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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. [quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1295585337' post='2588043'] I don't think you thought your carefully constructed plan all the way through. [/quote] I don't think they did either
  2. [quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1295584969' post='2587962'] Way to let your treaty partner, TOOL, know you were declaring on their ally! With friends like you, who needs enemies. And now we will destroy you. [/quote] Look who they're declaring for. They've learned from their overlords.
  3. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1295583253' post='2587739'] [color="#0000FF"]You don't see the hypocrisy?[/color] [/quote] He doesn't see much unless it's through the bottom of an empty glass.
  4. [quote name='Tokamak' timestamp='1295536163' post='2586354'] Coming soon [IMG]http://i54.tinypic.com/15ebd3o.jpg[/IMG] [/quote] *No diplomats were [s]used[/s] harmed in the making of this film.
  5. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1295560448' post='2587217'] Please every pee-drinking Viridian former or current shut the hell up about slaps in the face. Impero is a slap in the face of the world and so is his Entente. [/quote] I'm agreeing with .... You. The formers should know better. This was a complete !@#$%^&* move and not that of the [i]honourable[/i] Entente. Edit: RoK is doing exactly what the Entente used to always stand for. Wether they were happy or not, treaties come first and not in a prioritized manner.
  6. [quote name='Joe Izuzu' timestamp='1295559140' post='2587175'] It is also equally clear that VE didn't care about obtaining clearance from RoK and simply rolled on NpO as quickly as they possibly could. That kind of behavior doesn't demonstrate respect for a treaty partner that is going to be put into an enormously difficult position. In fact, it demonstrates a complete and total disregard for the interests of that treaty partner.[/quote] I offer you citation http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=97369&view=findpost&p=2586588
  7. [quote name='hertugen' timestamp='1295559059' post='2587169'] That does not change the fact that RoK told SF they would honor our treaty, now does it? [/quote] Just a few short weeks ago ATWM was one of our diplo staff, I was just pointing it out to him to be caddy - hence the formatting of my response to him to be seperated from the remainder of the discussion. He's a good kid, wasn't anything beyond ribbing. [quote name='Aurion' timestamp='1295559095' post='2587172'] The old Maroon Entente treaty. [/quote] Ah yes, I forgot all about that
  8. [quote name='TypoNinja' timestamp='1295558673' post='2587150'] And an MDoAP too. [/quote] Oh? Balkan, BELOW and ???
  9. [quote name='All the wright moves' timestamp='1295557532' post='2587109'] I dont think GOD has [b]a[/b] MDAP with VE [/quote] No, they don't. They have two.
  10. [quote name='NewPoseidon' timestamp='1295556690' post='2587085'] ....it's like living in a different universe. NpO didn't spy, NPO wasn't that bad, VE is an empty shell. When I tune in tomorrow will I see arguments in favor of fallout shelters? Talk it off NpO (&NSO&NPO), talk it off. Good luck with your rebuilding when this is all over. Keep in mind though, that the more you flame VE the less willing VE members will be to give you lenient terms. Just some advice. [/quote] Oh we already know what to expect from them in terms of a wars end ... We've all had our first hand accounts. It doesn't matter how much sugar and spice we blow up Impero's ass - the outcome is going to be same. His ego must be stroked.
  11. [quote name='iamthey' timestamp='1295555975' post='2587057'] Lolokay, I'm not sure where exactly you pulled that out of but maybe you should try reading my post again. The point was its silly that the likely winning side of this war is butthurt over RoK's decision to fight with polar. RoK wanted to honor their obligation, and the other side isn't really put at risk because of it, so the whiners should just shut up and take their spoils. In the simplest terms: the argument attempting to detract from Rok's character over this action is founded on something fundamentally inconsequential. [/quote] It's like, a cat with string .. Roll the ball out and watch 'em chase it.
  12. Wow - White's just gettin prettier and prettier for trades. Nice move TPC. Good luck
  13. [quote name='mattski133' timestamp='1295552495' post='2586921'] They sided with the people that were clearly MORE in the wrong (cause honestly VE looks a little dirty here), maybe to avoid a little bad PR, maybe because ego's flared, etc. I don't know why they did it any more than the next person. But they're gonna be fighting the friends of the balance of their allies. I think it was a mistake. [/quote] The only obviously dirty hands here are Lennox's. And everything else just paints a bad picture around Impero's involvement. The only thing Polar is at fault for is having a 2nd in command who spoke with a friend and didn't take his joke serious till it was too late (the very next morning).
  14. [quote name='bzelger' timestamp='1295551606' post='2586886'] Why are you people arguing with Voytek? Most of you should know better. Also, good luck, PC; see you out there. [/quote] Entertainment till those with half a brain show up. Tho - it could be a long wait ........
  15. [quote name='citizenkane' timestamp='1295550774' post='2586839'] am I really seeing \m/ taking the moral high ground here? Seriously? Like really? Get down off the high horse RoK have put you on because you're not special. PS \m/ wernt exactly the most diploamtic in that incident either [/quote] That's "\m/oral high ground" to you
  16. [quote name='TypoNinja' timestamp='1295548552' post='2586775'] Who is the new (or returning old) leader you refer too? ((OOC; you may have noticed that's a reroll, look at nation age. Not only does VE specifically not engage in EZI, but from an RP standpoint, and this [i]is[/i] an IC forum, that is not the same person. If you wish to continue making an issue of his membership in VE I humbly suggest we take that discussion to open world RP.)) [/quote] He looks like the exact same person he's always been. Just went the way of the gypsies and moved Blackwoods camp to a quieter area. ((OOC: So I can go spy on you, re-roll, and be cleared of all charges? Awesome. Re-roll here I come.))
  17. [quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1295548112' post='2586756'] This is particularly hilarious given that [i]RoK gave NpO a free pass when they declared on an ally[/i] back in Bipolar, except that time, it was without a CB at all. There is an argument that can be made that you should always follow the letter of an MDP without considering the circumstances, but RoK have already shown that they don't think that way – when it's Polar causing the confusion, anyway. Apparently the rest of us just don't match up to them. Goodbye, Ragnarok. [/quote] Maybe they did consider the circumstances. Maybe they made the right decision based on their interpretations of the circumstances. Maybe they didn't like their friends being declared on. Maybe they didn't want to see a repeat of history. Maybe ... Just maybe ...
  18. [quote name='Emperor Whimsical' timestamp='1295510064' post='2585902'] What should Rok have done? Prioritize treaties? [/quote] Of course, then they could be just like the honourable Viridia who was concerned about them all along http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=97239&view=findpost&p=2584002 "I'm not as interested with SF than with critical decision making, otherwise I would had participated in the act courting in privus"
  19. [quote name='Aloop' timestamp='1295507610' post='2585806'] The way VE's talking in here, you'd think that Rok had declared on them personally. You can be disappointed all you want, but would you kindly lay off? You're not making yourselves look good by doing it, and you're (frankly) arguing idiotic points. Rok has a treaty with NpO, and they honoured it. I'm kinda disappointed in you tonight, VE[/quote] I wouldn't expect any less from them .. They've toted enough times how they've had to declare wars they didn't want to. Sucks when they're on the downside of such a decision.
  20. * snip - dbl post .. forum lag .. thanks RoK *
  21. RAWR! This is how it should be done. Good show RoK. Seems you have come quite a ways since 6m. Cheers!
  22. o/ The White Tigers Go get you some And happy birthday
  23. [quote name='Smooth' timestamp='1295497582' post='2584857'] I'll bite, when did we not come to RoK's aid? [/quote] Disregarding them doesn't just mean not coming to their aid. Read the quote above it, connect the dots.
  24. [quote name='Viridia' timestamp='1295496579' post='2584841'] You guys and your thick heads realize that Creeping Death was making a joke, in reference to a previous war that the Entente was part of, right? [/quote] But of course, it's so obvious.
  25. [quote name='Cairna' timestamp='1295492062' post='2584766'] GUYS WE HAVEN'T THE TIME FOR THIS, WE'RE IN CODE KERMIT DAMMIT. [img]http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/1600/kermit.gif[/img] [/quote] You tell em Cairna! Get a handle on that !@#$
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