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Pacifica: Really? come out and play


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[quote name='Branimir' timestamp='1297459821' post='2629638']
Joker, you know that not all of our top tier nations were in p.m. from the beginning of this war as well? They are now far below in NS, so the myth of top 70something nations,...those 70something nations were not top 70something nations when the war started.

Joker, no matter how much you repeat that, will it ever make it the truth or change anything. It will just continuously make you look like a joker.

Do not worry for our coordination, joker. Also, our WCs are also just our concern.

We made a mistake of actually paying bestial amount of tech after "karma", as that would be a sign of settling the score. That kind of, dented our tech amount, also we do not have large glorified tech farms like the goons to our disposal. Kudos for getting such a nice farm, I do envy you there.

I dont believe I care for moral preaches from someone which alliance attacked my alliance for no reason, at all.

So, get off that high horse partner and start counting the days you will pay for your violations.

Ah typical, no u responce.

Don't give me that **** about not having enough tech farms, looking at your nations prewar, there were plenty fo inner alliance tech farms.

Its sad that your allies are so loyal to you when you won't come out of pm to protect them (after all, NPO is who we targeted). Yes by declaring on you, its indirectly fighting them. Yet they knew about your past and how people were still angry for all the injustice from before. This is a call for them to quit defending you because you aren't defending them.

I am kinda disapointed we did not lock your upper tier in war mode, but thats me personally.

I'll get off my high horse when you get off yours. Your house appears to be fat from all that infa she is caring, my horse can help alleviate the weight because my horse has strong legs to stand on.

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[quote name='kwell' timestamp='1297461662' post='2629674']I'll get off my high horse when you get off yours. [/quote]
I dont have a horse. :psyduck: I prefer alpacas.

As I said to you earlier, wait, just wait a bit. Do not be so antsy, you want this over in couple of weeks, huh? No, this one is going to last a while. All in due time.

Edited by Branimir
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[quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1297456050' post='2629568']
No we got our tech back. We still had to spend months building back infra and warchests.

NPO really had no excuse not to have at least good warchests. You hadn't been in a war in about a year and a half. Even if you want to take off some of that time for reps (you can still rebuild while paying reps, even though it slows it down), you still had at least a year to build. Maybe you couldn't match Umbrella, but you could at least have matched MK.

If you're trying to say that we can match MK pound for pound, I wouldn't disagree with you. Our warchests are pretty sufficient to sustain a conflict with MK for a while. We have taken that into consideration as well. But we're not just fighting MK and there are other war considerations to take into account. This is a [i]global[/i] conflict and MK isn't exactly lacking in allies with big numbers. The battlefield isn't static and we don't expect to be fighting just MK and Umbrella. Just like you took political and military considerations into mind when you launched your pre-emptive strike, we will take those into account as well when making a decision on military maneuvers in the future. Understandable, no?

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[quote name='Antoine Roquentin' timestamp='1297387763' post='2628583']
Though people might have forgotten it. People didn't get the message in Karma and caved.
Caved? That is exactly why NPO had to pay off a lot of tech from the nations that were in peacemode, instead of being allowed to pay off their reps with their lower tier.

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[quote name='Antoine Roquentin' timestamp='1297465418' post='2629725']
Yes, it was a concession.
Who exactly made you the right hand of vengence? Mind if we see your resume and credentials. What power appointed you judge and executioner? One day you just decided you'd come in and try to exploit others troubles or grudges to satiate your alliance's boredom?

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If I was DH, I would be worried. It appears to me NPO is trying to do to DH what IRON did to gramlins. Whilst DH's ally, Goons, get gangbanged.

While I think the situation is a lose-lose for everyone involved, you have to ask yourself the question, who is losing more? The militarized nations in warmode or the nations sitting in peacemode? I'm probably going to go with the nations in peacemode. Gramlins pwnd IRON for quite some time without engaging in a single war, and Gramlins had far less members than DH.

Edited by jeff barr
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[quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1297453410' post='2629525']
Who says we are even going to open peace negotiations with this state of affairs?

You have attacked us, unprovoked, to stop us from being a threat/make yourselves feel better.

You (presumably) do not want to seek peace until those goals are fulfilled.

So, to get peace faster, you imply that we should adopt a stance that helps you achieve your war goals.

I understand your point, but surely you must see why that reasoning isn't going to fly with us.

Edited by Letum
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[quote name='The Crimson King' timestamp='1297401347' post='2628968']
You are the only person aside from the OP in this thread legitimately trying to play the coward card. See now here is the thing if they had started the war then realized they were not going to win and ran to PM you may have an argument. But you attacked them with a vastly outnumbered and superior upper tier, failed to set up the op in a fashion that kept them from getting to PM, and are now crying over your screw up. They are in a position where they hold no advantage in that range, thus why you are so eager to get them out in the open. What you are basically saying here is "Hey guys, once you drop PM we will take a minumum of 3 nations with substantially higher NS and tech levels and jump you cause we know you can't defend yourselves there....wait...you don't want to walk headlong into that....pfft cowards" Refusing to toss their upper tier on the fire for your entertainment after you started the war is simple common sense.
This is incredibly true and factual, though to be fair NPO ins 2007 and 2008 said the same thing that Doomhouse and friends are saying here. Propoganda lines sure do change not depending on the action, but on the side you happen to be on at the time. Alliances back in the FAN war were saying its a valid strategy to hide in PM while you are outnumbered, now a days these same alliances are trying to call out NPO for staying in PM. In those same times NPO was crying for nations to come out of PM and take their beating.

Funny how views of certain behaviors and "strategies" change over time.

By the amount of whining here from those arrayed against NPO, it appears at least their strategy has succeeded in frustrating their enemies and denying him the ability to destroy NPO's upper tier, which can only be considered a success in the short term. Long term, however, Doomhouse is right, those PM nations will have much slower growth. It boils down to who has the greater resolve, keeping NPO essentially at war for months/years and NPO's resolve to keep up the fight, or if NPO will lose their will.

Regardless, we have seen what Doomhouse does to alliances they don't like "just because". Who is next?

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[quote name='jeff barr' timestamp='1297465964' post='2629733']
If I was DH, I would be worried. It appears to me NPO is trying to do to DH what IRON did to gramlins. Whilst DH's ally, Goons, get gangbanged.

While I think the situation is a lose-lose for everyone involved, you have to ask yourself the question, who is losing more? The militarized nations in warmode or the nations sitting in peacemode? I'm probably going to go with the nations in peacemode. Gramlins pwnd IRON for quite some time without engaging in a single war, and Gramlins had far less members than DH.

The thing is, most of GOONS nations can be rebuilt in a fairly short span given they weren't very big to begin with. The dogpile only exists in a very limited range.

As for the Gremlins, they imploded all by themselves and it was a completion of a process that started long before. IRON was also far more sympathetic than the NPO.

[quote name='mhawk' timestamp='1297465760' post='2629732']
Who exactly made you the right hand of vengence? Mind if we see your resume and credentials. What power appointed you judge and executioner? One day you just decided you'd come in and try to exploit others troubles or grudges to satiate your alliance's boredom?

Who said I was? I've never claimed to be appointed to anything. The point is, it was a concession.

Edited by Antoine Roquentin
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I wonder how long people will praise and hail NPO's strategic and honorable use of peace mode before they realize that NPO is happy to let all its allies burn to save themselves. It's kind of why the war started to begin with. And they're still doing it.

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1297469941' post='2629787']
I wonder how long people will praise and hail NPO's strategic and honorable use of peace mode before they realize that NPO is happy to let all its allies burn to save themselves. It's kind of why the war started to begin with. And they're still doing it.
I wonder how long people will continue to berate NPO at keeping strategic nations in peace mode using thinly veiled jabs at NPO and their dedication, or lack thereof, to their allies. Its really getting old at this point. And they're still doing it.

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1297469941' post='2629787']
I wonder how long people will praise and hail NPO's strategic and honorable use of peace mode before they realize that NPO is happy to let all its allies burn to save themselves. It's kind of why the war started to begin with. And they're still doing it.

Watching allies burn? forgive me if im wrong but the allies nations that are "burning" are all in the same range as ours that are "burning". The rest of them are in peacemode just like ours. So dont know why you're repeating a line which someone said before and got shot down for being wrong :blink:

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[quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1297395774' post='2628814']
Any talk about reparations has had to do with those that declared on us, not NPO.

(Yeah, you should probably actually pay attention.)

Or you could keep a closer eye on the vile your members talk.

Good to know GOONS think its such a bad move to defend an ally from aggression that they deserve reparations.

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[quote name='President S O' timestamp='1297475681' post='2629871']
Or you could keep a closer eye on the vile your members talk.

Good to know GOONS think its such a bad move to defend an ally from aggression that they deserve reparations.
There are tons of other factors here. I'll list three.

1) GOONS has pretty much always had a policy of asking reps from people who attack us, regardless of their reason. Don't like it? Don't attack us.
2) Those who came in through MDPs chose to attack GOONS and only GOONS. That was their decision.
3) Not everyone came in through MDPs; there were plenty of oDs and oAs.

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[quote name='President S O' timestamp='1297475681' post='2629871']
Or you could keep a closer eye on the vile your members talk.

Or you could stop pulling stuff out of your ass and pay attention not to what you think GOONS members are saying but to what those that actually dictate reps from our end say.

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[quote name='jeff barr' timestamp='1297465964' post='2629733']
If I was DH, I would be worried. It appears to me NPO is trying to do to DH what IRON did to gramlins. Whilst DH's ally, Goons, get gangbanged.
There really isn't a reason for DH to be worried. Gramlins was bleeding members and we lack the ratio of nations IRON had to Gramlins. Additionally high ranking nations were joining IRON of their own accord to combat the attempt to establish a new precedent they disliked. Lastly, Gramlins was politically isolated thus after IRON peaced out with the other alliances they had fought they could operate openly and without fear of attack from other parties. It [i]might[/i] have worked despite the challenges but DH is able to bank roll their fallen nations to continue the war thus questioning how successful any meat grind effort will be.

This war was never going to be won by us. Significant alliances would need to join on our side of the war but it was never going to happen. Taboos, grudges, friendships, a lack of concern or a belief in the cause all have played their part in ensuring it. Some of us have had no problem accepting the reality of our situation before even going in.

Edited by Hyperbad
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[quote name='Merrie Melodies' timestamp='1297403597' post='2629007']
I wish NPO could get all their nations in peace mode, the level of bawing coming for you donkeys would be awesome.

This post sums up this thread quite nicely.

Btw MK, thanks for sucking so badly at staggers and letting me jump into pm earlier in the week I really enjoyed that part!

Also mandatory: You don't like NPO top xx nations being in peace mode? THEN DO SOMETHING ABOUT ! :smug:

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Old discredited taunt is old.

That we have 10 pages in 24 hours serving it is pathetic.

So is DH is so bored already that you fall back to this drivel? It's your war and you aren't amused enough? Please tell me why I should care?

Wonder how much fun you will be having when we are still at this same stalemate come summer? Yep, we've accepted that eventuality. But have you?

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[quote name='Antoine Roquentin' timestamp='1297468577' post='2629775']
The thing is, most of GOONS nations can be rebuilt in a fairly short span given they weren't very big to begin with.

You forgot to add there won't be many of them left. Its pretty easy to rebuild 50 nations.

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[quote name='Charles Stuart' timestamp='1297497577' post='2630169']
You forgot to add there won't be many of them left. Its pretty easy to rebuild 50 nations.

Not really. Unless you can point to evidence that they'll start to vanish en masse, I don't think you'll be able to accomplish that. They like fighting. Keep in mind this isn't the old GOONS, but rather a version whose leader has experience fighting a guerrilla war. It's one of the reasons I was eager to treaty them a month into their existence.

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