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We Have a Grievance...

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[quote name='Jgoods45' timestamp='1297123183' post='2624693']
=LOST= prides it's self in the loyalty and compassion they have for their allies. When one asks for assistance they freely give it, regardless of the consequences. =LOST= is also a member of C&G which is a MDAP bloc. There is no non-chaining clause in this bloc. Once a member of this bloc goes to war, the rest follow. It's a pretty simple concept. We have no masters.

LOST is supporting the aggressive war that GOONS started. There is no way to get around that.

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[quote name='rsoxbronco1' timestamp='1297121721' post='2624658']
So you say GOONS are bad.
They laugh and wonder aloud if it's based on anything more than tech raiding.
You say this proves they're bad.

You should avoid these forums at all cost.

You sir failed to read and/or comprehend my post. I stated that in the smallest form you can see their corruption through tech wars. In the largest form you can see their unprovoked attack on NPO.

Edited by iamwalrus
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[quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1297123457' post='2624703']
LOST is supporting the aggressive war that GOONS started. There is no way to get around that.

An ally of a CnG member asks for assistance. That CnG member gives that support and asks their fellow CnG members for support. That support is given. Nothing else matters after that point and that includes why or how the war started.

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[quote name='iamwalrus' timestamp='1297123677' post='2624710']
You sir failed to read and/or comprehend my post. I stated that in the smallest form you can see their corruption through tech wars. In the largest form you can see their unprovoked attack on NPO.

NEAT is among the closest and most reliable friends that INT has, and your unwavering support on the MCXA/THL/UBD front was appreciated. We recognize that our entry into this front has caused you some discomfort, and for that we are genuinely remorseful. For what it's worth, we don't view our entry into this battle as an endorsement of the excesses of GOONS behavior, but we felt the alternative was even less appealing.

I'm confident that our bond is stronger than this one disagreement.



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[quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1297124335' post='2624727']
Yes, in an aggressive war they started. I don't get what's so difficult to understand about that.

I take it you don't support the reasoning for this war? :awesome:

(=LOST= activated the MD portion of their MDoAP, the rest of CnG activated the MA part of the CnG treaty) Deal with it.

It's okay, there are many members within CnG communities that felt the same way but they all understood what CnG is and how we always roll together.

You can keep !@#$%*ing on about it all you like but in the end, it won't change a thing. Nothing. We are at war with Legion and we will continue to be at war with Legion until they capitulate. Again, deal with it.

Still :wub: you though.

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[quote name='Jgoods45' timestamp='1297125278' post='2624752']
(=LOST= activated the MD portion of their MDoAP, the rest of CnG activated the MA part of the CnG treaty) Deal with it.

[b]It's okay, there are many members within CnG communities that felt the same way but they all understood what CnG is and how we always roll together. [/b]

I keep seeing the roll together part, but this is the first time Greenland Republic have entered the conflicts, where were they for all the other DoW's? :smug:

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[quote name='the rebel' timestamp='1297125485' post='2624762']
I keep seeing the roll together part, but this is the first time Greenland Republic have entered the conflicts, where were they for all the other DoW's? :smug:

Why don't you go over there and ask them yourself? Just sayin :3

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[quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1297124335' post='2624727']
Yes, in an aggressive war they started. I don't get what's so difficult to understand about that.
Who's been arguing whether or not GOONS started it/actually cares? The fact of the matter is that Legion attacked GOONS in defence of NPO, and in the same manner we are declaring war on Legion in defence of GOONS. Which the activates the MA clause of CnG. Whats so hard to understand about that? (Also before anyone starts crying that our defence of GOONS is the optional, there is no non-chaining/the MD clause becomes an OD if, nor is there a the MA becomes an oA if clause in CnG).

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[quote name='Jgoods45' timestamp='1297125631' post='2624766']
Why don't you go over there and ask them yourself? Just sayin :3

too much leg work :P i'm only pointing out the flaw in the chest-pounding by CnG members that you always roll together in wars which make the bloc different from the rest, when that has been proven to of not been the case.

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[quote name='the rebel' timestamp='1297125930' post='2624772']
too much leg work :P i'm only pointing out the flaw in the chest-pounding by CnG members that you always roll together in wars which make the bloc different from the rest, when that has been proven to of not been the case.
How about this declaration of war thread?

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[quote name='the rebel' timestamp='1297123454' post='2624702']
Excuse me i just spat my tea over the newspaper reading that because if you roll together in war then where was the whole of CnG during these conflicts; UINE/TCU/tLW/FAR/MCXA. Thats 5 fronts CnG didnt roll together in. Now you could try counter arguing with the fact that it didnt need the rest of CnG in those wars, but saying that would contridict your previous statement.
I'm surprised that it has taken eight notifications before somebody decides to try nit-picking my post. Of course the CnG members understand what I am saying. You appear be willfully misinterpreting parts to suit your own goals. But, I don't follow politics closely enough to figure out what exactly those goals are, so I will just refute the point you are attempting to make and be done with it.

Note what I said: "CnG rolls together." You seem to think that GR not joining in on the UINE/TCU/tLW/FAR/MCXA front negates this fact. It does not. CnG still rolls together.

I am no longer involved in any sort of military planning for Athens, so I do not know the particular reasons the logistics of the war played out the way they have. I do not know specific reasons why Athens hit UINE/TCU/tLW/FAR, and did not counter MCXA. I do not know specific reasons why INT joined us in these wars. I do not know specific reasons why ODN only joined in on UINE/TCU. I do not know specific reasons why =LOST= only countered MCXA, and did not join in on the other four wars of the front.

And neither do you.

Yet, we still roll together. We roll together against Legion. We roll together on the UINE/TCU/tLW/FAR/MCXA war front. We rolled together in the war with TOP. We rolled together in Karma. We may not have always hit in exactly the same place, or all at once, but then to do so is really silly tactics. But we were always together, always unified. Always friends, backing each other up.

Unified does not mean synchronized. Unified means [i]we roll together[/i]. Unified means we are always there to help our friends. That is the reason for the existence of CnG.

If you have a problem with that, well... Complaints and Grievances [i]are[/i] our specialty. Bring it.

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[quote name='Chaoshawk' timestamp='1297128246' post='2624848']
How about this declaration of war thread?

Congrats you "rolled together" this time [color="#FF0000"]*passes a cookie*[/color]

[quote name='jraenar' timestamp='1297135310' post='2625045']
I'm surprised that it has taken eight notifications before somebody decides to try nit-picking my post. Of course the CnG members understand what I am saying. You appear be willfully misinterpreting parts to suit your own goals. But, I don't follow politics closely enough to figure out what exactly those goals are, so I will just refute the point you are attempting to make and be done with it.

Note what I said: "CnG rolls together." You seem to think that GR not joining in on the UINE/TCU/tLW/FAR/MCXA front negates this fact. It does not. CnG still rolls together.[/quote]

I'm misinterpreting nothing, here's a reminder of what you said "For most of us, the CnG treaty is a mere formality. [b][i]That's what makes the bloc different[/i][/b]; that's what makes us the most unified bloc on Bob. [b][i]We roll to war together[/i][/b], not because the treaty says we must. We roll to war together because that is what friends do." Now if you always roll together that would make the CnG bloc different from the rest but since GR was always left in reserve till now, that means the bloc is no different than the other blocs that keep members in reserve.

So i was basically calling you out on saying the bloc was unique.

[quote name='jraenar' timestamp='1297135310' post='2625045']
If you have a problem with that, well... Complaints and Grievances [i]are[/i] our specialty. Bring it.[/quote]

If only you knew how ironic that was to me coming from someone in Athens ;)

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[quote name='the rebel' timestamp='1297136990' post='2625109']
If only you knew how ironic that was to me coming from someone in Athens ;)

I get it :smug:

If the rest of CnG had declared on all the alliances Athens/INT/ODN declared on the masses would cry "Dogpile! Immoral! Dogpile!"
As it is, CnG was strategic. We carefully discussed who we would attack, weighing each other's strengths in our different tiers and declare war accordingly. In this way, CnG was helping out in the greater picture. Sure each declaration could have been a bloc wide declaration but this would have been a waste. Until now, no member of CnG has fought an alliance the size of Legion (regardless of the masses of un-strategic peace mode drones) and it is now that we come together. If it had been necessary, any member of CnG would have willingly joined in against MXCA/UINE/57th(lol) etc. but it wasn't.

We do just enough, not more, not less. Although I must admit, Legion doesn't deserve [i]this[/i] much attention D:

[quote name='TheNeverender' timestamp='1297139117' post='2625172']
I am so unabashedly jealous of you guys right now.

Umm... looking at who you're fighting, you have no right :mad:

Edit: I also miss you Rebel D:

Edited by Fyfe XIV
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[quote name='the rebel' timestamp='1297136990' post='2625109']
I'm misinterpreting nothing, here's a reminder of what you said "For most of us, the CnG treaty is a mere formality. [b][i]That's what makes the bloc different[/i][/b]; that's what makes us the most unified bloc on Bob. [b][i]We roll to war together[/i][/b], not because the treaty says we must. We roll to war together because that is what friends do." Now if you always roll together that would make the CnG bloc different from the rest but since GR was always left in reserve till now, that means the bloc is no different than the other blocs that keep members in reserve.

So i was basically calling you out on saying the bloc was unique.
Yep, that's what I said. You seem to be mentally inserting "always declare same wars together" in there somehow. Which I never said. We roll together in that we will always back each other up. That does not always mean we all declare the same war together against the same alliance. In this case, we did. Earlier in the overall conflict, we attacked at different points of the front. That does not make us any less unified, as if a left hook and a right cross are not any less part of a fighter.

You are also highlighting the wrong parts of what I said. The most important part came first. "For most of us, the CnG treaty is a mere formality." We would back each other up even without some silly words telling us that we must. That's what friends do. Leave the e-lawyering to the rest of the treaty web.

And [i]that[/i] is what makes us unique.

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[quote name='Yankees Empire' timestamp='1297142744' post='2625304']
LOST is at war. Therefore so are we. I don't get what's so difficult to understand about that.

I don't understand why you don't understand. You're fighting in defense of someone who is bad because they didn't wait to be attacked by someone who used to be bad but now are good because they got attacked first this time. This makes you evil. So next time around, someone will attack you first, and then you'll be good again.

It's quite simple.


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[quote name='rsoxbronco1' timestamp='1297146013' post='2625396']
Some of you should know that therebel was Heroes of the Union's Minister of Defense when C&G was originally signed. He's not someone whose opinions should be disregarded as most of NPO's usual commentators.

I shan't disregard anyone's opinions. However, insinuating that CnG failed to roll together on all fronts this war misses the mark. Had Athens, ODN, or INT had asked for help on any of these fronts, =LOST= and GR would have went to war alongside them.

=LOST= asked for all of CnG's help to fight Legion because =LOST= knew we couldn't do it ourselves.

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[quote name='Mandellav' timestamp='1297146938' post='2625412']
I shan't disregard anyone's opinions. However, insinuating that CnG failed to roll together on all fronts this war misses the mark. Had Athens, ODN, or INT had asked for help on any of these fronts, =LOST= and GR would have went to war alongside them.

=LOST= asked for all of CnG's help to fight Legion because =LOST= knew we couldn't do it ourselves.
He can't help hating =LOST=, there's still some Athens in him.

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