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Everything posted by Blackatron

  1. An open letter to Non Grata Dear NG, We are glad you were able to put together this Bloc to take down the alliances of CRAP and GOD, with a combined NS of 2.6 million, compared with your own 5 million NS, Nordreich’s 4.6 million NS, and TLR’s 2.7 million NS. However we’re slightly confused, the treaty of M3D seems to effectively act as a DoW on the entirety of Maroon, yet strangely enough TTK was absent form the declaration of war. This is especially strange given the number of occasions on which your members have expressed distaste or contempt for us. You have declared war on the inactive, unprepared, and unconnected, but we would say we are the ones you most want to fight, although it seems you are unable to declare on us directly due to some crippling cowardice. Perhaps you want us to run headfirst into the jaws of Oculus, or perhaps you do not wish to offend those who may be somewhat sympathetic to us. Maybe you just wanted to test us, and call us cowards should we not do as you intend. So we will make this simple; if you want to fight us, come and fight us, no need to involve inactive AAs that are mostly a means to an end for you. No allies, no ghosting, #19 on #23, 1 on 1. For once NG show some honour. We will be waiting. Signed Merick, Grand Master Rustikus, Marshal of Defence Mandystalin, Marshal of Members Blackatron, Marshal of Foreign Affairs Elder Council,Lord KonstantineNecron681Tiger c Patriarchs Teredona Hawkeye
  2. What about the Umbrella nations though? And for that matter, what about the nations in NG, TLR(their only fighting nation in fact), NoR and CRAP that are not on Maroon? (GOD is pure.)
  3. Please somebody reform Sengoku and activate their treaty with the English language.
  4. TBF half the people in TTK I have spoken to about it don't seem to realise that is no longer a thing. It would be pretty funny if their entire domination plan is based on this misunderstanding though.
  5. You are assuming he is talking about actual meaningful politics which will change the stale dynamics of our world, he is not.
  6. I admit on reflection that posting the actual messages may not have been tactful, however in this case it served merely to confirm that RIA (and TTK in the same manner) had been approached with separate cancellation notices by all three alliances. I'm not entirely sure what issues you are referring to, other than your members' love of trolling. There is decidedly little interaction between our alliances and your own, outside of the Maroon senate. Inside of the Maroon senate the senators that are not in your alliance or allied alliances vote the same as your senators on a large majority of issues. In several cases (such as the "Pro War" proposal when NG was at war with Kashmir) TTK and CRAP senators have voted against their own members' interest in the spirit of Maroon cooperation. So as Mogar stated above; if you feel that there are genuine issues then we would be happy to discuss them.
  7. Okay, I'm sure the vast majority were from actual wars, it was an honest question, although I was not talking about "war games". Are you claiming that it is not a fact that you and other NPO nations engaged in wars with alliance mates to acquire vast tracts of land? Because I mean you're free to do that; according to DeathAdder you've basically all doubled your collections, so you can afford to say whatever you like.
  8. How many of them are farming land off of alliance mates?
  9. Don't worry Jesse, your 556,000 NS will be safe. How's all that lad of yours by the way? Keeping you cozy?
  10. Discord logs of that particular discussion available now, for a price of just 100 tech! Get in quick!
  11. There will be at least one more major curbstomp, I am sure.
  12. I'm not really sure what you mean by this, Knights of Ni had 2 members hit by Alonso, one accepted peace, the other didn't and started nuking. 4 days later Alonso is countered by Ni, and the situation is ongoing.
  13. One warring/raiding AA hitting another warring/raiding AA seems to have created far more drama than it logically should have.
  14. So the wars launched by the NRP are okay, because the alliances of the nations attacked cannot defend them? So will you demonstrate that these wars are wrong by defending the attacked nations?
  15. They are on an AA, declaring war upon nations in various other AAs, this is fine, every nation has the "right" to attack other nations as its ruler sees fit. However said nations cannot then complain that other nations are forming an AA and attacking them. And I see I've essentially been ninja'd by Junka...
  16. For future reference this kind of topic goes into the gameplay section. The best thing you can do is join an alliance, which i see you have already done, Apocalypse Meow should have guides and people to help you, also get onto Discord, AM has a channel, and I'm sure there are members who would help get you started there, I'm also on AM's channel and I'd also be happy to help if you have any specific questions. Just one bit of basic advice; sell your jail and get a harbour, you'll have criminals running free but that isn't an issue until you grow larger, and a full trade circle is the most important thing.
  17. I don't really concede or wish to continue to argue, I don't feel strongly enough to want to argue about this, both options "work" to an acceptable degree.
  18. Just a small point; land is nearly a completely irrelevant stat at that level, it would just mean the nations attacking him would have less infra and tech, the only real upside of it I can think of is that if Khan were to steal it and forget to sell it then he would inflate his own NS.
  19. I'm not sure I agree with this, if I am understanding what you are saying that it is better to have multiple mid tier nations sell down than the same number of lower tier nations fight him where they are. Obviously the total economic damage is lower to nations at a lower infra level, and keeping stronger nations at below their standard infra level for extended periods would of course result in additional "damage". If their strategy is to destroy his warchest, which it pretty much has to be if he is in it for the long term, then damage doesn't really matter, so long as the nations hitting him have CIAs, SDIs and MPs the results are pretty similar TBH. In a sense "damage" to this kind of nation may be counter productive, the more damage he takes the faster his tech falls, meaning his military costs go down. Additionally once his tech is gone he is in range of very small nations, and also has the ability to reduce his NS to ~0 in order to escape staggers.
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