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An Announcement from Athens




An Announcement from Athens


Let it be known through out all of Planet Bob that panfilo of the nation underground has been placed on the Athens Zero Infrastructure List for high treason and cowardice. He will be pursued with extreme prejudice and righteousness and will not be released until his infrastructure levels hit zero. This is non negotiable.

We would like to thank Aurora Borealis for their understanding and cooperation in this matter and wish them nothing but the best moving forward.

Panfilo, you are finally getting what you deserve and we will take great pleasure in the actions we are about to take.

That is all.


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You guys are arguing with the wrong person. Ace is the same guy who left MK to join Echelon DURING NoCB. He complete understands the concept of "I not agree with this war"

Thank you for clearing that up. He seemed wilfully dense. He can be safely ignored, I think.

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Also, that information regarding Ace explains a lot.

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This is literally the worst thing that has ever happened in CN. I wish Vox would reform to deal with you, you're worse than the hegemony ever was.

So this is worse than /b/'s !@#$? Is this worse than the attack on GPA? Is this worse than a year long viceroy? I think you're a !@#$@#$ liar or too stupid to understand what literally means.

Just keep practicing for WPE, Cheyene. You're doing a good job so far.

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So this is worse than /b/'s !@#$? Is this worse than the attack on GPA? Is this worse than a year long viceroy? I think you're a !@#$@#$ liar or too stupid to understand what literally means.

Just keep practicing for WPE, Cheyene. You're doing a good job so far.

Omni he was kidding :(

<3 you both!

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There are plenty of people like him around and I wish they'd all just join a neutral alliance if they're not willing to fight. After over 1000 days in the game, they should know the score by now.

I don't know anything about the incident other than what I'm reading here but it seems a bit strange that you're waiting a year to go after him. What, the other alliances he was in weren't in as weak a political position, so you didn't get the opportunity until now?

Let it go already. :rolleyes:

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Justice has no expiration date. Next time someone throws your alliance under the bus that is the pre-karma Planet Bob you'll understand.

Yeah, it was pretty bad.

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So this is worse than /b/'s !@#$? Is this worse than the attack on GPA? Is this worse than a year long viceroy? I think you're a !@#$@#$ liar or too stupid to understand what literally means.

Just keep practicing for WPE, Cheyene. You're doing a good job so far.

Nobody tell him.

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I suppose this warrants a ZI sentence on Ace as well.

Stay tuned for additions to our ZI list in the future!

Should be noted that I do not have the authority to add nations to our ZI list at will. Only rsoxbronco1 does. I have to say, his first addition to said list is the one we have wanted for nearly 3 years.

According to you guys, what I did probably would warrant a zi.

I wasn't going to explain my situation, but I might as well. I joined MK during the war, at a time when I didn't believe in first strike nukes. When I told them I would wait until I was nuked first before I nuked back, A couple MK members Called me names and acted very childish about the whole thing. Also, my alliance and I were allied to echelon & MK at the time. I was in the wrong then, I know it. I should have looked into how they operated before I changed my AA to MK. BUT, I changed my AA to MK during the war, held their AA for about 2 days. I was never really a member of theirs.

As for Panfilo, I just disagree with chasing a player from the game. As I said before, I hope there is more to the story that I don't know about.

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How can you not believe in first strike nukes? I see them happen all the time. That's like not believing in the color blue.

I do now, back then was a different time as I am sure you know. The game has changed since then.

Also, as for the panfilo situation, nothing else said is going to change anything, so I am done with this.

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How can you not believe in first strike nukes? I see them happen all the time. That's like not believing in the color blue.

At the time, people didn't; I remember the philosophy being alive and well in Karma.

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Just a quick update on all of this,

In response to our moral and just attacks upon his nation, panfilo took it upon himself to sell all his infrastructure and therefor, is probably released from our ZI list.

We have no idea why he got rid of all his improvements and wonders. I'm being very honest about this. We seriously have no idea why he went that far and if you think we forced him to decommission those improvements and wonders, well... your just crazy. You should go outside more.

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