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Blog Comments posted by Haflinger

  1. There are basically two things that determine quality with digital cameras: resolution and the lens.

    The resolution of the camera is the maximum detail the CCD can render.

    A higher-quality lens will produce pictures that look nicer. This however is pretty subjective, but it's why companies like Minolta charge more for their cameras than cameras made by other manufacturers with the same CCDs.

  2. I don't know what's sadder; that UPN has transitioned so fast from having ODN pull full-time security duty for them to NpO, or The MVP's pathetic excuse for trolling.

    If you're going to do it, at least be funny about it.

    You do know that when this blog was posted, destro was under attack by AGW Overlords too right?

    There's at least three AAs besides UPN that have attacked him.

  3. I didn't see my neighbor last night and I won't be home for a few days. (Right now I'm sitting in an airport departure lounge.....bored bored bored.) When I get back on Monday, no doubt we'll run into each other a few times between now and the next hearing.

    That should be fun. :awesome:

    Carry a camera and/or audio recording device with you at any time you might run into him. If he rants or throws things or whatever, it would make Great Evidence.

  4. Exodus

    Though admittedly xR1 has always been a bad leader and a bad player.

    Mushroom Kingdom

    Anyone who puts xR1 in a seat of power is just asking for trouble. Please carry on all, this is fantastic.

    Poison Clan

    xR1 is bad news Battalion; a cancer he is, good luck with that.

    I am not surprised this has happened. Both Battalion and xR1 are both terrible leaders and terrible things will happen with them two around.


    Glad XR1 is in some !@#$%* alliance that isn't on black this time; at least we don't have to deal with his immaturity and nonsense in NOIR anymore.

    Viridian Entente

    Teddyyo and Batt have been together for a long time, through other worlds other than this one. That he would cast Tedd aside for someone like xR1, who will undoubtedly prove in the end to be a disloyal piece of trash, shows more about Batt than it does about xR1. Everyone knows xR1 is trash, I personally had higher opinions of Batt before this.

    I welcome anyone who wants to attack Teddyyo to please do so. He is officially under protection of the Viridian Entente. I also welcome anyone who wants to roll xR1, you may have an unlikely friend in this.


    Leaving an alliance which has swat/xr1 in government is always a good decision as well.

    Killer Turtle Brigade

    I love waking up to news like this. Bat and xR1 are made for each other.

    Congrats to Teddyyo.



    I don't even feel humored by this situation anymore, I just feel a big sense of pity.


    xR1 - most hated CN player, and all round dumbass. imo

  5. I remember people were complaining about the price of movie tickets that were like 11$. But adjusting for inflation the price of movie tickets have stayed pretty stable.

    No, they haven't. lol.

    In the early 90s, I used to go see movies on cheap night for two dollars. Now cheap night is normally eight dollars.

    We've had inflation, yes, but not 300%.

  6. Its one thing if your not interested in a treaty if you don't think the two alliances are on the same page or have no similar interests, its another if your not interested because you hold a past grudge. The former is good foreign affairs, the latter is a dangerous mindset of retribution, and if thats the case, dig two graves.

    Holding a grudge is a terrific reason to refuse a treaty.

    The dangerous mindset of retribution is when you declare war in order to fulfil a grudge.

    If you don't like someone, though, you shouldn't treaty them. That should be obvious by now.

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