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Blog Comments posted by Yggdrazil

  1. You live in a lousy state. I'm 99% sure we can open carry without a license. :awesome: But you can't take an already concealed weapon and bring it out. It's seen as your provocation / escalation and means that guy can legally pull his gun if he had one and you couldn't legally react to him. The whole system is pretty messed up, but it's nearly impossible to fire a weapon in self defense unless you kept it hidden, never escalated, didn't start it, and were attacked with someone who either had much much much more strength than you or had a weapon out, and you couldn't run away or call for help. They will sit back and critique every move made in that situation as if you were sitting at home thinking of the best options, even though I doubt that's the case. Only if you made every single best possible choice every step of the way do you get off with no legal action against you, and in some circumstances you can still be sued by the "victim's" family.

    The law is so strict that if I walked into a store and saw a man pull out a knife and run at a little old woman and I shot him, I would probably go to prison for murder if she had been the first one to begin yelling, or if she started the fight. Because, once again, you can't start or escalate it.

    In fact, I bet we're more conservative than many other countries when it comes to self defense...

    [No, I don't carry or have my permit, nor am I an attorney, I just know the law on it.]

    Read this Penkala

  2. Oh man....

    Notice how they are called "offensive wars" and not "aggressive wars." "Offensive wars" are wars between nations. "Aggressive wars" are wars between alliances. There is an important, and obvious, distinction. Just because an alliances gains the upper hand doesn't mean they suddenly become an aggressor.

    My dictionary gives aggressive actions as one of the definitions of offensive.

  3. Wow. This is amazing. The definition of the word harsh, severe or draconian is not subjective. The word is simply a way of conveying a meaning or thought IE; something is draconian because it enacts a punishment that is overly harsh, or whatever the definition is. How that meaning is put into practice however, IE, what the base line to determine if something is overly harsh, draconian and so on however is subjective, and subject to so many variables, I'm not going to list them. The fact that you either don't understand this incredibly simple concept, or are willingly pretending you don't doesn't make you look good, nor strengthen your argument.

    But for a little fun, what constitutes hot? 20 Celsius? 30? 50? 5 degrees over ambient? 20% over body temperature? Clearly, unless hot is specifically defined, it's impossible to communicate it.

    A child might say hot for some of the parameters you state. Adults might give sweltering for others tepid,muggy or arid. Then there are adjectives which also help us clarify.

  4. I don't know who you are, but the sheer intellectual dishonesty of your post indicates that you should, as a minimum, re-evaluate your position as the leader of a simulated nation.

    Your entire argument is based off a number of definitions which you have simply invented on the spot. You fail to even provide sources or references for your positions; the best you can scrounge up is some half-baked logic which runs contrary to common sense and traditional interpretations of events. In some cases you blatantly contradict yourself, adding to the generally pathetic nature of your attempt. My personal favorite is this:

    "Draconian[sic]: Is[sic] not open to interpretation[sic],nor is it[sic] based on perspective.It[sic] means exceedingly harsh or very severe"

    In one sentence you claim that "Draconian[sic]: Is[sic] not open to interpretation[sic]". In the next sentence you proceed to define "Draconian[sic]" using totally subjective terms.

    In short, you are a moron.

    If harsh and severe are subjective terms, which come from the definition, how does an intellect of your perceived dimensions carry on a conversation or write something with hope of conveying understanding. Words are clearly defined, if not we have no hope of understanding each other. If this is moronic, then I embrace the term.

  5. Is your thoughts representative of the negotiating going on.If yes, are you petulant children. I see no cessation of declarations or nukes from your side. The war continues and the ferocity of those opposing you should have no bearing on terms or conditions.

    And if in your words, feeble describes these attacks then the point of you rant is moot.Principia probant non probantur. (Fundamental principles require no proof; they are assumed a priori.)

  6. You were the victor here, will you feel the same as a loser? Were you a member of the first Goons? Were you happy with that result? Reparations for any action just breed resentment, which results in wars of annihilation. The first Goons received this treatment along with other non-existent entities. It was tried against Fan and Vox. It creates an atmosphere that makes wars less likely because, in essence, you risk much to enter.

    While your alliance reparations were lenient and were not in any way excessive, having reparation as a tool available will result in their abuse. Ask NpO, NPO or even the Mushroom Kingdom or members around for the first Goons.

  7. You have never offered proof that the things done to you is from a bigoted attitude.Exactly how are those actions by others against you, not coming from your own doing.And continuing in the same behavior expecting different results is clearly not the path you should pursue.

    A mental illness and losing friends does not justify reprehensible behavior.

    I altruistically feel for your pain with you condition and suggest that if this game is contributing to it,you might decide in your interest to leave.Using a metaphor, if you throw your own excrement, society will not continue to let you get away with it, whatever the mental condition.

  8. Games should be fun for everyone.When your fun interferes with the fun of someone else is where the major question comes in to play.Hackers enjoy making programs that are destructive which spoils others enjoyment.Nothing ruins your day as having your computer go down.Your fun ended through the enjoyment of others.

    Admit it your definition of fun comes at the distress of others.Let's ask FOB if it was fun for them when your alliance and others tech raided 3 vs 1.

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