  20. So did I ... Mine would have been Oct 26 for Kindred Nation ...
  21. Those were just the basics The advanced is yet to come lol Congrats on the 3 year marker
  22. o/ Viridia It's good to be back to this level
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