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[quote name='AlmightyGrub' timestamp='1295940700' post='2599435']
You certainly played a large part yourself, but it is typical of you and yours to accept no responsibility for anything inconvenient. You created the world in which this was allowed to develop, you supported it, you enabled it. When the time came to pay the piper you ran in fear like the dog you are.

Ante up and fight you coward, for either side, but stop pretending you are the wise oracle.
[color="#0000FF"]Your actions in BiPolar also helped quite a bit. I'm not a fan of TOP either, but your betrayal secured MK's victory. Try to wash over your actions if you wish, but many of us have not forgotten that we could have won that war had it not been for you.[/color]

[quote name='bigwoody' timestamp='1295940889' post='2599449']
Ooh, u mad.

I would fight on your side, but you'd probably just peace out and leave us out to dry. The other side hasn't had any connections to call on us.

Keep playing the tough guy though. Maybe tell me some kind of OOC insult too, I love when you talk to me like that.
[color="#0000FF"]While I do agree with you, and even hold some respect for you and your alliance (though I doubt you'll believe me), I do not believe Random is petty or stupid enough to make the same mistake that Grub did.[/color]

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[quote name='Geoffron X' timestamp='1295940646' post='2599432']
Really? Who says I can objectively look at what we do? I've been a member of the NPO for years. Tell me. How contradictory am I being, exactly?

Your wall of text is no different from a lot of their posting. In the end, neither of you likes what the other is doing and so you voice your opinion. For some reason people seem to take this as crying when in fact it's actually not. I can tell you how many tears are actually being shed over anything that goes on here...

[spoiler] If it's more than 0, something's wrong[/spoiler]

I'm just saying that as someone who comes here with the knowledge that [ooc] this forum [/ooc] is a cesspool of e-lawyering and mindless droning, the style of posting that you describe as crying and bawwing is the exact same style that you yourself use. I'm not questioning your ability to objectively look at what you do, I'm pointing out the hypocrisy of "crying" about other people "crying".

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[quote name='Buds The Man' timestamp='1295940876' post='2599448']
Last time we partied with you grub you skipped out and we had to pick up the tab. Fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me.

I don't care whether you fight now or not. I do not intend to care about anything but the continuing existence of Polaris which is not conditional on this war or any other.

I also do not recall ever talking to you before that commitment. Seems like you committed to someone else not to me. I don't actually care what happened to you last time and I certainly don't care now.

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1295939800' post='2599385']
Nobody should fight because it will [i]eventually[/i] lead to a point where people don't fight? :unsure:
Not necessarily. The statement was pointing out that, in the desperate search for some justification to this war, "we're bored, let's just do what we want - hey look, it's already bringing people back!" doesn't really stack up in the longrun and it's ultimately going to be detrimental to Bob.

That being said, take from it what you will.


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[quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1295940686' post='2599434']
No, you've been beaten twice. It was when you lost those wars.

Long term, we've bounced back like no other alliance in history. In fact, this whole war is basically a knee-jerk reaction to us once again being in a position to reclaim our spot as top dogs.

So, yeah. Good luck with this. :awesome:

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1295941119' post='2599468']
[color="#0000FF"]While I do agree with you, and even hold some respect for you and your alliance (though I doubt you'll believe me), I do not believe Random is petty or stupid enough to make the same mistake that Grub did.[/color]

Just as we believed Grub was different from former NpO leaders, right?

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1295941119' post='2599468']
[color="#0000FF"]Your actions in BiPolar also helped quite a bit. I'm not a fan of TOP either, but your betrayal secured MK's victory. Try to wash over your actions if you wish, but many of us have not forgotten that we could have won that war had it not been for you.[/color]

[color="#0000FF"]While I do agree with you, and even hold some respect for you and your alliance (though I doubt you'll believe me), I do not believe Random is petty or stupid enough to make the same mistake that Grub did.[/color]

I know exactly what I did...and so do MK, TOP and anyone else with a brain. I take full responsibility for what happened.

As for Woody, you are truly worthless until you back up your big words. Come and declare on me if it will make you feel better. I love revenge wars, makes me all giddy.

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[quote name='Vladimir Stukov II' timestamp='1295941266' post='2599479']
Just as we believed Grub was different from former NpO leaders, right?
[color="#0000FF"]For what it's worth, NpO isn't in a position to betray anyone even if they wanted. They burnt all the bridges that allowed them to get an out in that last war.

And Grub, as much as I like you most of the time, quit it with your self-justifying rubbish concerning BiPolar. No one buys it.[/color]

Edited by Rebel Virginia
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[quote name='Vladimir Stukov II' timestamp='1295941266' post='2599479']
Just as we believed Grub was different from former NpO leaders, right?

If you believed you could screw Polaris as hard as you did and just think all would be forgiven, you are truly naive or a blithering idiot.

Edited by AlmightyGrub
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[quote name='AlmightyGrub' timestamp='1295941345' post='2599482']
If you believed you could screw Polaris as hard as you did and just think all would be forgiven, you are truly naive or a blithering idiot.

Or both maybe

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1295941340' post='2599481']
[color="#0000FF"]For what it's worth, NpO isn't in a position to betray anyone even if they wanted. They burnt all the bridges that allowed them to get an out in that last war.[/color]

Well we kind of despise NpO with a passion now and enjoy watching them burn...

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[quote name='AlmightyGrub' timestamp='1295941269' post='2599480']
I know exactly what I did...and so do MK, TOP and anyone else with a brain. I take full responsibility for what happened.

As for Woody, you are truly worthless until you back up your big words. Come and declare on me if it will make you feel better. I love revenge wars, makes me all giddy.
When I roll, I don't roll alone.

"Towards thee I roll, thou all-destroying but unconquering whale; to the last I grapple with thee; from hell’s heart I stab at thee; for hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee. Sink all coffins and all hearses to one common pool! And since neither can be mine, let me then tow to pieces, while still chasing thee, though tied to thee, thou damned whale! Thus, I give up the spear!"

Quit the posturing and fall on your sword with a little humility, Captain Ahab.

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[quote name='AlmightyGrub' timestamp='1295941269' post='2599480']
I know exactly what I did...and so do MK, TOP and anyone else with a brain. I take full responsibility for what happened.

As for Woody, you are truly worthless until you back up your big words. Come and declare on me if it will make you feel better. I love revenge wars, makes me all giddy.
Now is really not the time for this grub.

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[quote name='AlmightyGrub' timestamp='1295941133' post='2599471']
I don't care whether you fight now or not. I do not intend to care about anything but the continuing existence of Polaris which is not conditional on this war or any other.

I also do not recall ever talking to you before that commitment. Seems like you committed to someone else not to me. I don't actually care what happened to you last time and I certainly don't care now.
well you may not have talked to me but you damn sure talked to CJ, rewriting history Grub. I believe you even ignored him when peace broke out. You were well aware of what was going on so come off your high horse and at a minimum admit you hung us out to dry.

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[quote name='AlmightyGrub' timestamp='1295941269' post='2599480']
I know exactly what I did...and so do MK, TOP and anyone else with a brain. I take full responsibility for what happened.

As for Woody, you are truly worthless until you back up your big words. Come and declare on me if it will make you feel better. I love revenge wars, makes me all giddy.
You know who you remind me of? \m/ back when you declared on us. "Yeah I know what I did was wrong, but deal with it :smug:."

No humility whatsoever. You've even gone as far to insult the very people you betrayed. You had your chance as many posters have said. NpO didn't fight for Karma. You had a coalition that was reasonably powerful that assembled simply to help you in an unwarranted war of aggression and you threw it away.

I know you won't "give a toss" about what I or anybody else says, but your demeanor is disgusting nonetheless.

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[quote name='Vladimir Stukov II' timestamp='1295941426' post='2599485']
Well we kind of despise NpO with a passion now and enjoy watching them burn...
[color="#0000FF"]Like I said, I don't blame you. You have more reason than anyone to hate them, but honestly, you are next. I may be a rare breed, but I am capable of working together even with a hated enemy to put down a mutual threat, and then go back to business. Granted, you did try that an NpO did screw yo over. So, whatever. If you want to let hatred get in the way of rationality, who am I to get in your way?[/color]

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[quote name='AmbroseIV' timestamp='1295941178' post='2599474']
Not necessarily. The statement was pointing out that, in the desperate search for some justification to this war, "we're bored, let's just do what we want - hey look, it's already bringing people back!" doesn't really stack up in the longrun and it's ultimately going to be detrimental to Bob.

That being said, take from it what you will.

I don't know or care if the wars will make people come back. But you know what sure isn't making them stay? Long, dull periods of peace. So I'll reiterate -- let's try fireworks. If nothing else, we'll go out with a bang.

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[quote name='shahenshah' timestamp='1295941024' post='2599460']
Perhaps you are very much right man. But I'd rather take a stab at the front, then a dagger at the back.
Then take it. If an Duckroll remains uninvolved, it could very likely be the deciding factor for one side or another. I realize that you've not had the occasion to do so thus far, but I doubt I am alone in saying that it would be incredibly foolish not to support NPO in this war. If IRON and company let grudges from the BiPolar war keep them from acting, how long do you think your old enemies will permit you to exist peacefully? Face it, if Doomhouse and PB emerge victorious, their vengeance will have been far from sated by the blood of the Orders. They'll have yours as well, with or without your Parodoxian friends to defend you.

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[quote name='Buds The Man' timestamp='1295941472' post='2599489']
well you may not have talked to me but you damn sure talked to CJ, rewriting history Grub. I believe you even ignored him when peace broke out. You were well aware of what was going on so come off your high horse and at a minimum admit you hung us out to dry.

You being hung out to dry was not my intention. I take full responsibility for it however. I don't think I ever realized that you had rolled at the time. And far from ignoring CJ personally, I ignored everyone because I wasn't there at the time. Perhaps you need to re-read what actually happened, the truth is in there somewhere.

As for CJ, I have spoken to him since, what exactly is your point?

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[quote name='AlmightyGrub' timestamp='1295941345' post='2599482']
If you believed you could screw Polaris as hard as you did and just think all would be forgiven, you are truly naive or a blithering idiot.

I guess because TOP would never buddy up to an alliance and then stab them in the back we expected the same out of you. Many were skeptical of NpO, but over time we actually saw you as one of the better alliances in the game.

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[quote name='savethecheerleader' timestamp='1295941598' post='2599494']
Then take it. If an Duckroll remains uninvolved, it could very likely be the deciding factor for one side or another. I realize that you've not had the occasion to do so thus far, but I doubt I am alone in saying that it would be incredibly foolish not to support NPO in this war. If IRON and company let grudges from the BiPolar war keep them from acting, how long do you think your old enemies will permit you to exist peacefully? Face it, if Doomhouse and PB emerge victorious, their vengeance will have been far from sated by the blood of the Orders. They'll have yours as well, with or without your Parodoxian friends to defend you.
I love how everyone on CNTel thought Rusty Shackleford's posts were crazy, but now I can read almost any NPO/allied post without telling the difference.

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[quote name='savethecheerleader' timestamp='1295941598' post='2599494']
Then take it. If an Duckroll remains uninvolved, it could very likely be the deciding factor for one side or another. I realize that you've not had the occasion to do so thus far, but I doubt I am alone in saying that it would be incredibly foolish not to support NPO in this war. If IRON and company let grudges from the BiPolar war keep them from acting, how long do you think your old enemies will permit you to exist peacefully? Face it, if Doomhouse and PB emerge victorious, their vengeance will have been far from sated by the blood of the Orders. They'll have yours as well, with or without your Parodoxian friends to defend you.
I've heard this pitch from more people than I can count. An appeal to fear doesn't work so well on us. We've stared into the void before, we survived.

We're being asked to defend an alliance that has run a smear campaign on us for literally years. AND an alliance that pulled a fast one on us the last time we tried setting aside old grudges to fight alongside them.

Maybe one of those I could get over to make something work...but both? The time for either of the Orders to come to my door hat in hand to make amends was before they had enemies at the gates, not after.

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[quote name='Vladimir Stukov II' timestamp='1295941730' post='2599499']
I guess because TOP would never buddy up to an alliance and then stab them in the back we expected the same out of you. Many were skeptical of NpO, but over time we actually saw you as one of the better alliances in the game.

It was a fair expectation, one day I will explain the thought processes involved.

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1295941561' post='2599492']
[color="#0000FF"]Like I said, I don't blame you. You have more reason than anyone to hate them, but honestly, you are next. I may be a rare breed, but I am capable of working together even with a hated enemy to put down a mutual threat, and then go back to business. Granted, you did try that an NpO did screw yo over. So, whatever. If you want to let hatred get in the way of rationality, who am I to get in your way?[/color]

So we are supposed to help our most hated rivals kill our allies? That doesn't sound too rational if you ask me...

If TOP was irrational held onto grudges we would have never allied MK.

Edited by Vladimir Stukov II
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[quote name='AlmightyGrub' timestamp='1295941719' post='2599498']
You being hung out to dry was not my intention. I take full responsibility for it however. I don't think I ever realized that you had rolled at the time. And far from ignoring CJ personally, I ignored everyone because I wasn't there at the time. Perhaps you need to re-read what actually happened, the truth is in there somewhere.

As for CJ, I have spoken to him since, what exactly is your point?
you know what not even worth typing enjoy your world Grub for it is as much your making as anyone elses.

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