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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. [quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1282648057' post='2429294'] Is that really where we are here? It all seems rather trivial from both sides. [/quote] No. We're at a point where we were put under the bus and railed from one end of the cyberverse to the other (and still stand to raise your annoyance levels) and because Hoo's word is supposed to be the [i]be-all; end-all [/i]. But when it came down it - it meant nothing more than a convenient reason to start a stupid war. A stupid war was met with a stupid end. We have the intelligence to [i]play[/i] down to your level. [quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1282654822' post='2429337'] Congratulations to our allies Ragnarok (and their allies, of course) on their victory. Calling what's in the OP "terms" is just stupid, since it's plain that the NSO doesn't mean a damn word of it anyway. Now, don't you have a moral crusade somewhere to toddle off to, child? EDIT: Oh, almost forgot.... I can't believe you guys actually took up my suggestion of a beer review. +1 for me. Huzzah! [/quote] Terms are terms. It may have just come down to every single one of us singing the alphabet - but they're still terms. Terms that prove Hoo is not the infallible beacon that was so argued throughout the entire war. [quote name='zenergy' timestamp='1282655576' post='2429357'] I'm disappointed - if the NSO is required to give a beer review, they should also be required to bring enough for the whole class. Seriously, though - congrats to the NSO for finally getting peace in the stupidest war Planet Bob has seen in quite a while. [/quote] Saved a couple cases for the after party [quote name='kevin32891' timestamp='1282656592' post='2429370'] I'd like to thank all our allies for the great support. In fact I can already see them performing [i]Foedus Reparo[/i] on our nations. [/quote] Indeed. Thank you. Despite the nay-sayers and name-callers; you guys had the hardest job. Sitting and watching while we had all the fun. Will see you in the welfare line
  2. [quote name='Wad of Lint' timestamp='1282630085' post='2429040'] You mean I shouldn't take your leadership's word at face value? [/quote] Not this time, only at the beginning of the war.
  3. [quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1282627515' post='2428915'] You guys were poor fighters, almost universally turtled, in many cases were too demoralized even to purchase/fire nukes each day, and inflicted a fraction of the damage they could have done to the attackers. Better? I was going to post a 'good fight NSO' comment but apparently that's not what you're looking for. [/quote] [img]http://i431.photobucket.com/albums/qq31/cduggan81d/SithBiznus/CurbStompFail.png[/img] Very poor indeed. Combined, you're coalition suffered more losses.
  4. [quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1282625875' post='2428825'] Of course it is. I wouldn't suggest you abrogate your responsibilities. And really, I don't really think you're doing a disservice to your alliance at all. Others who [i]are[/i] in government are taking care of holding things up far more effectively. [/quote] I'm sure they are. I have no doubts they're doing what they're set out to do.
  5. [quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1282623499' post='2428783'] Oh yeah, that should really help to speed up peace negotiations. [/quote] Somehow I missed this - perhaps it was seeing your name attached to the post and skipping it .. Not sure ... Anyways -- I'm not gov nor do I have any involvement in negotiations. I am a Propagandist. My orders, much like my fellow brother-in-arms and much like each fighter on the 'other side', is to fight and do my job until such time as peace is declared.
  6. [quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1282623823' post='2428788'] Rayvon your alliance has 7k ANS. [/quote] And that makes the fact that RoK has lost more NS in the past 7 days with the help of 4 of you other alliances any better how??
  7. [quote name='Edifice' timestamp='1282624826' post='2428803'] I am surprised an ODP is getting this much attention. Has this type of treaty gained in perceived strength these days or are we all just bored? I will guess the latter [/quote] Neither - it's the history of the two alliances ..... Specifically where treaties were involved. As pointed out earlier in the thread - last treaty that bound these two was WUT. And VE leaving WUT eventually lead to [url="http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Green_Civil_War"]disbandment[/url]. It's just a shocker.
  8. [quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1282616434' post='2428564'] More like 3 to 1 [/quote] [img]http://i431.photobucket.com/albums/qq31/cduggan81d/SithBiznus/CurbStompFail.png[/img] 4 to 1 is more accurate .. We were shy of 200 nations, you're coalition was over 800 nations ..
  9. [img]http://i431.photobucket.com/albums/qq31/cduggan81d/SithBiznus/CurbStompFail.png[/img] I think it was actually more than 700 nations in excess, I didn't consult the Stats thread ... You're welcome to nitpick tho
  10. [quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1282544059' post='2427393'] Well its too late for that now. Two weeks and this is still going, the alliances that are crushing NSO have now moved into alliance killing territory. VE, Rok, GOD & co are as in touch with reality as Gramlins. I hope to see treaties being dropped by their allies because of this extermination. Remaining a treaty partner with them at this point is accepting that killing off an alliance over $6 million in aid is acceptable.[/quote] [quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1282581706' post='2427840'] My ramblings might be bizarre and while I dont speak for NSO I can count to 14. Backtrack fail, congrats. How many overkill beatdowns is this since Karma, ive lost count. You people are always claiming the current one is different to previous ones. [/quote] I don't think he actually read it. He seems to think you were saying - [i]'analogously'[/i] - that this war has been as long as that one. Not acknowledging the simile to it simply being a beatdown.
  11. [quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1282576266' post='2427747'] Kidding about the comparison that is in absolutely no way analogous. Like you said, we aren't even at the end of round two. [/quote] You only told him to check his calendar as his time is wrong - you made no disputing arguement/comment towards the GRE reference. Also - I'm pretty sure 13 days is close enough to 14 days to be considered two weeks - just sayin.
  12. [quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1282546744' post='2427417'] Your kidding, right? Check the calender in case you suddenly lost your sense of time. [/quote] No - I think he's about right. Round 2 is about to expire tonight. 7 days a round. I count 2 weeks. Definitely.
  13. I think I always admired Egore most
  14. [quote name='LittleRena' timestamp='1282427934' post='2426006'] Thanks for clearing that up, so that means TENE, Rok, R&R, GOD and VE are all one alliance right? [/quote] Clearly. The visual representation of them being one solitary force in front of us definitely means that they are one alliance.
  15. [img]http://i431.photobucket.com/albums/qq31/cduggan81d/SithBiznus/WT52PickUp.png[/img]
  16. [quote name='Merrie Melodies' timestamp='1282097984' post='2420902'] I am still seeking reps. [/quote] Good luck with this.
  17. [quote name='Swanfield' timestamp='1282088205' post='2420584'] Yes I did, I re-bought military on the fly while they were attacking me. [/quote] Simply awe-inspiring.
  18. [quote name='Swanfield' timestamp='1282087921' post='2420573'] 6 failed aircraft attacks and 6 failed ground attacks says otherwise and all of them are bigger nations than me. [/quote] And that has to do with your 'skill' how? You didn't make those attacks fail.
  19. [quote name='Boomhower' timestamp='1282080246' post='2420300'] Thank you come again. [/quote] Nice - I've been seeing a lot of those too
  20. [quote name='Caleb279' timestamp='1282079870' post='2420282'] At first I was like "WTF, everyone knows its Photoshop". Now It's like "Holy mother of god, whats going on " [/quote] This made me lol
  21. [img]http://i431.photobucket.com/albums/qq31/cduggan81d/SithBiznus/VESmug2009.png[/img]
  22. [img]http://i431.photobucket.com/albums/qq31/cduggan81d/SithBiznus/LennoxDSSig2.png[/img] The tides are turning
  23. [quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1282048296' post='2419486'] I was saying if you're going to accept someone embroiled in a dispute, just be ready to fight for it. No one can tell you if it is right or wrong to want to protect a member, but to protect a member and then assume threats of war are invalid go completely contradictory to each other. That is my issue with the outcries against this war. NSO stuck their neck out to accept a member, then is outraged that it led to war. [b]Were I in the same situation and had the same conversation with Hoo, I would have immediately readied myself and my allies for war.[/b] NSO (and you in particular) messed up here because you forgot that 'protection' actually implies willing to go to war over someone, whereas you ended up being shocked when protecting a member embroiled in wars ended up pulling your alliance in. If I thought the war was unwinnable even with my allies at my side, I would have sought to negotiate Sedrick's release [u]before[/u] offering him protection/aiding him. [/quote] You have readied yourself because all you think is 'war war war' - you would have readied your allies cause you're too [b]weak[/b] to handle anything alone. "oh bawww that's wut treaties are for .. why sign em if ewe can't use em" right?
  24. [quote name='conistonslim' timestamp='1282018429' post='2418705'] Hell why not? \m/ wants to push the boundries of whats acceptable, STA draws a line in the sand. A battle of wills. Should be a lot of fun for everyone. [/quote] Good move STA
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