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Everything posted by Blackatron

  1. Ah, you may be right, last tech imported was October 2014. At that time he had 14,000 tech, so that's still 5,000 tech purchased directly, at the least.
  2. Lol, I see the problem: Bolded and underlined number is tech. Unless he has found a way to run 8 tech deals concurrently, there may be a problem. Apparently he has been buying tech directly with his own nation... Bought 1,200 a few months back Someone really needs to explain to him how a tech deal works. Seems to indicate he paid directly for almost all of his tech. !@#$@#$ nuts.
  3. 1. He bought up to 8k infra because you bought up to 7k, yeah I don't deny that it is the practical thing to do sometimes, but don't act like it isn't you trying to avoiding fighting as much as possible as soon as you're not facing a noob with no warchest. 3. One of the nations you hit is 3 days old, you are not showing us your "wrath" by hitting a guy who has been here less than a week, at the very least send InsaneET peace. 5. Lists are pretty cool. You're missing the point, this game is obviously supposed to be played by nations with dozens of wonders and improvements and warchests that can last for months attacking each other at sub 5k NS, any other style of gameplay is clearly inferior.
  4. That warchest though I had more money than that at one point, and my nation is early 10 years younger than his...
  5. That would be a perfectly sensible argument, if the majority of said counters occurred before update, but they did not, I was referring to the fact that many of them declared in the middle of day 3 of the war (NSO started attacks at the end of day 1) when they could have just as easily done the same on day 2, and got higher tech level nukes in earlier. I have spent many an early morning getting up to launch attacks, I am familiar with the concept.
  6. Umbrella to the rescue. Edit: I see a bug Page: 1 (1/20/2017 4:20:38 PM) White Majik declared war on Killer Lolis of Loli Loli Loli. (1/20/2017 1:12:45 PM) Auctor declared war on Killer Lolis of Loli Loli Loli. He was on the TOP AA until mere hours ago, but according to the game was not removed and did not leave. Very strange.
  7. Interesting announcement. I'm not sure how well this will work, it would be more effective if you just gave him free tech until he was in the top 250
  8. Yes, pretty decent, not sure why they mostly decided to wait 24 hours though.
  9. 5th of June 2016 my friend. Also Sparta signed NADC shortly after that. Main reason for that is that Legion apparently has 1 fewer active posters than TTK.
  10. Actually they had 1 when you posted this, and now they have a bunch, so it looks like they were saving it all until update.
  11. It is depressing that LPCN drama seems to get more attention than Ivan Moldavi declaring war on a sanctioned alliance.
  12. Maybe the peace involves wars being fought until expiration, but generally I would say an "amicable resolution" is not accompanied by an exchange of nuclear fire.
  13. Do you support the freedom of Montezuma to attack you?
  14. Berbers on a crusade against Templars? That seems very historically inaccurate somehow.
  15. That would depend on how you define libertarianism, I mean if you say it is simply freedom of the individual, then governance is in no way contradictory to that, and indeed may be necessary as without central authority, liberty cannot to ensured. However other interpretations (not my own) may be that the existence of government is in of itself contradictory to liberty, even if the goal of said government is to protect liberty. This second interpretation may be likened to anarchism, as Razgriz said above, but many who follow it would still consider themselves libertarians. Of course on Planent Bob you can have varying degrees of libertarianism or authoritarianism at the alliance and nation level within a bloc or multi-alliance organisation such as the LPCN.
  16. The important part is that you have the motivation to try things, that is good.
  17. In this case it is more like disappearing and then faking your own death, then returning to normal life and expecting that the world has stopped for you.
  18. I have checked on his nation a few times over the last four months, he has regularly been several weeks inactive, he obviously always comes back before 30 days.
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