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Biff Webster

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Everything posted by Biff Webster

  1. Today I took a chance on the movie Sunshine with Cillian Murphy, the dude who was in Fantastic Four and directed by the Slumdog Millionaire guy. The premise is interesting: the Sun is dying and 8 astronauts attempt to restart it by shooting a bomb the size of Manhattan into it. I'm unsure if the science behind it makes any sense but hey, that's what I like about Sci Fi in the first place is that it doesn't have to make sense all the time. Visually it is pretty awesome too and some of the dialog is decent. The enormity of the task before the astronauts kept me interested until: Why? Was that really necessary? I can't remember a movie starting strong and going weak this fast. It reminded me of Stripes for sheer whiplash of awesome to lame. I might be in a minority, but the unknown is a far more scary plot device or whatever you want to call it. Star Trek The Motion Picture, for example, was pretty spooky to me. The idea that there might be things out there that are all powerful and ancient make me think more than a blob of homicidal goo or viruses that turn people in to sea monsters. Even just thinking about the size of the universe scares me. It's just so big. Is it to guarantee a wide enough audience to make the budget that sci fi movies need to include corny horror movie aspects? Did successes like Alien typecast sci fi as a horror platform? As I write this, I remember a movie that did give me hope for Sci Fi movies in the future. Moon with Sam Rockwell. But that's a different topic altogether. As is Solaris (the Clooney one). I could've sworn they called me stupid for two hours with that one. I guess I'll watch They Live again. Roddy Piper, John Carpenter, and it works.
  2. [quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1288066751' post='2493344'] I don't need to talk in hypotheticals, it [b][i]is[/i][/b] pretty funny seeing you flail about missing the points of joke posts and try to bring delusionally irrational arguments against VE every chance you get. [/quote] Nice Joke. Missing WFCN already?
  3. [quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1288021475' post='2492806'] Sucks to see Ted go. Although I am honored that you have decided to allow VE to have two senators going forward because you have decided that no person from GPA could ever fill Ted's shoes. Thank you for that gift. [/quote] So that's it for the UJA?
  4. [img]http://img534.imageshack.us/img534/5650/emotqq.gif[/img][i][u]They attacked us for no reason![/i][/u][img]http://img534.imageshack.us/img534/5650/emotqq.gif[/img]
  5. [quote name='mrcalkin' timestamp='1285772408' post='2468308'] We don't have a lower tier. They don't have an upper tier. We wouldn't fight alone and, [b]as long as our treaty exists[/b], they won't either. [/quote] It is wise to know where the exits are.
  6. [quote name='Arcturus Jefferson' timestamp='1285770959' post='2468291'] Blah blah self-importance blah blah. Sanction them already. [/quote] I wonder how many sanctions are left to place? If this keeps up, Red will corner the market!
  7. Things are going well when you have to pull the Bubblegum Gambit.
  8. [quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1285220779' post='2461902'] Congrats University, the cult of Shattenmann isn't all that its cracked up to be. GOD is a far better ally who will protect you no matter what. You dont need to swim the choppy waters of moral codes and sermons from people who would ditch you in a heart beat if you didn’t follow the fanatical commandments of this cult anymore [/quote] I get so choked up every time I hear one of the sermons. You really should come listen to one, it might change your life.
  9. I wish people would stop filling the hole GOONS would dig for themselves anyway with dirt from their own graves.
  10. Congratulations to The University. Grow fast so that this is only temporary.
  11. [quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1285007960' post='2459071'] Raiding is [i]warring[/i] with the probable chance of getting something you can use. If you were opposed to theft you'd be opposed to all war, as all wars result in "theft" of some sort. [/quote] Wars whose object is to humiliate and/or exploit the weak from behind the armored skirts of the strong? Of course I oppose that. Wars with different objectives should probably be discussed case by case.
  12. Adding the dreaded M word to this "serious debate" ensures it will degenerate into the silly. Raiding is theft. And I would like to see it end in every alliance except GOONS. Keep burning that candle as bright and as fast as you can.
  13. [quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1284251994' post='2450341'] [IMG]http://i728.photobucket.com/albums/ww287/sparadise34/salwinter2.png[/IMG] [code]Sal Paradise - [IMG]http://i728.photobucket.com/albums/ww287/sparadise34/salwinter2.png[/IMG][/code] I'm positive I modified the source more than enough and didn't break any rules that haven't been made up to disqualify me yet. [/quote] I like this one. Where do I vote for it?
  14. Congratulations Heggo. Even though you made the first week of my presidency rough, I've always dug your style.
  15. Will Bones Malone ever bring back the Don Karnage avatar?
  16. [quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1284176286' post='2449459'] It's a valid tactic for a war imo. I don't see why it hasn't been used en-mass yet, it's like the archaic nuclear first strike policies. [/quote] The limits on the amount of sanctions a senator can perform make it tough for it to be used en masse.
  17. [quote name='Tungsten' timestamp='1283839817' post='2445016'] When Franz Ferdinand was murdered [/quote] [url=http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=184514]He seems ok to me.[/url]
  18. VE, the ever benevolent master, throws it's doggie a partially eaten ham sandwich.
  19. [quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1283521311' post='2440354'] Adding an impetus for people to not create alliances that stall out at 20-30 members and dilute the politics of the game is a good thing [/quote] Yeah just have them join existing alliances and we can fight the same war over and over for eternity. I don't see how it is a good thing to have the game be run by the same handful of people.
  20. Also, there is plenty of politics within a neutral alliance. GPA has had some nasty infighting in her history.
  21. [quote name='potato' timestamp='1283531597' post='2440494'] The real question is: why are there more than one? What's so different between GPA, TDO or WTF? [/quote] Why is C&G not just one alliance?
  22. [quote name='Ericus' timestamp='1283474794' post='2439653'] I believe you mean GPA, but I'll digress. o/ Symphony [/quote] Well you got that whole not being GPA thing at least. Congrats on a pity, probably never activated treaty.
  23. Tell all your friends about it. The more people use it, better it works.
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