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[quote name='brickyard' timestamp='1296590094' post='2614904']
No, my view was blocked by the dogpile on GOONS.

Except not only is GOONS not running with their tails between their legs - theyre smiling.

So youre comparing them to another allaince. And youre in GOONS? No youre just trolling because somewhere, someone is doing better. MCXA has lost twice as much NS as MK, and MKs is considerably larger, nearly twice as large. So come back after MK has lost nearly twice as much NS as MCXA and troll then -_-

The ammount of people in and out of these threads calling the allainces surrendering 'embaressments' or 'cowards' when they themselves sit in a much better posisition, barely getting their hands dirty in comparison (if at all in some cases) really shows alot about the players in CN. Small C**ks much?

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[quote name='neneko' timestamp='1296588487' post='2614882']
How does one stay in MCXA and still have time to talk crap?
Called Loyalty. You should try it sometime

[quote name='General Scipio' timestamp='1296588577' post='2614884']
Hey man nice to see you. How's the war going for you? OH wait, your alliance just surrendered after 9 days?
You really don't deserve a response,but since you are an attention seeker i shall give you one. You see we came into this war knowing we were going to get pounded. Not for NpO like everyone keeps saying. We also knew we were going to get countered by ODN and company. We didn't expect as many alliances declare on us like they did. Our fault ? Absolutely! Part of war is always expect the unexpected. But you see we really weren't worried to much, because as an alliance we been in this spot the last time we were at war helping IRON. ODN by itself was a handful with 269 total active nations. That right there is more then our whole alliance with the inactive. And anyone who says that ODN can't fight, i wish you luck if you ever go up against them. These guys are ruthless,know how to attack together and show no mercy. But all the while they had class while doing it. I must say it was fun in that perspective. Now add the 2 alliances that we declared on, and the other 5 small alliances we were over whelmed. GDA helped us out tremendously with the wars they were fighting. And then lil ole UBD comes in against the ODDS like we did and helps us out with all they can. Now we still had or thought what we had help. It turned out to be another knife in the back and hopefully they will get there's when the time comes. (Karma's a beeeech) But there was nothing we could do no more. At first we were holding our own, but after days 7 We were getting our asses handed to us, but we were still willing to fight on. Sometimes you have to know when to say that we had enough, there is no sense in beating a deadhorse when he's not moving. So we talked to all who was involved and we declared peace,Surrendered quit, coward out,this, that and everything in between . How ever you want to put it. But when the next war breaks out and our friends and treaty partners are involved, we will be their too. No matter what you say,if it's for a day week two weeks for however long we can until we are that dead horse. so make your comments insult us say what you like, But MCXA will always be one who you can count on no matter what if you find yourself in trouble.

Was that good enough for you?

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[quote name='Ragashingo' timestamp='1296545826' post='2614431']
All that is needed for the forces of evil to succeed is for enough good men to remain silent. In the end it doesn't matter if anyone hears him, or changes their minds, at least he was brave enough to speak up.
Actually, all that is needed is for some really good guys to betray their allies and stab them in the back to persuade them to watch those really good guys getting owned for hopefully a really long time+long reps. Really, any alliance peacing out and thus allowing more direct fire on NpO is a great alliance in my book.

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[quote name='shilo' timestamp='1296593655' post='2614953']
Actually, all that is needed is for some really good guys to betray their allies and stab them in the back to persuade them to watch those really good guys getting owned for hopefully a really long time+long reps. Really, any alliance peacing out and thus allowing more direct fire on NpO is a great alliance in my book.

Ah. The two wrongs defense. Great job.

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[quote name='Ragashingo' timestamp='1296593880' post='2614957']
Ah. The two wrongs defense. Great job.
You seem to be confused. It's actually the "oh great, NpO hopefully gets even more pounded" cheering of MCXAs surrender.

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[quote name='THUNDER-X' timestamp='1296536927' post='2614036']
Congrats on Peace but David Lynch's Dune, Oh The Humanity!

Even worse when MCXA doesn't have access to our stash. Liberty can be a cruel mistress.

Happy to help, INT. We'll see you at the next showdown.

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[b]As a reminder, mentioning or alluding to Moderation issues or reporting other leaders ("your post is breaking X rule," "I'm reporting you for X rule infraction," any reference to "trolls" or "trolling," "in before lock," etc) is not permitted in IC sub-forums. If you feel there has been a rule violation report it in the appropriate area or pm the appropriate moderators.[/b]

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[quote name='brickyard' timestamp='1296590094' post='2614904']
No, my view was blocked by the dogpile on GOONS.

Except not only is GOONS not running with their tails between their legs - theyre smiling.
and GOONs are also gettting a $%&@ load of aid and there loseing anyway? so whats ur point? mcxa lost to superior numbers, and GOONS will too? is that ur point?

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[quote name='kevin32891' timestamp='1296537563' post='2614088']
What !@#$@#$ stupid terms, stop wasting people's time.

Was it so hard to give white peace?

You ruined it for them. Many alliances on the Hegemony alliance, still refusing to accept their place in the world today, have insisted that in wars such as Karma they actually defeated SF / CnG. Because they got white peace. Even if it was through a surrender.

NSO is one of those alliances. Many blue alliances also pulled that stunt.

That's a slap in the face to those kind enough to offer you white peace after years of dealing with !@#$%^&* from you and your allies. And that's cool. It's your right to slap them in the face and claim "hahaha we really beat you guys!" Just don't complain now that we've had to adjust our terms to [i]ensure[/i] you know that you have been defeated. You brought this upon yourselves. Deal with it.

[quote]Sorry I didn't really mean white peace, more like the admitted defeat and surrendered + NPO-Doomhouse clause. But the story telling is just childish. [/quote]

Probably should have thought of that before you mocked us for giving you extremely generous terms the last couple of times. Sucks.

I know this is hard for your side to realize, but you're going to have to lie in the bed you made for yourself. Quit complaining. If you wanted to continue to get white peace, you probably should have graciously accepted it when it's been offered in the past.

Edited by Penkala
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[quote name='Penkala' timestamp='1296594883' post='2614990']
You ruined it for them. Many alliances on the Hegemony alliance, still refusing to accept their place in the world today, have insisted that in wars such as Karma they actually defeated SF / CnG. Because they got white peace. Even if it was through a surrender.

NSO is one of those alliances. Many blue alliances also pulled that stunt.

That's a slap in the face to those kind enough to offer you white peace after years of dealing with !@#$%^&* from you and your allies. And that's cool. It's your right to slap them in the face and claim "hahaha we really beat you guys!" Just don't complain now that we've had to adjust our terms to [i]ensure[/i] you know that you have been defeated. You brought this upon yourselves. Deal with it.

Yeah because jamming down the whole, "admit defeat" is going to change others views on the war. You're on top so you can basically impose your wills on others but I don't think I need to tell you this is as fake as "apology" statements and it all comes out when the people pursuing are now being pursed.

You can't force such things on others, but if it's okay to boost your ego for the sake of someone on the off change performing some sort of pseudo-art of provision than go on ahead. It won't change a thing when you're on top and then go off running, though knowing you you'll always find a way to run to those on top.

[quote]I wasn't around at that time, so I could be wrong, but didn't NSO fight with Karma? [/quote]

I think he's referring to the SF/NSO war where NSO claimed victory for the white surrender although it was more to get under SF's skins than anything. [ooc]It also brought about an amazing beer review.[/ooc]

Edited by The MVP
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[quote name='The Catalyst' timestamp='1296594874' post='2614989']
and GOONs are also gettting a $%&@ load of aid and there loseing anyway? so whats ur point? mcxa lost to superior numbers, and GOONS will too? is that ur point?
No we won't. It's to much fun to give them all peace any time soon.

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[quote name='shilo' timestamp='1296593655' post='2614953']
Actually, all that is needed is for some really good guys to betray their allies and stab them in the back to persuade them to watch those really good guys getting owned for hopefully a really long time+long reps. Really, any alliance peacing out and thus allowing more direct fire on NpO is a great alliance in my book.

That's what we said, too.

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[quote name='Raider' timestamp='1296595155' post='2614997']
No we won't. It's to much fun to give them all peace any time soon.
you will eventually be defeated though yes? and the aid from your allies is keeping you in the fight longer? so i dont see why anyone should insult MCXA on the basis that GOONS are being piled?

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1296595020' post='2614991']
I wasn't around at that time, so I could be wrong, but didn't NSO fight [i]with [/i]Karma?

[quote]in [b]wars such as[/b] Karma[/quote]


[quote]Yeah because jamming down the whole, "admit defeat" is going to change others views on the war.[/quote]

It's a lot easier to call a white peace a victory than to call a surrender with terms a victory. The point remains: We've handed out white peace on silver platters before, only to be spit upon for our generosity. $%&@ that. Welcome to surrender terms. Once again, [i]you brought this on yourself[/i]. Quit whining and deal with it. And think of the long-term consequences before you act next time around.

If you mock someone for giving you white peace, they're probably not going to give you white peace the next war. Sucks.

Edited by Penkala
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[quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1296595736' post='2615009']
You're an idiot (as the quoted line above proves); please stop posting already.
lol...you think your not going to lose?
aparantly you dont believe in freedom of speach..i have a right to speak..understand how that works? now go sit down for five minutes and have a think...mabe you will figure it out.

GOONS are outnumbered so i think they will lose, if you disagree theres no need to get angry..mabe you should see someone about that..

so remember, this is a game, everyone has a right to post what they want as long as it is in the rules, you need to see someone about your 'issues' and GOONS arnt gonna win against double there numbers...(if you dispute this it is just your biast towards your own alliance, however anyone who is neutral in this war (like me) is welcome to dispute my opinion on this war)

so to finish of

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When i first saw this i was a bit disappointed. If it was me i wud stay in until i the alliances that i entered to protect were out. However, any1 who gives nearly a third of their NS to protect an ally cant get toooo much flak in my book. Not the move i would have made, but understandable. U guys get a B- maybe a B in my book.

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[quote name='The Catalyst' timestamp='1296596523' post='2615029']
(if you dispute this it is just your biast towards your own alliance, however anyone who is neutral in this war (like me) is welcome to dispute my opinion on this war)

I am uninvolved in the DH-NPO front and I do not believe that GOONS will be forced into submission or surrender. Although the numbers arrayed against them are significant, the bulk of said numbers can't be brought to bear against GOONS given slot limitations and the fact that most of their opponents' upper tiers are in peace mode. GOONS' lower tiers have enough incoming aid to keep them afloat for at least a few rounds of war, and I do not see them as an alliance that is likely to fold early, before they are utterly defeated.

Meanwhile, GOONS have allies on the VE-NpO front whose war machines are beginning to be freed up, as alliances on NpO's side begin to surrender. I believe GOONS will certainly be able to hold out long enough for those allies to be mobilized in defense of GOONS, and from there it will be smooth sailing to victory.

Ultimately I feel that the "iFOK maneuver" (that is, piling alliances onto a single front in order to force a quick surrender) will usually only be effective against peripheral alliances, the ones that are only fighting for their direct allies and don't care about the results of the greater conflict. GOONS is a central alliance in this war and I don't imagine they can be forced out so easily. On the flip side, MCXA [i]is[/i] such an alliance, and as you can see they have been successfully forced out of the war, along with their circle of allies who were only in it for them. Just another example of the other side taking a good strategy and misusing it to their detriment.

[OOC]Trying to force GOONS out of the war would be like if Germany had hit France especially hard at the start of WW2 in the hopes that they would be forced out the war. France, being a central part of the war, would obviously not fold so easil...y, err..[/OOC] :P

edit: seems I wasted my time writing a long response to someone who would rather just call people retards :(

Edited by Lord Brendan
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That post is such a goldmine, I'm almost overwhelmed here.

[quote name='The Catalyst' timestamp='1296596523' post='2615029']
lol...you think your not going to lose? [...] GOONS are outnumbered so i think they will lose [...] GOONS arnt gonna win against double there numbers...

In no way, shape, or form does common sense or sound reasoning dictate that Doomhouse and FAN will lose because GOONS is outnumbered.

I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, but really, it's hard to take such an asinine conclusion seriously.

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[quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1296597914' post='2615060']
That post is such a goldmine, I'm almost overwhelmed here.

In no way, shape, or form does common sense or sound reasoning dictate that Doomhouse and FAN will lose because GOONS is outnumbered.

I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, but really, it's hard to take such an asinine conclusion seriously.
you are actually a retard...i said GOONS (AKA . Doomhoused meatshield/vassal state (yeh heard that one before?))
GOONS will lose regardless of the overall result. mabe you cant understand that? seriously how did you escape the nursery...

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[quote name='The Catalyst' timestamp='1296595683' post='2615005']
you will eventually be defeated though yes? and the aid from your allies is keeping you in the fight longer? so i dont see why anyone should insult MCXA on the basis that GOONS are being piled?
No, we will not. Trust me on this, I've been in a lot of wars on Planet Bob, both on the winning and losing sides. The mistake you are making is looking to closely at the individual alliances and not the coalitions they make up. Looking at the battles, but not the overall war.

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[quote name='The Catalyst' timestamp='1296598080' post='2615062']
you are actually a retard...i said GOONS (AKA . Doomhoused meatshield/vassal state (yeh heard that one before?))
GOONS will lose regardless of the overall result. mabe you cant understand that? seriously how did you escape the nursery...
GOONS has and will continue to lose a ton of NS, however, Doomhouse will emerge victorious, and GOONS' lower tier (who's doing much of the fighting) will be rebuilt fairly quickly by the upper tiers of Umbrella and MK.

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