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Balkan Banania

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Everything posted by Balkan Banania

  1. It is a pity that these opportunists sacrifice the masses only to advance their agenda, which has nothing to do with the establishment of the classless society. I hope that they will change their route, but in any case history will not absolve them.
  2. Somebody has to declare on these tech laden nations (tech laden feels as an understatment). I am sure that the attacker was fully aware that Umb nukes will be devastating. Kudos for pushing the declare war button and to CubaQuerida for being respectful in his moment of glory . In any case nice in game addition.
  3. As an old geezer myself, I am really happy that I stand on the same side as FAN this time. Although I am a bit nostalgic about the skirmishes with FAN nations, I am more nostalgic for the time we rode together. In any case enjoy yourselves and take care.
  4. A proper Declaration and an interesting vision of a world. I really hope that the outcome of this war will be a more balanced world. May your armies be triumphal
  5. It is a bit annoying that members of alliances that nullified the concept of Pacts in the past are arguing about the validity of this declaration. We have several examples of alliances that ditched Mutual Defense/Attack Pacts immediately when a war started only to declare on the same alliances that they were allied to. NEW is not one of them while some of the “disgusted” posters were/are part of said alliances or supported these actions, but again this is the OWF. I just hope that posts about morality and ethics will be less, since we all know that they are only for propaganda purposes. Enjoy the war; I hope it will be entertaining for all the participants.
  6. My condolence to his family and close friends, I am a bit shocked, since I had the luck to meet Jack in several occasions and I held him in very high esteem. A great guy that is already missed Have a good trip Jack
  7. I checked my nation’s war screen, just to be sure
  8. I don’t get why all this fuss. We are an alliance consisting mostly of people that were at the receiving end of aggressive wars with vague CBs the last years (people not part of our dominance era). These people are uneasy with conflicts starting without any “moral” justification (keep in mind that I belong to the previous generation ); especially from the same people that kept us in the corner for some time (in fact most of the time for the majority of our Body Republic). This is the stance of our BR and the emperor expresses it. At the same time we value our pacts and allies (as everybody should), since we learnt how it is to be abandoned by allies and how important is to have brothers standing beside you to the end. This is also the will of the BR and was expressed by the Emperor in the OP. From a political point of view, this statement is easily explained. To the other side: If you are planning to escalate this, when you are going to calculate your odds keep in mind that Pacifica will ride with her allies. To our side: We made our intention to support you in public, so if by any chance you have doubts for our stance, don’t.
  9. It has been been an interesting time. Pacifica Prevails.
  10. It is unfortunate that many of us are in nuclear anarchy and can not declare war. Hoping that enough Spartans will take the offensive and offer the entertaining we seek through this war without delay.
  11. Have fun GATO I feel nice fighting alongside my first alliance in planet Bob and I envy you a bit about your target. Also great declaration
  12. Good luck to our friends in BAPS and Olympus, although I believe they won't need it… Apart from that, Spartans will have the opportunity to prove their character and bravado in the battlefield, so no reason to argue over the past, when we have a whole new war to argue about . From a tactical point of view I think that this approach has been tested in the past and failed, but again, time will tell.
  13. Personally I am happy that I fight alongside TOP again, even if it just a coincidence. Good luck, although I think you won’t need it.
  14. One can not ask for better allies. Welcome brothers
  15. I usually have a good time fighting FANers, since they provide good spirited, enjoyable wars and I am looking forward to meet some FARKers as well. I am sure that this little war will be interesting and entertaining for everybody, except of course for our miserable citizens that are still glowing from the previous war...The only negative thing is that I would prefer some other alliance to declare on us, but meh…they prefer to hide than fight with even odds.
  16. Information for us peons is never a bad thing, thanks. Personally I appreciate it when some of the politics are coming in the open. Also maybe I am blind, but I didn't catch any anti-DH/PB propaganda attempt. It is a post concerning recent "history" and events, thus it has its importance as is.
  17. Nice hearing it, hope that some of the old momentum and spirit is present. Good luck.
  18. To our allies, you have my gratitude and my outmost respect. You knew what this war will be and you honored our relation, it was and is an honor fighting alongside you. I hope for your swift rebuilding, hopefully peace, although bitter, will be the beginning of a great future for you all. To my opponents, I had a good time with most of you and I believe I will enjoy fighting with the ones that will come my way the next three weeks. Thanks for a good time and for giving me my first 1M casualties . Now back to the trenches
  19. You'll be back. We all come back eventually. Also I don't believe you're a bad poster, at least compared with many others (including me). Concerning your nation I agree with Lord Velox [quote name='Lord Velox' timestamp='1304119102' post='2702225'] ...I wouldn't delete the nation though i've deleted mine in the past and when i came back i regretted it just collect and pay taxes. [/quote] I really miss the SDI my previous nation had
  20. Mostly Harmless Alliance - 4 :Good theme, no strong opinion, apart from their stance during Karma Green Protection Agency – 7 :Consistent, I believe that a neutral alliance is needed in Bob Fark – 6 :Resilient Independent Republic Of Orange Nations – 7 :I wish things were better between us. Sparta – 4 : Meh…I was strongly negative after Karma, they start to mature (I think) World Task Force – 4 : Meh…I have no idea about their FA path Orange Defense Network – 2: Their recent behaviour indicates that they have much misplaced and baseless bravado. I was expecting more as I was holding a relatively good opinion on them The Order Of The Paradox – 7: Component in nation building, logical individuals but collectively they seem sometimes to be delusional and obsessed. My opinion is that they are inadequate in the FAs department, but future will tell. Umbrella – 7: Component in nation building, their arrogance is sometimes misplaced. They seem capable to take the mantle from MK. New Pacific Order – 8: Still the core of CN politics, we are evolving and we have a better future ahead of us, so I am keeping my 10 . Global Alliance And Treaty Organization -5: I have a soft spot for them but they are becoming an irrelevant alliance, unfortunately. Viridian Entente – 3: Some baseless bravado and some terrible posters, future will tell about their actual potential. The Democratic Order – X No Idea New Polar Order -6: I still have some love for Polaris, but in reality I think that our paths will not be the same in the future. FOK – 6: Semi relevant and some good posts. R&R – 6: No strong opinion, but they seem good people Mushroom Kingdom – 6: Component, but I feel they are in their decadence era Nordreich – 3: RL and IC dislike, but sometimes they seem like a decent alliance LoSS - X No Idea Nusantara Elite Warriors - X No Idea The Legion – 7: I hope that this war will act as a starting point to fulfil their potential. Valhalla – 6: Seems that they are evolving to a solid alliance Multicolored Cross-X Alliance -4 Nueva Vida – 5: Sometimes they seem like a decent alliance The Foreign Division – X No idea Federation Of Armed Nations – 6: An enemy I respect NATO – 7: I like them Global Order of Darkness – 4: They produce some drama, but the wrong way, at least from my point of view The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons – X No idea Legacy – X No idea The Templar Knights – X No idea The Order Of Light – X No idea Asgaard– X No idea iFOK – 3: Is there a reason for their existence? Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations – X No idea Athens – 5 World Federation - 6 Goon Order Of Oppression Negligence And Sadism – 6: I don’t have a problem with them, although some terrible posting habits, they seem a decent group. Fellowship Of Elite Allied Republics – X No idea Global Democratic Alliance – X No idea Argent – 6: For a small alliance they seem political active Guru Order – X No idea Christian Coalition Of Countries – X No idea Ragnarok – 7: A decent alliance and some interesting choices. The Phoenix Federation – 10: Impressive group Random Insanity Alliance – 6: I think I like them
  21. In Balkan Banania we exercise freedom of religion but our government’s decision is atheism. In this context we consider all the self-proclaimed prophets and men of the god as charlatans, deluded, madmen or/and egomaniacs. I think that this announcement will be used as a reference by our government in the future.
  22. An alliance overrated in the context of military ability (I fought along them and against them) but underrated in the context of political capital, even judging by the political "career" of their former members. I believe what actually doomed them was that they for some reason had a tendency for martyrdom. I still remember PWII where they decided to not fight back GATO members. A pity that they didn’t make it to this era; it would be interesting to see a true moralist alliance in this new world.
  23. This is just a display of power by DH. Personally I believe that this is not needed, since terms are agreed and your opponents will be neutralized for a significant time period. As I understand it the DH side gains a strategic advantage as the terms were agreed prior to this declaration. In this context the outcome of this action can be a stalling of the peace process, since we speak for new data concerning the projected damage to the defending alliances, while the perma-war argument becomes more reasonable since the DH side is coming out as untrustworthy. Personally judging from this action I expect a declaration on Pacifica as well, since it will inflict the maximum damage to our high NS nations, while at the same time the damage to the DH core will be minimized. I believe that even now DH sees TOP as a future rival, so having TOP getting some damage and simultaneously getting a PR hit is a win-win situation for them. Concluding, if DH doesn’t want peace, then just state it. If DH wants peace then some, even limited, good faith should be demonstrated. Personally, meh..., I am fine whatever your decision is.
  24. Congratulation on peace. Wishes for a swift rebuilding and many thanks.
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