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Biff Webster

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Everything posted by Biff Webster

  1. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1282204769' post='2422935'] Morality speaking? No(But \m/ members and great part of this community doesn't care about morality) Legally speaking? Yes. The charter is what guide the alliance's processes and define it structures so without it [b]everything is possible and nothing is illegal.[/b] [/quote] I don't see anything wrong with the bolded. I wonder what the success rate is for triumvirate based governments. They seem prone to dysfunction. "In politics, the tripod is the most unstable of structures." Honestly I don't see how what Marx or whoever did about this situation is "wrong" or "illegal" unless it turns out they're not successful and \m/ falls apart. The popularity of it will probably be based on what NS is behind it, but that's a different kind of "wrong".
  2. This is why charters are silly. They are used more by foreigners to play "gotcha!" than be that guiding document some pretend them to be. If no \m/ charter existed, would this situation suddenly become ok?
  3. [quote name='Merrie Melodies' timestamp='1282097984' post='2420902'] To end speculation I have been removed. I am still seeking reps. [/quote] You're unaligned, you have no right to anything.
  4. His lie doesn't make GATO piddle it's pants, so it will be probably be overlooked due to the strength of their friendship.
  5. [quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1281333462' post='2406751'] Or that the people who told us they'd support us no matter what path we took: VE, ODN, Athens, and even our little protectorate ICAN told us important info we needed to know. While we were an after thought to NSO. [/quote] Which one suggested you use that wrinkle in the treaty as your excuse? I doubt the first thing you thought of when you heard about the impending war was "Wow they didn't tell us" it was probably more "Oh no, we're going to lose". Was the fact they were late in telling you they were going to get stomped really outweigh your supposed friendship? Have you bought a spot at the table of those stomping your friends with this cancellation?
  6. [quote name='Chocolate Cookies' timestamp='1281145702' post='2403341'] Thanks for all the recruitment letters everyone. Stay Classy. [/sarcasm] [/quote] I suppose we can just recruit here then.
  7. I don't think the answer is less alliances, it is MORE alliances. Wouldn't it be exciting if there were whole power structures completely independent of each other?
  8. [quote name='ShinRa' timestamp='1280680374' post='2397137'] Typical really. A Pacifican apologising to his overlords for doing something morally correct for once. [/quote] You can set a watch to this guy. I'm not sure who needs to let go more, you or the OP. Also the first thing I thought of when I read the OP was this: [img]http://bradysbunch.com/images/links/Teeter%20Hang%20Ups%20logo.png[/img]
  9. [quote name='caligula' timestamp='1280393161' post='2393735'] This. I don't think these numbers are exactly "fascinating," or notable :/ Please enlighten us? [/quote] Most of the PM nations reside in NATO's upper tier.
  10. [quote name='wickedj' date='19 July 2010 - 10:24 PM' timestamp='1279603450' post='2380046'] That flag is pretty cool btw, thats not the Red Dawn flag is it? [/quote] You know it is.
  11. [center][img]http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x215/BoredBrawd/Hal2.png[/img][/center] Several days ago, in the hopes of "striking a blow" for tech raiders, elements of MK, FoK, PC, \m/ and others initiated what they have dubbed the Red Safari--organized raids upon unaligned and micro-AA nations alike residing on the Red Sphere. This action is in direct contravention to the stated purpose of the Red economic bloc Red Dawn, and the modified Revenge Doctrine. Raiding is nothing new to Red. With the novelty of a supposedly-prostrate Pacifica being continually refreshed in the minds of the followers of the dominant forces of Digiterra, Red is one of, if not the most raided spheres; however, the organized nature of this latest threat is a direct attack on the well being and stability of our home on Red. It is obvious to us that there is more to these actions than meager gains in land and technology. Well-connected and protected alliances are targeting the Red Sphere in the hopes of drawing out the alliances of Red into open warfare by assaulting the uncoordinated nations with whom we share a symbiotic relationship. The targets of the Red Safari are essentially uninvolved bystanders, which the participants of the safari have turned into victims and tools of their designs on anti-raiding alliances. Attacking innocent nations in an attempt to bait the alliances of Red into war is reprehensible. For some Red leaders, this step is an action we would not expect from those we know in the raiding alliances, and it is a low-point that alarms us. As an entity tasked with the safeguarding of the mutual interests of Red, we of Red Dawn condemn this action; however, we are not so clumsy as the perpetrators of this crime might have hoped. You may force us to act, but you will not have your desire. -The Alliances of Red Dawn
  12. The neutral hate is funny. Most alliances need protectors, double digit treaties, etc to achieve the same thing they do by themselves.
  13. Did either you or Ethel get a bingo?
  14. It would be nice if this kind of effort was put into "real" drama.
  15. [quote name='Divi Filius' date='14 July 2010 - 12:41 AM' timestamp='1279093264' post='2370668'] I think some people are being a bit overly harsh here about the fact that they raided the NAAC AA. I don't think it is a stretch to say that NEW most likely wasn't aware of the history and protected status of this AA. Hell, I've been around for 3 years now and even I didn't get to see NAAC in action. [/quote] Didn't they use the "I didn't know/My English isn't so hot" excuse for something similar recently? I don't see how hard it would be to research or even ask someone.
  16. That gif is awesome. That scene gave me the same feeling as the scene in "Aliens" when Sigourney weaver got in that suit to fight the momma alien.
  17. Tinker, Tailor. I'll be wearing a Chicago Cubs baseball cap and I'll be holding a magazine. If the magazine is "Seventeen", then my cover is blown and you must leave Berlin tonight. If it is "Cat Fancy" then you must ask me about the price of fish.
  18. [quote name='cookavich' date='07 July 2010 - 12:25 PM' timestamp='1278530708' post='2362619'] This wasn't even an action done against Polar... why would we care? [/quote] An ex-leader (who wasn't involved) of an alliance (that was involved) apologizes to an ex-leader (who was involved) of an alliance (that wasn't involved). It sounded better in my head.
  19. All we need is someone from Polar who wasn't there for this to accept the apology and the circle is complete.
  20. [quote name='Smacky' date='01 July 2010 - 10:16 PM' timestamp='1278047789' post='2357473'] YOUR NUMBERS ARE OFF, BUT SUCH IS TO BE EXPECTED OF PSEUDO MORALISTS. [/quote] I can assure you that my motivation is primarily personal vanity.
  21. The spam boards would be legendary.
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