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Max Power

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Everything posted by Max Power

  1. Yup. Any treaty should always be honoured. I know better than to sign treaties and then not honour them. Honouring treaties isn't just a wartime thing either - your allies' relationships become important to you if you're doing your FA right. So, for example, you should have been working on the FTW-Polar relationship for the past few months so this situation wouldn't happen in the first place. It's harder work than you guys appear to be doing, but hey, what do I know?
  2. I'm so happy I'm spending Christmas in PM. Wish I'd thought of it sooner. Great post. I can't wait to see my extended family.
  3. OK, I will then. http://www.cybernations.net/war_information.asp?ID=770876 :. War Details About Wars War Status: War Expired War Reason: Fenris is here War Declaration Date: 11/18/2014 10:24:25 PM War End Date: 11/26/2014 Total Attacks: 130 XP Option: Experience Enabled War Declared By War Declared On Nation Name: Llonach The Forgotten Ones Ruler Name: Haflinger Subtleknifewielder Alliance: The JavaHouse League State Of Unified Nations Soldiers Lost: 504,026 271,629 Tanks Lost: 46,730 34,690 Cruise Missiles Lost: 0 0 Aircraft Lost: 675 536 Navy Lost: 42 35 Infrastructure Lost: 1,059.23 2,349.13 Technology Lost: 749.74 1,031.68 Land Lost: 1,062.195 3,064.505 Land/Tech/Infra: 8,519.66 Strength Lost 16,802.53 Strength Lost Destruction Rank: This war was more destructive than 3,257 of 3,420 existing wars. EDIT: Well, that pasted horribly. The point is he won.
  4. Sounds like Legion and NoR are in agreement on this issue. Hey now, that's my job, not yours. You have to ask before you do that. This war is the equivalent of France declaring war on Germany in 1872. Oh, and what's bjalbert up to? Guy fought hard and was good to deal with last war. Also props to kolsara and konk for being tough guys.
  5. It doesn't work that way, nor does it work how others have explained it here. This is actually a really cool idea in a horrifyingly nerdy way. I'd definitely read and probably reply to a blog post about it. That was a letdown of an album.
  6. LW is completely right but the fact that I think he's generally right shouldn't be a mystery at this point. We're gov in the same alliance ffs. I see optimal treaties as friendship + politics. That means you're legitimately friends yet also share the same political goals. While it may seem tough to find other alliances like that, know what? You can probably find anywhere from 2-5. In excess of that, why do you even need more treaties? I guess it can be fun to maneuver Diplomacy-style but I personally hate Diplomacy so I'm not the best person to comment on all that. I mean hell, to me a realpolitik stance for tJL would be this: we are who we are, we won't change, we aren't going anywhere, our alliance model works, roll us, we don't care, we'll come out in the black in the end. Ultimately, when alliances get rolled in cycles every 1-3 years, what more can you want? On the whole, I think using allies as shields in ridiculous, but if you're willing to be that shield, I can't stop you. I know if DS wanted to hit AI, or AI wanted to hit DS, I would be throwing a !@#$fit so loud it would be heard halfway across the world. Unlike LW above, I'd admonish A, B and C for allowing such ridiculous behaviour even more than I'd admonish X for being such an awful ally.
  7. There's got to be a way to put only one AI circle on there, and yeah, adding Argent+TLR on NADC would be good too. Overall looking good.
  8. You realize having fewer allies in any reasonable shape for any war in the near future is a bad thing, right? An eroding power base is not a nice thing. As for puppets, I haven't actually talked to Bob in a while. Nice guy though, maybe I should be his puppet because why not? War on Bob generally results with everyone getting punched in the fact regardless. Pretty much this. Poor RIA's gotta see NSO and Polar on opposite sides, although RIA probably saw that coming. Valhalla will do whatever Valhalla does because that's what Valhalla does, to be horribly tautological about them.
  9. Well worded. I have a way bigger problem with #2 as well, and it's one of the reasons I try to get to know allies' allies. #1... I mean going after less connected alliances makes sense for the naive reason of wanting to limit counters, if nothing else. It's like an incredibly benign form of pixel-hugging.
  10. I laughed at these, especially DBDC and DS's heights. These are actually pretty good propaganda ideas for NPO.
  11. What I'm getting from this is RIA should be on our side. Just like the Kas War. :) Nah, I'm pretty sure SUN is starting to get the picture.
  12. I somehow missed this. His alliance declared war on yours in this exact thread, so... I guess your alliances are fighting each other then? I remember when Polaris had 24 treaties. Those must have all been so close, like a group of 25 (including Polaris) siblings. All on the same side of every war and everything, must have been a little phalanx of nestlings. Then if we want to really bring 2010 into it, I'm sure such diverse Polaris treaty partners as, say, MK and UPN just got along swimmingly.
  13. Happy hunting, Argent! Was so happy to see Janax post the DoW. Now we just need to drag him back onto IRC. Oh, there are reasons. I laughed.
  14. Have fun, TLR! Don't forget that a cane to the back of the knee is a mean attack. Try to do it close to a wall in case you need something to lean on.
  15. Fair enough. I've always respected your adherence to your ideals, even though I disagree with you on many major points. I am a capitalist. Let's duel! (Still gotta have someone in range. :P )
  16. What I get from this thread is "giant beast king". I see that phrase and think of myself. Thanks for posting a thread about me, LSF! P.S. I get it. You've declared on NPO. I wonder if they'll notice. Also, feel free to pass your 1-2 top-tier nations my way.
  17. What you're saying is making absolutely no sense. For one, tJL is far more BN and Asgaard than it is SC in its culture and leadership. I mean hell, look at our four gov members plus our one tJL/DBDC dual member you're constantly fawning over. me = BN LW = Asgaard Haflinger = Invicta, ffs, so not even on your radar here John Churchill = basically only ever tJL WC = BN and Asgaard, actually; she's worn both AAs before You want to see what we're made of, look at those. Loyalty, aptitude, being in DEFCON 1, not taking orders from other alliances. That's us. I wish it were you. I remember vetoing that treaty. I wasn't against it in principle - I liked CoJ in theory - but, as you mentioned, they'd never bothered visiting our forums or getting to know our active members who aren't public figures. Wanting a treaty with ~White Chocolate~ or ~Max Power~ isn't wanting a treaty with tJL. EDIT: I actually have a fuzzy recollection of whether the bolded part happened. Hm. Well then. Thought that was worth clarifying. The title thing is just low.
  18. A stirring response, really. I gave you to Haflinger. :)
  19. Actually it was me and Letum. Better luck next time. No one even caught this foreshadowing. For shame. To the contrary, my brother in arms, tJL stands for a lot. I just wish the ashes of CoJ still did. AI... is relevant to this somehow? AI backs tJL, tJL backs AI, and that's apparently far more than can be said for honourable, upstanding alliances like Polar that defend Legion when its top tier is getting the effect of being put through a trash compactor... oh, wait. Ideals, though.
  20. In support of Anarchy Inc., the Javahouse League and Kashmir declare war on NADC. If you're wondering why the blitz isn't up to our SUN standards, it's because it's a support mission. :) /s/ tJL: Max Power, John Churchill, lonewolfe2015, Haflinger Kashmir: SirWilliam, yolo, Master Hakai
  21. Better believe it. King James II, check out who you're against. Andres, check your screens. Polar, come at us, bros?
  22. Great to see you up and at 'em, guys! Looking forward to keeping tabs on how you and our NPO friends do on this front.
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