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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. Surely that couldn't be possible. Not here. Not in CN. /me feels the implosion beginning around him
  2. No spice. As I've said several times through these proceedings, I don't mince words. I mean what I say exactly as I say it. There was no need for anyone else's presence or involvement. If they had of stayed out, it'd be done by now and no one would have even remembered it by now.
  3. IRON and TORN decided to bring the ol' heffer in too for the final meeting as well ... So much for confidentiality anyways. Like NPO had any reason to be there either. Everything was resolved between INT-OV-VE with zero outside interference. None of this would be as it is now if y'all knew when to keep your nose in your own business and not try and force/persuade decisions down each side to fit your own personal agendas.
  4. It's the involvement of third parties at all period that's brought it to where it is. Truth be told, Craig was doing just fine on his own till they came along.
  5. Slewed, slewed, incomplete, slewed some more, editted, slewed ... And then now I think we've reached Shilo's level ... Perhaps ... Really. Shut. Up. Please. Please for the love of Admin.
  6. Your a couple weeks late for that bbq But we can certainly find more pandas just for you
  7. And what is that exactly supposed to mean to anybody?
  8. I know .. And at the going rate too ... You'd think we would have jacked the prices or somethings. Such tyrranists we are.
  9. 1500 tech to each Viridia and Ordo Verde. Do be done as tech deals. Only 800 was paid to Ordo Verde prior to the deal where ODN accuses us of extortion. We settled for only 400 remaining to be paid. An balance of 300 tech shaved off the original peace terms made in JANUARY. For the most part, nothing was paid to VE. VE asked only 800 in the deal where ODN accuses us of extortion. Shaving a couple hundred off the original peace terms made in JANUARY. Where this comes off as extortion to anybody is far behind my understanding.
  10. Again your so far off and so full of incomplete information. Please. Do ODN a favour and shut the hell up.
  11. An amicable agreement was made with INT prior to ODN getting involved. An agreement to terms lesser than original. Stresses endure. Craig becomes the sole target of aggressions from our side for said events. It becomes realized that it really wasn't his fault. The same humility he showed in a public apology is being returned - combined with a righting of the wrongs that lead to it. No PR stunt.
  12. A mistake in misplaced hostilities was stated specifically in the apology. Perhaps maybe ohhhhhhh .... I dunno ... Would it be silly to think that perhaps the apology is related to the cancellations? ......... Nooooooo .... Silly me .....
  13. You make me LoL. Let your government stick to speaking on the issue.
  14. You haven't even a clue what the hell your talking about ...... If this is what is in ODN government, then your all sadly, sadly mistaken.
  15. Much love old friend. Good to see you still know your way to atleast one place in this game.
  16. So your going to come into this thread now toting the 'might makes right' philosophy? With a slight threat to health? One of the reasons for feelings as low as they are on this end.
  17. All your cancellations provided reason as well. They weren't empty or without purpose. And they didn't insinuate a looming doom, much as you and yours seem to claim this thread does.
  18. So because they made a public announcement about their treaty cancellations, they're flaunting their balls? Shall I go through the archives and see how many times IRON and others have publically announced treaty cancellations?
  19. Thank you. Worded better than I was going to put it.
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