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Why is everyone in my alliance so terrible



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I've been a spy deep within RIA for a long time. Some might remember my shenanigans regarding a certain tech trade, or a couple of wars pre-karma. Really, nowadays I'm old news.

WHY THE HECK WOULD MY ALLIANCE WANT: [img]http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee185/Master_Rex/Cool/RIA/ingame/flagv1small.png[/img]

OVER [img]http://img825.imageshack.us/img825/9371/cacdino.th.png[/img]

OR EVEN [img]http://shahrsakhtafzar.com/img/out.php/t35008_napdin.jpg[/img]

Would someone like to explain this to me? Sure, they might need a little photoshop work, but the concept is strong!

Hell, this is currently leading RIA polls: [img]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20070324210730/cybernations/images/thumb/7/7d/RIA.jpg/150px-RIA.jpg[/img]

It's terrible. It's utterly terrible. There's nothing random or insane about it. Please PM in-game to our leadership (Shadowdragon, Delta1212, or whoever is in our government I don't know) that Napoleon Cactaur on a DInosaur is OUR ONLY OPTION. Remind the leadership of the Random Insanity Alliance that Random Insanity is not an option, it is not a choice, it is in our genetics and you see even animals do it. And that we should have a random and insane flag, not some crap that looks like a checkerboard or WHAVETER.

Even axe cop would be an awesome RIA flag [img]http://i108.photobucket.com/albums/n2/Dasquirrel/axecop.jpg[/img]


Edit in cactaur for us for the greater good.

Edited by Dontasemebro
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[quote name='HalfEmpty' timestamp='1299061680' post='2649470']
All of them. The first would could be the designated Spring-break Battle Banner.

[quote] tags ftw yo. Dunno what you are saying when you refer to "all of them." All of the flags...are what?

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After many years, you've gained sanction and have the opportunity to upload something that will represent you for the rest of time. It stands to reason that this opportunity should be squandered on the most ridiculous thing you can conjure up, and Cactuar Napoleon is exactly such a thing.

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[quote name='Schad' timestamp='1299076722' post='2649569']
After many years, you've gained sanction and have the opportunity to upload something that will represent you for the rest of time. It stands to reason that this opportunity should be squandered on the most ridiculous thing you can conjure up, and Cactuar Napoleon is exactly such a thing.


And Moth, you are voting up cactimus prime...which is the most tolerable amongst the choices, but still not as good

For reference: [img]http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee185/Master_Rex/Cool/RIA/ingame/200px-Cactimusflagcopy.jpg[/img]

Edited by Dontasemebro
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I'd be more supportive of Cactimus Prime if it didn't have that background. Umbrella and VE already have it.

If the T-Rex Napoleon one could be made total cartoon, I'd say do it. As is, it just looks amateurish.

Any flag with a text box is the worst one possible.

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Cactimus Prime is more readable than the dinosaur one, but the first one is simple and easily identifiable as being for RIA (Florida, trains, and Cactuar). Vexillogically the best choice.

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