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Captain Enema

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Everything posted by Captain Enema

  1. You broke my heart sir, I was saving myself all fer you!
  2. Dude, One crack about your weiner and you kick me? Someone is totes compensating!
  3. But before you go to sleep, turn Doom Squad over to Isolator. Right after that, go to sleep, and don't worry, having a weenus isn't half as shameful as it used to be.
  4. Winning at CN, its just like this:
  5. Two teeth, surely you jest, more like maybe 1 tooth and dentures.
  6. Thanks Hitchcock, but something tells me I'd be better off defending myself with a large bowl of hot piss.
  7. No, I'll get Coffee Shock to protect me, the CCC are still runnin' skurred of him.
  8. Only screamin' I be doing is for the downtrodden and oppressed.
  9. A POW AA has been established for those nations wishing to not rejoin SNX. At this time, It isn't sanctioned by DK or SNX, so no promises as to what the ultimate outcome will be. Or even if anyone will join it. It they are smart, they'll run for the hills, but if not, I'm here for you boys! Come to Uncle TBM's lap, take a seat..... *winks* Or if the secret ingredient for marmite is Franz's love butter. http://www.cybernations.net/alliance_display.asp?ID=14179
  10. I paid and collected taxes during a full body hot oil massage once upon a time.
  12. Heh, a good promising start to this fine young person's career as a public relations officer none the less.
  13. Keelah will end soon and sucks. Is this allowed? And be patient, I think a number of folks got way too casual in their posting, me included.
  14. Hey, I laughed at the bobtube poem, not that I'd say its in good taste, or even anything I'd suggest sending as a message whether it be friendly or diplomatic, but I did laugh.
  15. I think we should round up all the unaligned and put them in re-education camps.
  16. No, that would be Claude. He bought it for a used condom, a chopstick, and your mum's herpes.
  17. DK will sign a piat with just about anyone, but not everyone gets to the next level, sometimes those fireballs and barrels prove too difficult. A piat is a nice way of feeling someone out without obligating to a whole hell of a lot.
  18. DK will sign a piat with just about anyone, but not everyone gets to the next level, sometimes those fireballs and barrels prove too difficult. A piat is a nice way of feeling someone out without obligating to a whole hell of a lot.
  19. You know how I make things up and post them just because it annoys people or amuses me? Everyone knows I don't do this with a straight face. But we aren't sure about you... Y so serious?
  20. Delaying gratification in order to advance ones goals and means to a better place is a integral point in ones maturation process. I say let the little ones wait.
  21. Why are you denying your role in the NADC spy op? I have it on good word you put the aggressor up to it for your own mischievous aims. This entire thread seems to confirm the possibility you are acting against Mi6 through proxies.
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