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Everything posted by Blackatron

  1. RIA and The Legion are fighting on the same side: IMO it's easier to think of it in terms of treaties activated: TTK, RIA, CRAP&GOD are all blocmates, Invicta has an MDoAP with TTK and another with Legion. All three of those relationships are fairly well known I would say, so it makes the most sense.
  2. The only problem is summed up quite neatly here:
  3. Well... it does, it shows the amount of tech to 2 d.p. and when rounded to 2 d.p. 99.998 is 100.00, this same thing comes up a lot with wonder purchases, where nations see that they meet the criteria, for example 3k infra for the MP, but when they try to buy it they are told they don't have enough because they are 2,999.997. I don't agree with the way it is done, and would definitely like to see it change somehow, perhaps by always rounding downwards, but it has come up often enough here to make it clear that it isn't seen as a bug.
  4. @Jesse EndThat nation has 99.998 technology, which rounds to 100.00: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display_charts.asp?Nation_ID=561770 If he buys 0.5 tech you should be fine
  5. Well honestly I have noticed quite a few times when nations at war, with Oculus, have received aid from alliances not in the conflict, Oculus either doesn't care or doesn't notice, because a few sporadic tech deals aren't worth worrying over. Of course this time it is made more problematic by the inclusion of soldiers, but it is not a CB against the alliance when aid is sent by one member, it only becomes so if it is revealed that his AA requested he provide the aid or if they refuse to come to a reasonable resolution regarding their member's actions.
  6. Did you membership find out about this at the same time we did? Because ya know... when GOD was declared upon they managed more offensive wars in the first 6 hours than you guys did, and they were only 15 people at the time.
  7. Indeed quite overwhelming. So much so that only Mogar noticed Fark is the wrong colour!
  8. Nope, I guess the people editing don't want to add it to the Maroon dominance war, since it is technically separate, although personally I would add it on, and also merge the "For Steve!" and NPO-Invicta wars.
  9. Orange arrows indicate aggressive action, Black is entry on MD clause, Blue on an oD, Red is an undeclared war/raid, Browny/greeny colour is oA, green with a square head indicates non military interaction, round head indicates the conflict has come to a formal resolution. Without all the randomness, and with colour representing which side they are one: I may have missed some wars, likely from Umbrella and SLAP IDK.
  10. Yep. Indeed I know of someone who sent an aid package to a nation which was at war with NPO, the situation was resolved diplomatically when the nation in question sent an identical aid package (100 tech) to an NPO nation in order to make up for the assistance to the other side. I see no reason why a similar solution couldn't have been attempted here.
  11. TBF, I've seen people rage quit, it usually involves this button: A "rage quit" that has gone on for a year so far and will likely go one for at least 1 more year isn't really a rage quit TBH, or if it is it would require an absolutely breathtaking amount of rage. I would pretty much agree with this sentiment... but there are exceptions, such as serious violations of sovereignty, and cases where the defeated party is expected to make an admission/apology and then actually pretend to believe it. The second example is a problematic surrender term, as if and when it is somewhat obvious that they didn't really mean it (which they obviously never would have) it could be used as a CB for a second war against them, as was the case with the second Oculus war against MI6.
  12. I didn't mean to use "aggressive" in a derogatory sense in this instance, Oculus technically declared this war and declared the first individual wars (unless counting GOONS) but I wouldn't claim that Sengoku or Oculus actually started this war in any real sense.
  13. Because most people will eventually make the decision to surrender, even if most of the time there is no way to technically force any terms. In most cases the aggressive coalition will rely on the fact that the enemy will give into war fatigue or attempt to conserve what pixels they can. In this case neither applies.
  14. NG on pink would be pretty hilarious though, and it would definitely go with the gayroller.
  15. *there Somebody please think of the children!
  16. I think the problem is from the PoV of some within Oculus White Peace is a defeat, as they have fought a war in which they were unable to impose any terms (surrender being a term, a mild one compared to others being thrown around nowadays, but a term nonetheless), and so the opposition can claim that they haven't been beaten (which they obviously will). It's a silly view IMO, it's pretty easy for Oculus to claim victory in essentially every military sense even if the war ends in white peace, so there really is no reason not to offer it. But obviously they don't see it that way, so they will continue to fight nations with $10+ billion forever. Agreed, the CB for the war was the sanction on Sengoku, the attacks on GOONS and previous threats by Bones against NPO during the MI6-Oculus war, none of those are particularly relevant anymore. SPATR maintains a senator, but since Oculus isn't on pink anymore, and they haven't sanctioned anyone else in Oculus despite the ability to do it without retaliation, so that isn't really a concern for you guys.
  17. The terms posted here do not constitute all of the terms initially pushed for, so not technically the first offer.
  18. Up there with "voting the same way as our allies" amirite? Essentially this, within an alliance it may make sense to not sell at the best rate in order to facilitate growth, but outside of that context people only really sell at such rates because often those buying at 9/300 or 6/200 are the more aggressive buyers, and the alliances that tend to make these rates their main ones are the ones that push efficiency the most. My own way of conducting things is simple, when I don't need to take in aid I don't do it, and simply provide tech for my alliance, peacetime I'm 6k infra so the $27 mil I would net from 20 days of tech dealing is not a significant proportion of my income. For new nations 6/100 is a good idea because it helps them get a good start with growth when they need it the most, and is much easier to keep track of, and is 'fairer' in the sense that it puts equal pressure on the buyer and the seller to keep the deal going.
  19. I know animalz had a couple, and I believe TTK had one years ago who went inactive, are there any in the alliances currently fighting though?
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