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William Blake

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Blog Comments posted by William Blake

  1. The posts from members of the Worst Coalition Ever 2.0 (known to lesser minds as Equilibrium) is starting to become a version of Poe's Law: I can't tell if their bravado stems from delusion or from parody.

    It is a truism that the top tier wins wars, why do you think your masters in the NPO/DR architectured the laughably dumb "attack on one is an attack on all" strategy? Because they knew that even with its blatant hypocrisy that your only way to win this war was to amass as many 100k+ nations as possible against DH. Guess what? The strategy has failed and your leaders know it, and it will be only a matter of time until you know it.

    Your war winning tier has been lead to the slaughter by fools who think it better to have 10 billion dollar warchests than to have 15k tech. Such idiocy really isn't a wonder when you consider that Anarchy Inc. is an alliance consisting of notable garbage alliances Valhalla, BAPS, and Olympus.

    I do find myself disagreeing with TB on one point, however, in that I don't find you cute. Delusion isn't cute it's just sad.

    Cookie, you sound a little bitter these days. I thought MK was supposed to be a fun alliance.

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