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[quote name='Solaris' timestamp='1298582523' post='2644106']
Oh, maybe later. I'm kind of busy.

Right. Never let it be said that I didn't give you guys a fair shake. It's unfortunate that all you were doing was wasting my time.

Bob, why do you associate with people like this? I can understand our disagreement over the spying, but providing your reputation and nation strength to support liars like Solaris? I just don't get it.

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[quote name='Ragashingo' timestamp='1298583173' post='2644128']
Right. Never let it be said that I didn't give you guys a fair shake. It's unfortunate that all you were doing was wasting my time.

Bob, why do you associate with people like this? I can understand our disagreement over the spying, but providing your reputation and nation strength to support liars like Solaris? I just don't get it.
I do not lie, sir, that is outrageous slander. I guess you can only resort to ad hominem when you're frustrated, but remember: all things have their priorities.

edit: also, you're the one wasting your time, you cannot assume me to have responsibility on your use of time, silly

[quote name='Finch' timestamp='1298582972' post='2644123']
It's "thought" and you are welcome :smug:

Ah, much obliged for the correction good sir.

Edited by Solaris
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[quote name='Solaris' timestamp='1298583345' post='2644132']
I do not lie, sir, that is outrageous slander.

Sure it is.

I'll make you a deal. If you ever provide the evidence you claim to have I'll make a full topic apologizing to you personally and your alliance. Additionally I'll surrender from this war (something very few Tigers have done) and convert my nation to a tech/money/soldier farm for VE for as long as Planet Bob exists.

Your move.

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[quote name='Willaim Kreiger' timestamp='1298526014' post='2643584']
But hey, comfort yourselves however you like. I would [b]relish[/b] the opportunity to see your "military performance" in a similar situation to our own. I think the statistics that you seem to be so fond of would be very interesting indeed.
Found it! http://z15.invisionfree.com/Cyber_Nations/index.php?showtopic=70346
[quote]. . . the Grand Global Alliance, backed by military and financial support from a majority of the WUT signatories, attacked the Viridian Entente (in addition to the Confederacy of Independent States and the Northern Treaty Organization). Despite my best efforts, I found myself unable to reconcile with Viridia's former colleagues, which leads us here today.

As of this date and time, Saturday, May 26, 2007, 12:30 PM Eastern Standard Time, the Viridian Entente is hereby dissolved and disbanded in entirety by order of the Lord and Parliament. All members are to follow the exit orders as outlined in the messages sent by battalion commanders this evening.

When faced with the odds Viridia faced, Polaris digs in and does the business of war. When faced with the odds that Polaris is facing, Viridia tucks tail and runs. In point of fact, Viridia disbanded after 48 hours of the odds that Polaris has been fighting for a month.

Edited by Schattenmann
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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1298584042' post='2644144']
Found it! http://z15.invisionfree.com/Cyber_Nations/index.php?showtopic=70346

When faced with the odds Viridia faced, Polaris digs in and does the business of war. When faced with the odds that Polaris is facing, Viridia tucks tail and runs. In point of fact, Viridia disbanded after 48 hours of the odds that Polaris has been fighting for a month.
For all the moaning about how Viridia has changed, nobody ever fails to bring up an event that occurred in 2007 and how it is clearly representative of the alliance.

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[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1298586580' post='2644178']
For all the moaning about how Viridia has changed, nobody ever fails to bring up an event that occurred in 2007 and how it is clearly representative of the alliance.

That is because we only ever change for the worse. Also whatever math you used to find that the Viridicide was the same odds as the current war, you should probably check that.

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[quote]I'm a fair guy but I can't imagine you have something so major that it would change my mind[/quote]
You know, I agree. Your mind seems to be made up despite the evidence publically posted already ;).

Edit: Come on guys, enough mentions of the disbandment already, particularly in this thread. In case some of you weren't paying attention, I wasn't in VE in May 2007, and I was preparing my tanks to defend it. Yes, Polar are doing well at the resilience thing, as you'd expect from an alliance which has had several opportunities to shed the infra huggers. But pointing at one instance from four years ago is nothing but a cheap shot.

Edited by Bob Janova
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[quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1298592462' post='2644246']
You know, I agree. Your mind seems to be made up despite the evidence publically posted already ;).

I could say the same about you. :P

My point is that I would honestly evaluate any new evidence if Solaris ever got tired of withholding it. Now of course I don't think the evidence exists which is why I'm willing to put my nation and reputation on the line. And if I lose my self imposed bet at least The Truth is served and you and your alliance are exonerated.

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[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1298586580' post='2644178']
For all the moaning about how Viridia has changed, nobody ever fails to bring up an event that occurred in 2007 and how it is clearly representative of the alliance.
I can only speak for myself when I say that Viridia has never changed, and I have always said that Viridia is the sad organization that it has always been. Anyone that thinks VE has changed for the worse lately has simply failed to see VE for what it has always been.

[quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1298592462' post='2644246']
You know, I agree. Your mind seems to be made up despite the evidence publically posted already ;).

Edit: Come on guys, enough mentions of the disbandment already, particularly in this thread. In case some of you weren't paying attention, I wasn't in VE in May 2007, and I was preparing my tanks to defend it. Yes, Polar are doing well at the resilience thing, as you'd expect from an alliance which has had several opportunities to shed the infra huggers. But pointing at one instance from four years ago is nothing but a cheap shot.
It's too bad you weren't in VE at the time, they could have moved to Aqua instead of disbanding. [i]ba-dum-cha![/i]

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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1298602555' post='2644381']
I can only speak for myself when I say that Viridia has never changed, and I have always said that Viridia is the sad organization that it has always been. Anyone that thinks VE has changed for the worse lately has simply failed to see VE for what it has always been.
Ok, Schattenmann, your overwhelming presentation of fact-supported specific points and incredibly comprehensive analytic arguments have convinced me that you, of course, are right. But hey, you knew that already, so why does it matter?

Well, this conversation is getting beyond my knowledge of Bob history, so I think that is where I'll leave it.

Edited by Teddyyo
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[quote name='Teddyyo' timestamp='1298608462' post='2644441']
Ok, Schattenmann, your overwhelming presentation of fact-supported specific points and incredibly comprehensive analytic arguments have convinced me that you, of course, are right. But hey, you knew that already, so why does it matter?

To everyone else: You can't spin it. Polar failed the pre-war dance, are failing the war fighting, and its members failed at keeping any honor by failing to adhere to individual surrender terms. That's it.
If you're wondering why I am not in compliance with individual surrender terms, it is because I have not surrendered. ^_^

Edited by Penguin
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[quote name='Penguin' timestamp='1298609109' post='2644452']
If you're wondering why I am not in compliance with individual surrender terms, it is because I have not surrendered. ^_^
I think he was referring to those who feigned surrender, in order to slip into peace mode and then back to the fight. :+

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[quote name='Solaris' timestamp='1298610876' post='2644479']
I think he was referring to those who feigned surrender, in order to slip into peace mode and then back to the fight. :+
He clearly insulted my honor, sir! (I knew what he was talking about)

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[quote]It's too bad you weren't in VE at the time, they could have moved to Aqua instead of disbanding.[/quote]
Translation: "Hey, I'm sick of making incorrect cheap shots about one alliance, let's try with another one." (Grämlins chose to move off Green. Also that situation was completely different to the Viridicide.)

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[quote name='Tass248' timestamp='1298684178' post='2645088']
Considering this thread was started by a person who has named his nation after a Dictatorship that scourged MY country, killed many innocents including family of mine, and got many people running away as refugees for decades. I have no time for his ramblings or those who associate with him.

Y si por casualidad eres español capullo de mierda, vergüenza te tendría que dar ponerte ese nombre de nación.
[OOC: His nation name does not mean that he supports the acts of Franco in the real world. Please spare us the self-righteousness. It's RP.]

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[quote name='Tass248' timestamp='1298684178' post='2645088']
Considering this thread was started by a person who has named his nation after a Dictatorship that scourged MY country, killed many innocents including family of mine, and got many people running away as refugees for decades. I have no time for his ramblings or those who associate with him.

Y si por casualidad eres español capullo de mierda, vergüenza te tendría que dar ponerte ese nombre de nación.

These are not the bots you are looking for?

Not the same Franco. This here Franco, the one after whom the OP's nation is named, was from the pacific and not from the Mediterranean.

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[quote name='Penguin' timestamp='1298315797' post='2640816']That said, there is nothing inherently wrong about attacking without negotiations if you think the weight of your evidence is so great, but if that were the case I wouldn't expect to hear you defending your willingness to negotiate.
That is the entire point. We believe the charges against NpO to be so straightforward and obvious that we think the amount of diplomacy utilised was appropriate. When someone tells you [i][b]"We found a spy and you guys told him to spy on us"[/b][/i] the proper response isn't [i][b]"the information he gave us wasn't good so we didn't think we needed to tell you that one of your members has the intent to spy on you."[/b][/i]. In fact, that is the response of someone who is waiting for better information, or who doesn't care to inform other alliances that they have got spies in them. The very moment Dajobo knew that Lennox was serious with regards to spying [size="1"](which normally would be right after the moment lennox joins his said target alliance under the credentials provided by himself, but you could also argue it is the moment lennox feeds you information)[/size] You should know that this isn't going along with a joke and that this is no longer accepting unsolicited information, but it is actively spying. The key word is unsolicited.

The difference between this and karma is that Dajobo was directly involved with the spying. He chose the nation name/ruler of the spy, the target alliance of the spy and accepted information from the spy. I don't see how this isn't spying. Sure, NpO would like you to believe that Dajobo was only joking and that Lennox couldn't have been serious. Well it became serious as soon as Lennox rerolled with the credentials provided to him by Dajobo. At this point he should have realised that this wasn't some joke. When he was fed information he should have known with 100% certainty that this wasn't a joke any more.

[b] Yes[/b], Lennox did this with the intention of luring NpO into a war. [b]Yes[/b], the information fed to NpO was provided by VE leadership. This doesn't change the fact that Dajobo had no problem with letting an individual spy on the VE. [b]It doesn't matter that the information was bogus. It doesn't matter that Lennox did this with the intent of luring NpO into a war.[/b] If you try to buy drugs from an undercover cop, and he arrests you, you can't say "it wasn't a drugdeal because the cop had no drugs and he never intended to give me any drugs"

Also, I regret that I still have to bring this up;
[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1298310936' post='2640750']
[color="#0000FF"]That's a load of crock if I've ever heard it. You, like everyone else, knew Polar was getting rolled long before the 1V and VE and all the other treaty cancellations. FIST was just an excuse you were able to use to finally cancel it, and justify it then and now. Had FIST not happened we'd probably have seen something along the lines of "lack of communication." Keep trying though. [/color]
How long will it take for people to get this.

You just don't. Especially not if you hold an MADP with that ally.
But I suppose everything we could have done would be criticised.
[*]We join in on the fight for FIST; we are backstabbers to our MADP partner NpO.
[*]We join in on the fight for NpO; we are backstabbers who raid our own protectorates.
[*]We cancel on NpO; we are backstabbers who knew the WOTC was going to happen 2 months beforehand.
[*]We cancel on FIST; our protectorate agreements are worth nothing since we don't protect the alliances that sign one with us.
[*]We don't cancel on anyone; our protectorate agreements are worth nothing since we don't protect the alliances that sign one with us.
You don't put allies in a really crappy position like that.

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Thanks for the chuckle, Doitzel. I'm way disappointed in some of my alliance members for their behavior in this thread; childish name-calling will get us nowhere. Schattenman, you really need to get a new hobby.

[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1298310936' post='2640750']
[color="#0000FF"]That's a load of crock if I've ever heard it. You, like everyone else, knew Polar was getting rolled long before the 1V and VE and all the other treaty cancellations. FIST was just an excuse you were able to use to finally cancel it, and justify it then and now. Had FIST not happened we'd probably have seen something along the lines of "lack of communication." Keep trying though. [/color]
Every time you say something like that, I do my best to correct you, RV. I was quite active in the alliance at that time, and that is categorically untrue. Among the membership as a whole, NpO was probably our second favorite alliance after GOD. Period. Had the logs where Sponge belittled and threatened Ardus not been made public, I would have rather left VE than attack Polar. That disrespect is what led us to action, not a pre-existing hatred towards Polar of any sort. Threatening us hit a nerve in that we had fought so hard to rebuild our alliance from [b]nothing[/b] after Ardus foolishly disbanded it (and yes, that is something that nobody wants to let go of, 4 years later) and we sure as hell weren't going to let anyone threaten to take away the dream that a dedicated few of us had put so much time and effort into protecting.

As for how we've changed since that point, all I gotta say is [i][b]haters gonna hate[/b][/i]. When the Viridian Peace Tour comes to your hometown, we'll talk.

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[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1298586580' post='2644178']
For all the moaning about how Viridia has changed, nobody ever fails to bring up an event that occurred in 2007 and how it is clearly representative of the alliance.
Sounds a lot like the current rhetoric against NPO :awesome:.

It's obviously representative of the alliance. You don't reform with the exact same name and with literally over 50 members (as I recall anyway) in a very short time frame and then claim you're totally brand new. If NPO is held to their actions during the Viridicide, then I believe VE should also have to carry that burden.

Although I will grant that disbandment has less stigma associated with it than forcing/supporting that disbanding but both paths can be made up for.

Edited by Earogema
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[quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1298658890' post='2644850']
Translation: "Hey, I'm sick of making incorrect cheap shots about one alliance, let's try with another one." (Grämlins chose to move off Green. Also that situation was completely different to the Viridicide.)
I was afraid you would mistake my meaning. I'm serious, it would have been better--back up, since they were too afraid to fight--it would have been better if they had just moved off Green like Grämlins. Just because you joined the most disgusting alliance around and have Valdimir's Disease doesn't mean every single time I talk to/about you it's an insult. My Bob is still in there somewhere :3

[quote name='MaGneT' timestamp='1298696576' post='2645214']
[OOC: His nation name does not mean that he supports the acts of Franco in the real world. Please spare us the self-righteousness. It's RP.]

[quote name='Reptyler' timestamp='1298738526' post='2645452']
Schattenman, you really need to get a new hobby.
But this one is fun and I. am. so. good. at. it.

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[quote name='leprecon' timestamp='1298738489' post='2645451']
[*]We cancel on NpO; we are backstabbers who knew the WOTC was going to happen 2 months beforehand.
You're saying you didn't know?

Everyone else did. It had been in the works for months at that point.

This was back in the day when people used to plan wars for months using diplomacy, instead of now where you guys like to launch with 24 hours notice.

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