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Everything posted by Facade

  1. [quote name='MitchellBade' timestamp='1353527002' post='3055680'] The biggest travesty in all of this is Omni being in gov again [/quote] Good god this is way too true. o/ Argent
  2. [quote name='Max Power' timestamp='1353368908' post='3054659'] [b]The alliance affiliation of [i]Basketball Ninjas[/i] is hereby a joint protectorate of Umbrella, Argent and The Imperial Order, as of their posts to the affirmative in this thread. Former members of the Basketball Ninjas also reserve the right to protect anyone under the Basketball Ninjas alliance affiliation. Neither of these provisions expire.[/b] [/quote] Confirming this. I'm really sorry to see BN go. I enjoyed the times we had together, y'all are a great bunch. BN. Good luck out there guys.
  3. [quote name='Stewie' timestamp='1353115630' post='3053515'] Lines being drawn between cent and charles stuart. [/quote] I think Charles has drawn a line between himself and every ruler. Also, congrats IRON.
  4. [quote name='Thrash' timestamp='1351851922' post='3047592'] Wait, we were in a contest? [/quote] This! We had 33 and I didn't even know we were doing this...NPO wouldn't be sitting so pretty if we had known. Edit: Oh, I see. You posted the results a year later. No wonder this made so much sense... :v
  5. [quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1350927119' post='3044138'] The lack of Jacapo is disturbing. [/quote] I do not think that word means what you think it means.
  6. I strongly enjoy this government. o/ Argent
  7. This treaty pleases me. I look forward to a bright and prosperous future [s]controlling blue[/s]! o/ NATO o/ TIO
  8. [quote name='SoADarthCyfe6' timestamp='1350670459' post='3042980'] Lines being... I mean lines going in circles. [/quote] I'd like to think a clear line is being formed.
  9. [quote name='Gopherbashi' timestamp='1350001478' post='3040264'] Also, I finally get to see that the "Active Wars" bit works. [/quote] That'll be fun during a global war. *proceeds to scroll for 20 minutes to reach the end of each post*
  10. [quote name='Elorian' timestamp='1348847762' post='3035183'] Taget [/quote] Entire thread worth it. Taget
  11. [quote name='Starfox101' timestamp='1348865990' post='3035372'] I'll miss having you as a member. Mostly because of this gem: " I believe i could be either Prime Minister (If you can Remove Starfox)" I almost let you have it, too. [/quote] Down with Starfox, he's terrible.
  12. So unless I missed something over the last few years...you [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/?showtopic=65810"]downgraded?[/url]
  13. [quote name='hobbies0310' timestamp='1348261881' post='3032840'] My smiley didn't work. It was supposed to be a joke with this smiley not: hem: but it messed up some how Also Facade, settle down tough guy [/quote] Pssh. I know that everything said here is a joke, but can't tell if it's meant to be.
  14. [quote name='hobbies0310' timestamp='1348252630' post='3032800'] ITT TIO tries to act hard because they are sanctioned now :hem: No, you aren't the only one. [/quote] You're really insinuating that Charles and Doch never posted like this before they joined TIO and we became sanctioned? Please learn something about what you're talking about before posting again. That's one of the most hilarious things I've ever heard.
  15. Nutkase...as a MoFA...? War commencing in 3...2...1...
  16. Knock'em dead Swatch. I mean uh...go d3mon!
  17. I could have been knocked over with a brick after reading this. Congrats to you both!
  18. Gopher you're drunk, stop using a time machine.
  19. [quote name='SoADarthCyfe6' timestamp='1347425750' post='3029318'] If they can only get rid of Skippy, can optimal awesomeness be achieved... Congratulations, TIO for swiping our Sanction spot! It's a shame I was never able to get your flag uploaded elsewhere though, however, I'm glad to see it finally come around! [/quote] If we got rid of Skippy we'd be so awesome it would be like dividing by zero, so we have to at least keep him around. I appreciate how much you and the rest of "Synergy" tried to get our flag in game.
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