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Blog Comments posted by Haflinger

  1. I see. Interesting story, something I didn't know. So, did every sanction go through Invicta Govt before that structure change?

    There was no structure change. The Senator position was always a cabinet position. Our very first senator, Synagence, was also Minister of Internal Affairs when he was first elected to Purple senate, and he got handed a second cap.

  2. I did not realize first of all that their Senator had to get a sanction approved by the Govt of the alliance. That right there begins to bring politics into it. A Senator acts on behalf of his team, not his alliance. The fact that he wears his alliance's name while up there is merely a bonus and allows that alliance the convenience of having their own Senator up top to perform duties for them.

    It's interesting. Most sanctions are alliance-ordered; normally when you're a diplomat going around requesting sanctions, you're much better off hitting IRC and talking to alliance gov than you are PMing senators directly. This sometimes leads to problems, as in the case of MHA ordering a Blue sanction on RV at Sparta's behest a little while back.

    Yes, a senator is a member of a team, and should respond to the team's needs; but a senator is also a member of an alliance, and dutybound to serve that alliance's interests. This usually doesn't lead to conflicts of interest, but as you point out it can.

    Invicta solved this problem in as far as I know a unique way. The Senator position, when we held a senator, was considered a cabinet position. The senator's job was to decide which sanctions to grant and remove. So, all our sanctions were alliance government ordered, but at the same time were actually decided upon by our senator.

    When I was a Purple senator, I removed far more sanctions than I placed incidentally. At the end of my last term as a senator, there were no sanctions at all on Purple, something I'm still proud of. This state lasted for a few months. I placed a total of one sanction during all my terms, against a nuke rogue hitting STA.

  3. Every day I see dozens of random wars declared by newcomers or even people who have been playing for a while.

    Yeah I should get back to this.

    There's a myth that alliance wars = interest and people in general stay in CN because of wars.

    There are currently 21,383 nations and 1,815 wars, or roughly 1 war for every 11.8 nations. Of those wars, incidentally, 206 involve one or more of the 299 GOONS nations.

    Frankly, most players are quite happy playing a game where they login every so often and fiddle with trades etc. and try to build their nation. If this was not the case, then alliances wouldn't be so popular; people who want a web wargame have an easy option, the life of the unaligned.

    There are 10,775 nations below 10K nation strength. That's one-eighth of the top 5% in the game. The balance of play is heavily tilted towards the casual player, and until people realize that, CN's nation count will continue to decline rapidly.

    (On another, related, point - the unaligned are down to 2,908 nations and 52 score. I remember a bit before Karma, there were over 5K unaligned and their score was higher than the #1 alliance. Now they're not even close, altho their average NS is higher.)

  4. To Haf: I agree with you that the exposed spy op is a valid CB against the one nation who committed it, and had Sedric engaged that nation and stayed that course, I would be fine with what he did. However, he hit the guy, peaced out, then hit others guys. That, through his own action, makes him a rogue, not a defender.

    This seems like awfully fine hairsplitting.

    It's also sorta funny to see people trying to defend Ragnarok by claiming TENE are utterly incompetent. You don't peace out rogues who have no defensive wars. And you don't spy on MHA applicants without clearing it with MHA first.

  5. Haflinger: I disagree, lots of people care, just look at all the attempts of both sides to paint themselves as defensive in this war, or the laughable attempts of some SG folks to claim the defensive position in the TPF war. I don't think you read the whole post if you think that 'hurr durr Citadel ended' is a good argument ...

    Yes, in the TPF war, Citadel still existed.

    It was well-known that Citadel's NS would always side with the side that successfully claimed it was acting defensively. That's why those arguments went on.

    Now Citadel is gone. Nobody else cares.

  6. If this is such an outrage, shouldn't you be, you know, defending your allies? I mean, I'm sure Ragnarok & Co. appreciate all the 'strongly-worded letters' you're sending, but they're having precisely zero effect.

    Frankly, I'm surprised at you here; are you looking to set up a treaty conflict for your alliance?

    You want to drive some kind of wedge between Ragnarok and its allies? OK, good luck with that. It won't work.

    Actually, no I don't. Well, it would be nice to, but that's not what I'm setting out to achieve here. I'm quite aware of the fact that Ragnarok's allies are good with the idea of putting Hoo in charge of admissions policy at random alliances.

    You want to provide some kind of comfort to the NSO and further reinforce their martyr complex? OK, good luck with that, too.


    NSO aren't a bunch of pansies. I don't need to provide "comfort" to them.

    But you should know by now that you're not going to change a single mind with this. Yours is yet another voice drowned out in a sea of topics/blogs about 'My Perspective on the War'.

    Actually, this is where you're wrong. But I don't really need to argue that one.

    The logs would play a pretty big part. If the talks came before the aid, you "could" say it was justified, if they came after, then, well, you can't.

    Yep. I didn't say they were irrelevant, just that they're not hard evidence, which is what this blog entry is.

    A number of GOD nations, including Xiph himself, declared wars on NSO nations before a formal dec was actually issued.

    Yeah, this is completely not a big deal. This happens in lots of wars. We've done it.

    There is MUCH more evidence then this one screenshot. It is also missing 4 of Sedrick's wars.

    I do believe there is a phrase... Oh yeah. "Screenshot or it didn't happen."

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