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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. [quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1295316781' post='2579384'] And the real reason for this attack is that these folks have been gunning for Polar for ages, and they took what they can get. Speaking of, how, exactly, did Lennox get VE's warchest info after only being in the alliance for just a couple days? Is VE just that lax, [b]or was it a set up?[/b] [/quote] I used every tool at my disposal this evening to try and match up the mibbit hostname with known ones of Lennox and came up with nothing ...
  2. [quote name='PMoses' timestamp='1295315744' post='2579276'] Also, when is PB or VE or any of them for that matter gonna grow a set [/quote] Not in your life time.
  3. [quote name='bzelger' timestamp='1295315555' post='2579252'] Dajobo clearly stated twice that he would have nothing to do with spying. Your CB boils down to "he accepted screenshots." [/quote] Is that not pretty much what kicked of Karma? OV/Seth accepted screens? (I was absent that point in time and still have not gotten that full story - that's a legit question)
  4. As words of this treaty reach the streets of Kindred Nation, the young'ins freak out in excitement [img]http://oi55.tinypic.com/259e6v9.jpg[/img] This here is a hot treaty. Congrats to our friends in TPF and STA
  5. [quote name='Steve Buscemi' timestamp='1294737370' post='2571867'] Don't bother trying to wrap your brain around it. By the time you do, NSO will be 2-3 more emperor's down the line and it won't matter. [/quote] hahahahah .. hohohohoh ... hehehehehe ... Goddamn that was a knee-slapper.
  6. [quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1294630031' post='2570656'] I'm pretty much a walking thesaurus for weapons/armors/etc. [/quote] Suppose everyone's gotta find one thing in life they're actually good for. I used to spend many friday evenings sitting at the pub talking cn politics (amongst our slew of other topics before getting drunk and essentially turning our table - always several tables by the time we left - into more or less a spam forum game) with one of my friends who had actually gotten me involved in CN (one of my poker buddies) .. He was Legion, I was OASIS - then we both went VE .. Ardus' wedding gift to him was our disbandment (yes, the exact day of his wedding lol) .. I think since he quit, I'm now the only known-person in my city playing. Next closest person I know is Ecthelion up the highway about 25 minutes - tho we've not met. Other than that, same as everyone else - billboards, license plates .. The occasional urge to drop memes ..
  7. [quote name='Steve Buscemi' timestamp='1294295002' post='2565517'] So someone actually let you lead an alliance? Oh wait, we are talking about the NSO here. Nevermind, makes perfect sense. [/quote] This has to be the absolute most confusing post ever. Is this directed at LintWad? His leadership abilities are in question for coming forward with something brought to him (a joke of sorts lacking severely in lulz)? Or - is this directed at Ishabad? Who has absolutely nothing to do with leadership in the NSO (and at the time of the post wasn't even a member with us)? Nevermind, it's Steve Buscemi, makes perfect sense.
  8. Wow .... I missed this last night Whispers hit my ear that this may be happening, but I didn't expect so soon. I'll certainly miss you, old friend. Viridian Entente, Ordo Recolitus, Ordo Verde, Symphony ... You stood beside me last year when we departed VE. We sat on Seleucid alone for how many months before announcing Symphony? The game is losing a great personality, and an intelligent mind. A loss all around.
  9. For shame ... The lulz of it aren't even that apparent
  10. [quote name='Heft' timestamp='1294024674' post='2561445'] You've only read three NSO announcements? [/quote] I suppose when you pick and choose what to read, that tends to happen.
  11. [quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1294008767' post='2561170'] Surely I'm not the only one noting the irony of a Sith promoting restraint. There is no peace... [/quote] If you wanna play that way, I could have told ya to go get stuffed and take your "kind words" elsewhere? It's a new year, you can expect a lot of new things from us.
  12. [quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1294008392' post='2561159'] I came to make a snide remark but this appears to be a well contemplated decision that was executed with professionalism and care. Good luck to all. [/quote] Thank you Ardus, hopefully more show the same restraint.
  13. [quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1294003459' post='2561098'] Although ill be disappointed next time NSO does something dumb and Invicta doesnt get to get rolled too [/quote] Awww muffin .. It's too bad our communications sunk as they have .. Best of luck to Invicta - we'll be seeing you again soon
  14. Good luck on your travels Olympus and NAC. Congrats on the reshuffle, Teets
  15. o/ [s]Spri...[/s] Winter cleaning A sad but neccessary move.
  16. [quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1293561978' post='2556345'] Hating NSO would be a waste of too much valuable energy. It's not worth my time to hate NSO. It is worth my time, however, to give a pat on the back to those who realize that their time with NSO has also been wasted and, like others in the past, moved on the greener pastures. Edit: damn iPhone spelling [/quote] I'm sorry you feel that way. I can't say I feel like I'm wasting my time, and I don't believe any of us wasted our time with this treaty. Paths just differed down the road and it's run it's course.
  17. [quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1293532244' post='2556111'] Any alliance breaking a tie with NSO is an alliance doing something right. Best of luck to each of you guys on your new FA path. [/quote] Ah Bob, your vision is too narrowed. Besides, the future offers more possibilities than you can realize. Let the hate flow through you. Let it fill your senses, and charge your soul. Embrace the darkness within
  18. Congrats on the milestones Soon you'll catch up to us
  19. [quote name='KingEd' timestamp='1293478770' post='2555398'] Well you definitely took your time.... ODN declares war on FEAR: 12/21 White Peace: 12/26 I'm sensing a pattern? First NSO gets Rok'd and now FEAR gets thrown Oranges - both times Hydra took its sweet time. [/quote] They didn't take their time with us. We were quite prompt in denying assistance.
  20. Such a sexy announcement banner too ... I'm gonna miss it in my sig o/ Hydra o/ FEAR o/ NATO
  21. [quote name='Van Hoo III' timestamp='1293254781' post='2553333'] I retired. In some circles, that would be considered a gift. [/quote] lol - I missed this with my last response I consider that in the coal column .. I was hopin for a shiny new RoK in my stocking
  22. [quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1293244280' post='2553207'] Also, christmas cheer from the Sith? im worried..whats going on around here [/quote] We're taking over the holidays, one day at a time
  23. [quote name='KingEd' timestamp='1293214553' post='2552731'] [IMG]http://i614.photobucket.com/albums/tt228/cnprolific/darkfistprop.png[/IMG] [/quote] heh - I did like that one
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