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Biff Webster

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Everything posted by Biff Webster

  1. [quote name='Robster83' timestamp='1293894944' post='2560068'] Apologising to those who UPN has let down in the past, several of our past allies and friends. The first step toward change is awareness. The second step is acceptance. [/quote] I can understand you wanting to change, I'm just saying guilty alliances aren't very attractive. [quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1293895154' post='2560071'] Kev's alliance merges into UPN yesterday and he already gets a Triumvir position? Not that you guys couldn't use it, just seems kind of odd to me. [/quote] It was probably key to securing the merger.
  2. Triumvirates: Two against one all day long. You seem very apologetic about how you've done business. Are you apologizing to the planet or to your membership? I hope you don't try too hard to please people you have no responsibility to please.
  3. Thanks. Now we can look forward to bad "your erections are rigged" jokes from fifteen posters next erection announcement. Also, why would this affect anyone outside of Fark?
  4. [quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1293604423' post='2557096'] Yes raiders were totally cool for doing mass raids. That definitely made them very "cool". You should really not forget we're in the OOC section here as well. OOC I could care less since this is a game, IC I'm playing the game the way I want to play it and you know what, it's helping me enjoy CN instead of !@#$%*ing about it like most people do here every single day. And truth be told, on a personal level I do really dislike tech raiders who only talk crap from being able to smack down a smaller nation by teaming up with 2 others and don't have the balls to actually challenge a similar nation to a 1v1 match. If I can help some people out then I will try to, it's not for PR or anything but because I actually do enjoying helping people when I can. I know people will twist try to twist that to make it seem like posturing or going for even more PR, but whatever, that's just my position. [/quote] After all the high fives you used to get from the raiding communities, I wondered if the service you performed was an almost pro-raiding deal (getting rulers to peace out faster so the attacker can move on to others). I'm glad to see I was wrong. If you need any help, let me know.
  5. [img]http://sae.tweek.us/static/images/emoticons/emot-qq.gif[/img] [i][u]But, but my raid targets![/u][/i] [img]http://sae.tweek.us/static/images/emoticons/emot-qq.gif[/img]
  6. 360 Gamertag: TheWaggler Favorite Game Genre(s): FPS Games you play: MW2 Are you interested in single(1v1) double(2v2) or team type play(4v4 or more):All Time zone: PST Best Way to contact you : IRC (Biff(CoJ) Would you be willing to compete in a tournament? Yes. Questions Comments or Suggestions:
  7. If GPA, TDO and GOP attacked NSO over the spam messages?
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOCC1EKXRBc
  9. Congratulations on the treaty, it has generated a lot of discussion so it should be interesting to see what happens next. I either haven't been paying attention or it was before my ascension to ruler status, but I never understood exactly why Legion was so hated. Seems almost like something one learns and refuses new information on like "buy a Harbor first". I get the Polar stuff, although I remember they had a lot of sniffers before Bi-Polar. If someone wants to shoot me a PM and point me in the right direction that would be appreciated.
  10. [quote name='Jorost' timestamp='1291732339' post='2532944'] I do not believe that Jamahiriya is anti-Semitic or that it wishes the violent destruction of the state of Israel. [/quote] I would hope not since the [url=http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=295604]State of Israel[/url] is part of the group protecting them.
  11. [quote name='Sarmatian Empire' timestamp='1291724026' post='2532889'] What if, as Kev stated, someone created a Jewish type alliance, that takes a hardline against against terrorism and what not? Alliance Announcement is an IC forum...but if your alliances character is Anti-Muslim, or Anti-Nazi, or Anti-whatever, does that make it ok to knock such pictures in Alliance Announcements? Technically it does right? [/quote] First off, there is no real "terrorism" mechanic in-game. Rogue actions, even on the small scale, are basically all out war (involving large amounts of troops, exchange of land) so I don't see how they could IC take a hardline against something that isn't happening. I don't see an issue with knocking the pictures in an IC area if they're knocking them based on what they represent in an IC sense. Say if someone used the 9/11 image of the towers burning and the poster attempted to justify their use by saying that this what my CMs did to your nation. I would still think the image was used in bad taste because of what it represented to me and think the poster is an idiot, but I couldn't really IC justify that it offended me as a ruler unless I bring my response as the person playing the ruler into the game. If I was truly offended, I suppose I could voice my concerns to the people who monitor such things.
  12. [quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1291722945' post='2532883'] People will always complain. If someone used 9/11 imagery, I probably would too. But I wouldn't declare war on them for it. [/quote] It's not the complaining that is the problem to me, it's where. Jumping down someones throat on Alliance Announcements about an image that is offensive to you doesn't make a lot of sense when it is a safe bet the event or person depicted never happened or existed on Digiterra.
  13. [quote name='Sarmatian Empire' timestamp='1291722849' post='2532882'] You do remind me of a point I wished to bring up. I NoR or TGE were to use Nazi pictures and what not, would we be having the same conversation? I hope so. [/quote] I think it would depend on the imagery, but I am sure we would. Pictures of Rommel and Jodl are probably not going to get the same responses as Hitler and Himmler.
  14. [quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1291722604' post='2532879'] Alliances don't tend to DoW every time someone posts a picture of a WW2 event or an atomic blast. DoWing for showing pictures of 9/11 is pretty pathetic. [/quote] I remember a while back someone used the image of the Iwo Jima flag raising for an announcement and there was some outcry over that.
  15. [quote name='Sarmatian Empire' timestamp='1291722154' post='2532876'] How would everyone like it if they DoW'd some alliance and posted images of 9/11? I can assure you I'd push the rest of my gov hard to instantly DoW on them for such a posting [/quote] I agree that would be in bad taste, but would it be appropriate to take what I would call an OOC emotional response and turn it into IC action?
  16. [quote name='chech' timestamp='1291721022' post='2532870'] also if more people do want to join in there will be no compensation paid at the end this is merely a target practice exercise. [/quote] In that case I'll have to give you the na-nay-no my brother.
  17. Although at times meandering and off topic, the discussion generated by Jamahiriya shows that not only does she deserve to exist, she should be welcomed. Especially by those who dislike the theme.
  18. You heard this song on the Ochocinco commercial right?
  19. I'm glad to see House Atreides still kicking. Vanadrin was my favorite foreign guest back in my GPA days. OOC: Still playing Fred Mertz?
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