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Biff Webster

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Everything posted by Biff Webster

  1. Congratulions GPA. How is the extended terms working out? Less/More turnover during the term? Has the MoMC changed much since M_a_C_a stopped running it?
  2. This blog is great. We have "religious nut-jobs" backing up their claims with evidence, while the "logical fact driven truth seekers" are using faith as their primary argument.
  3. [quote name='GeorgeWBush' timestamp='1290861035' post='2524575'] My allies are getting ready to attack members of VE with their nuclear weapons. This conversation will not ease the matter, Just it will make me more determined to wipe VE of planet bob. I will give the command to attack in 10 minutes. The funny thing is you dont know who they are!!! [/quote] Here's hoping cooler heads will prevail and VE will do the right thing here.
  4. [quote name='GeorgeWBush' timestamp='1290860790' post='2524572'] THE NOTE IS GENUINE [/quote] Good enough for me. I don't know how you can doubt his word so easily.
  5. [quote name='Sakura' timestamp='1290859917' post='2524557'] For some reason... I have to question if any such message was sent. For one thing, 1,000 is a paltry sum. Plus, who would really say "blackmail" in an actual blackmail message? [/quote] Obviously material gain is not the object here. $1,000 is a sum that at this poor nation's size only serves to hamper it's growth. To see VE ignoring basic aid slot efficiency just to harm ISAF is appalling.
  6. [quote name='GeorgeWBush' timestamp='1290859504' post='2524554'] Look VE still are doing unprovoked attacks on me. They do send ransom notes to me like this one: [code]dear Georgewbush of ISAF The VE has ordered you to pay us $1,000 in blackmail money or we will continue the attacks on your pathetic nation, We will use force if you do not pay up within 5 days. Sethb of VE[/code] [/quote] This evidence is irrefutable, bad show VE.
  7. [center][IMG]http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff246/cndump/CoJ/turkey_header.png[/IMG] [font="Palatino Linotype"][color="#A0522D"][size="7"]Justitia Hungers[/size] [size="4"]Thanksgiving Feast Photo Contest[/size][/color][/font] [i]So then, just as you received Justitia, continue to live in Her, rooted and built up in Her, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. Let the peace of Justitia rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.[/i][/center] Now is the time when the fortunate among us gather around family, friends, or those dear to us, and give thanks for the blessings in our lives. We mirror these blessings with bountiful feasts, and the fullness of stomach is our fullness of life. The Thanksgiving Table is a labor of love, and the fruits of the cook's labor are a source of pride. Are you a cook? Tonight and tomorrow will you be putting together your famous such-and-such, which you have mastered over the years and bring out on this most glorious day of feasting? This year, Justitia's Cult invites all culinary-inclined rulers to an open contest. We intend to host a photo contest wherein you may submit your masterpieces; your golden turkeys, your perfect pies, your savory sides. We ask: Who's Thanksgiving cuisine will reign supreme? To enter your turkey (or other centerpiece [i]entree[/i]), side dish, and/or dessert. Prizes will be awarded in tech, and entries will be judged by discerning Justitians (and possibly some mystery guest judges). To enter, we invite you to the [url="http://forums.coj-cn.co.cc"]Temple of Justice[/url]. Apply for a mask in the [url="http://forums.coj-cn.co.cc/index.php?board=4.0"]Foreign Guests[/url] section. Three threads will be open in our Gardens, one for turkeys, one for sides, and one for desserts. Entry period will run through Saturday. Winners will be recognized on the OWF after Monday. We hope you'll come out for a good time and hopefully a good show (I've seen some freakish turkeys in my day, so it could be awful, who can say?) Spread the word to your members if you can, this was a shotgun idea. Biff Webster, Apostolos of the Cult
  8. Congratulations to our friends in Sons of Aiur!
  9. I cannot with 100% certainty say it would help, but we could try to treat newcomers to the planet better. What are the first few posts whenever someone wanders in and decides to start their own alliance? "Are you protected?" "Does GOONS know about this yet?". Oh they're going to stick around and tell all their friends how sweet this game is. I know the answer is "Join an existing alliance and learn the game" but what would you really learn aside from 3+ year old inside jokes and prejudices? I think you would learn a lot more by trying, and perhaps failing to create some new history. While many of these start ups get protectors, I would venture to guess that many protectorate agreements are with the intent to absorb anyway.
  10. Your fan club is holding on to it I bet.
  11. [quote name='Seerow' timestamp='1289289654' post='2507722'] Where in my post did I imply at all that NSO was responsible for anything? I was applauding you for recognizing our members losses, and just how unprofitable the settlement ultimately was for them. Doesn't matter where the money came from, it was still a very unprofitable endeavor for them, and I appreciate your recognition of that fact. [/quote] You should probably get a new trades guy, he sure let you down.
  12. [quote name='Shodemofi' timestamp='1289288613' post='2507689'] Archon repeating what was said in the other thread doesn't make MK's extortion any more acceptable. Not to totally NPO-Godwin this thread, but this is the "they agreed to it" logic is the same thing that they used to force alliances to disband. [/quote] Maybe "As bad/Not as bad as MK" will now be in fashion.
  13. [quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1289244544' post='2506387'] What? Where did that come from? [/quote] Well, are you?
  14. [quote name='Shaazzam' timestamp='1289242112' post='2506327'] Correct me if I'm wrong. but doesn't this nation have the missing resources? http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=162668 I assume that there must have been some effort to try and bring this cat in as a temp trade, no? Because with them being a member of the AA and all, as a Trade Director I'd be busting ass trying to get s/he to help out the rest of the team. [/quote] Yevgeni was probably embarrassed that his sure thing trade circle member was a flop. So instead of doing his job (finding people trades afaik) he decides to go shakedown NSO hoping to either extract a huge payday to appease the people he let down, or start a war to appease the people he's trying to impress. Am I doing it right Sardonic?
  15. [quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1289236725' post='2506218'] The 3m isn't the lion's share of the economic damage, it's the risk of having to collect with bad resources and the time wasted that could have been spent looking for a new target. [/quote] MK has a target, collecting with less than optimum could've been avoided if they spent more time coordinating with their own Coal/Gold than browbeating NSO members over a ghost. Unless the economic loss had nothing to do with the demands and it is more of a "because we can" type of thing.
  16. [quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1289231502' post='2506107'] If by "clerical error" you mean "deliberate scam", then yeah. Keep on spinning'. [/quote] What spin? The dastardly nation responsible for ruining the MK trade circle's day isn't paying anything.
  17. [url=http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=162668]This guy[/url] not able to help you out? I'm sure there has to be at least one MK member supplying this guys trades. 15m/250t is the going rate for clerical errors?
  18. There isn't anyone else in the whole MK or even in your vast empire of political homies that had Coal/Gold to hook up a temp?
  19. [quote name='Johnny Apocalypse' timestamp='1289181986' post='2505566'] Sirius had no obligation to get involved in this war: Did you all seriously consider AcTi that much of a threat that 3/5 signatories had to jump in and help out? [/quote] Well now they can add "Defended their allies" to their resumes. Maybe they expected more high fives from their backing?
  20. [quote name='KahlanRahl' timestamp='1289164029' post='2505220'] Almost too lenient for the idiocy that ignited this war, but the barring of terms for Battalion makes up for it. Go get 'em. [/quote] I would probably hold the applause/high fives until your allies can coordinate a 3-way break-off backpedal. [quote name='Skippy' timestamp='1289129831' post='2504959'] Actually, I currently think that there would be a far better way we can deal with this, and I'll be negotiating it tomorrow with my fellow leaders on how we can have a far better outcome than this. [/quote]
  21. Are your lessons going to be in brochure format? Example doesn't look like it will work out very well.
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