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Max Power

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Everything posted by Max Power

  1. Interesting look at things but I agree with Auctor that not all the alliances up there project a ton of power. You're also missing a set NPOsphere, which I think is one of the most powerful in the game right now. (Let's arbitrarily call it NPO, NG, AI, TPF, NSO, US and C&G, or something along those lines. I'm sure it can be modified, just giving a general idea.) I don't DBDC is in anyone's sphere of influence. I like this one.
  2. A few points: -Is Kaskus treatied to any BFF alliance other than NEW? If so, please tell me. This is a minor point. -Bang-up job on Platysphere, although I think it's a pretty basic one. -You have a lot of Aftermath in the "Sentinel" group, and Aftermath is much more powerful than Sentinel. -Polar and CCC not in the same group? Those two seem joined at the hip sometimes. -I'd put AI with NPO rather than IRON. -OG and RIA seem outside of DL. RIA is probably closer to either Polar/FARK or to other ex-SF alliances like GOD. -What about other alliances? A bunch of us feel left out here.
  3. Letum: beacon of accuracy. I think things are so muddled right now it's tough to properly divvy up the pie. An alliance like IRON surely should be heading some sphere with all its NS and treaty ties yet nothing up there reflects that. On the other end of the spectrum, there are alliances that have stuck out of spheres pretty effectively - are they just "Other", or are they lumped in with spheres they're only somewhat connected to, or what? And I definitely see Platysphere and Polarsphere as separate entities. I'd say Polarsphere/Aftermath is a more feasible combo thanks to all the common treaties there.
  4. I love how the coalition that just won a global war is apparently at the bottom of the pyramid. OOC CN skills are more along the lines of coordinating solid TCs and tech deals than the actual war button clicking, I'd say, although things like not blowing staggers are surprisingly tough for even some vets to remember. It's more about being consistently on the ball than it is about actual difficulty of tasks you have to do.
  5. You weren't around for Vlad vs. GOD, were you?
  6. Hadn't thought of HB as being particularly AZTEC-y but I guess the DT treaty does it. Cool stuff, US, and I agree with jutopia's suggestion.
  7. Although I had a new nation then and didn't understand what the hell was going on, looking back it was actually a really interesting time. Most of history has had some kind of hegemony or at least a driving force. That may have been the one time when there wasn't one. Then you had events like the Athens raid of Knights of Ni! and the TPF War which were so anomalous and strange. The idea of us being in a "well, what do we do now?" situation is pretty cool when you think about it.
  8. I concur with this fine crimson herbivore.
  9. This makes me feel ancient for recalling Cinco de GATO so well. Happy Birthday!
  10. DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM Congrats, guys. :) As usual, Spanky provides valuable insight.
  11. I've been partial to TOPolar. It's like those CGI morphs that have people turning into animals and such.
  12. Worth it to get gambona and Buffy/Grendel in one convenient place though. Now I need less forum accounts. This.
  13. We confirm that these five alliances have, together, made this declaration.
  14. He meant two of three are allies of Polar, i.e. TOP and Valhalla.
  15. I can't see any of the new ones even though my wonder window's open but the Interceptor's already been used against me a couple times. Dammit all. Always thought an offensive cruise missile wonder would be more effective than a defensive one but still cool.
  16. Don't believe this lie called "pregnancy". Girls' bellies swelling is just from the accumulation of poop they intentionally never release.
  17. Just really a whole bunch of this. BMTH has been nothing but solid to work with. Whatever you two were fighting about, I hope it's done with now. Also I know this was unintentional but I love "yellow-bellied" in the context of Riot being a yellow sphere alliance. Got him there!
  18. Celebrate Super Bowl Weekend with Kashmir!
  19. This. It's the best war name I've heard in a while, given the Orders being at war and the diplomatic revolution that preceded it.
  20. RIP Tito/Andrew and best wishes to his family and friends as well as everyone in NG.
  21. Happy Birthday! Here's a java cake for dessert!
  22. I can totally see people tweaking their nations to 79,500 NS, etc. right before the games start, like boxers making weight. Would be cool.
  23. Pax Corvus for KCP 2014 Hidden somewhere in every sentence is a subliminal message to join KCP. The neutrality part is purely optional.
  24. Really cool idea, probably better for during peacetime but that is what it is. Could have been called Battle Royale to spare the Hunger Games theme though. :P
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