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Everything posted by Blackatron

  1. We at TTK, RIA and CRAP believes that sanctions should be reserved for rogues
  2. Damn, nearly 2 months ago. Scary. Special shout out to LordNettles and ALFERALFER; the only 2 that have actually beaten me so far, also a less special shoutout to all the people who weren't noobs who didn't bother to bring Guerrilla camps.
  3. Actually I kind of agree with this; far better from an alliance perspective to have most people gaining tech at a moderate rates than a handful gaining quickly. For many of the people posting here: those from Umbrella, IRON and ISX, as well as NPO, tech trading is all sorted out centrally, so finding tech deals as an individual doesn't matter. For a majority of players they are likely to have to do some work to find tech trade partners (even if their alliance gov does provide help), as such what matters the most in terms of tech growth is simply using your slots, which is far better than not using them/delaying because the rate offered is not the preferred one.
  4. SUN's last 2 wars were the Doom War and Disorder war. Which is the same as the last two for TTK and a lot of other alliances.
  5. I don't actually disagree with any of that, honestly most alliances are so inactive (on both sides of the war) that it is easy for active people to laugh about their enemies inactivity and general rubbishness, even though their own alliances are pretty much the same. Although I'm unsure why you are demeaning SUN in this sense? Why are they so much less important than any other AA on our side of the war?
  6. Wait, SKW is the one talking crap?
  7. Here's a table: How are lower rates worse for new nations? In terms of speed, they gain cash at less than half the rate on 6/200 compared to 6/100, when they do switch to buying they will gain tech at only 4/3rds of the rate; hardly a massive improvement. The Cost should really be a non-factor, a nation that is switching to buying should ideally be in a position to pick up the WRC soon after, so should have in the region of 8K infra and all/close to all the lower tier econ wonders. Fully agreed. Many are desperate to move on from selling because they just want to be bigger, and because many hold anti-small/new nation attitudes, but there is no reason why it is more entertaining to be big than small.
  8. Yeah, this should have been done ages ago, ones I know: IRON: https://discord.gg/ngafHrh Umbrella: https://discord.gg/H4mWDsB NpO: https://discord.gg/6NUdnSa SLAP: https://discord.gg/pUX6HGe ISX: https://discord.gg/2CPYhWG I've not included a few which I believe don't want a lot of randoms coming in, my criteria was; if Junka's there, then they will allow anyone.
  9. Same, at most I've had 2 defensive wars concurrently.
  10. You are seemingly logging in every day, please consult a medical professional, we at TTK are very worried that you are actually spending some time on this game.
  11. It is always sad to lose people, and worrying when they go suddenly without notice, I hope Lestat is okay. Condolences to everyone who has been promoted.
  12. I notice that, WTF dude? You wouldn't have lost that much in over a month of war.
  13. Worth pointing out, some of those guys are restocking nukes, others are just broke and won't be coming out. (Although overall GLoF warchests have been at a pretty good standard.)
  14. Lol, picked a bad time to come to the colour, Maroon is having a bit of an uncivil war at the moment.
  15. Think of it this way; a nation with a large enough warchest is randomly attacked, and is hit by 2 successful GAs, they lose ~$2 million cash, and ~$400 million worth of infra. What was the point in keeping that cash on hand? That cash would have been much better off invested as Infra, which is also less easily lost. I'm not proposing that nations keep no warchests for the entirety of the lower tier, but at these low levels it really is worth the risk to just invest what money you have and grow quickly, because you have so little to lose.
  16. The first 1,000 infra literally costs a single aid package, and he has far less than that. If he is attacked the infra destroyed is basically worthless anyway.
  17. IMO the concept of a warchest is irrelevant to a nation below 1,000 infra. It simply isn't worth it.
  18. Thanks for saving his post. Incorrect on 2 counts: 1. I didn't buy a wonder 30 days in, in fact I think I was like 80 days in (slow start as I said), so it was actually 200 days. 2. By and large weren't my $30's.
  19. Perhaps if people are in alliances with no guidance, selling tech at crap rates, then they can do far better than that. I average 1 wonder every 24.5 days, even with a slow start, I have spent a bit of my own money on the game, but no great amount, and I have received $2.265 million per package of technology sent (on top of this I have sent out a not insignificant amount of cash).
  20. So you are speaking in favour of Non Grata and their coalition and stating we should accept whichever terms they might wish to impose on us for the "benefit" of the membership?
  21. Dark Lord of Kingdom of Dark=Lord of Darkness of Relm of Darkness?
  22. Well this is... sad to see. Good luck to The Freehold and all (ex-)members.
  23. http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=542774 This comes after he sold of all his infra but kept his troops, he has informed me that he collects a negative amount. I have seen people talk about anti-tanks before on here, but not about anti-citizens, I assume this must have come up at some point.
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