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Rogue yellow team senator


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[quote name='Penkala' timestamp='1294264585' post='2564724']
As a few of you may know, I went rogue against VA in July of 2010. The war ended in August, and VA's senator was ordered to unsanction me.He refused, and frankly, I never noticed. I hadn't tried to aid or trade with a yellow sphere member until a couple weeks ago, when a long-term tech deal was setup between myself and a member of FAN.CSN intervened and eventually, the senator removed the ban.Today I received this notice:I am not amused. I have done nothing worthy of sanction. The only war I have declared was in support of my current alliance, VE. I demand that VA remove my sanction as soon as is physically possible. I also seriously suggest that VA remove Augustus IX as their senate candidate, and encourage yellow nations not to vote for him. He is clearly using his role for personal reasons.

Why are you whining? With all the times you've either rogued VA, or assisted a rogue in attacking them, do you really think it's that much of an outrage?

[quote name='TypoNinja' timestamp='1294265148' post='2564736']
So hes either just stupid and sanctioning you now for something that happened half a year ago, or he wants to get rolled for attacking VE members?

Kinda like how Penkala's rogued VA several times for something that happened a long time before that? If anything, this can be credited to Karma :)

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[quote name='Land of True Israel' timestamp='1294294713' post='2565507']
Why are you whining? With all the times you've either rogued VA, or assisted a rogue in attacking them, do you really think it's that much of an outrage?

Yes it is outrageous.

[quote]Kinda like how Penkala's rogued VA several times for something that happened a long time before that? If anything, this can be credited to Karma :)

And my attacks were met by attacks from VA. That's kind of my point: There should be consequences to acting this way. I'm glad that you agree with me :smug:

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[quote name='abdur' timestamp='1294293633' post='2565480']
And I assume that you are completely innocent right?

Nothing he could possibly have said justifies a sanction on one of our members without even talking to our government first. Even had his war screen shown 3 outgoing wars on VA nations you [i]still[/i] contact government first before making attacks upon an alliance member.

I don't care if you think we are harboring the Anti-Christ himself, you tell us first.

Edited by TypoNinja
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While this is not really drama worthy in and of itself, it will be interesting to see what transpires of this little mess. Admin knows there are so many other little messes that have just about erupted into something actually serious in the last little while.

I am not a fan of Pinkie but if there was no reason given to him or to VE on why he was sanctioned this time I do think that VA needs to answer for their Senator in some fashion (full out war shouldnt result from this). Was this the way to do it? Not in my opinion from the perspective of leadership, but as a spectator I think it is great fun. Now if say a smaller alliance was getting picked on by a larger linked alliance then yes the public arena is probably the best way to ensure that the muscle was countered by at least the public opinion. Either way, VE will get their way as they have the muscle to back it up, regardless of any hatred or grudges that is held against Pinkie.

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[quote name='Penkala' timestamp='1294269394' post='2564869']
Nobody is facepalming at me here except for people who literally hate me and would find something bad to say about it even if this was an announcement of how I permanently rid the world of hunger and cancer.

I don't hate you and this thread is a massive cry for attention. You've always loved being the first guy to bring these oh so evil injustices, not even because you have some sort of issue with it going on just because you wanted to be the first to reveal it to the Cyberverse, to the forums. Just like you've done in the past when you see an opportunity to sling mud at someone you don't like. Which makes the irony of claiming only people that don't like you have something bad to say about it quite amusing.

Neither you, nor your buddy in VE who charged in threatening war, even attempted to resolves this with VA before posting it here did you? Just saw an opportunity to get some of that scrummy attention thrown in your direction and ran to the forums.

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[quote name='Penkala' timestamp='1294269394' post='2564869']
Nobody is facepalming at me here except for people who literally hate me and would find something bad to say about it even if this was an announcement of how I permanently rid the world of hunger and cancer.
I've never met you before, and I certainly don't literally hate you. However, I do feel you should have at the very least [i]tried[/i] to sort this out via more private channels first. It wouldn't hurt to talk to other Yellow Team members/alliances before taking it to the OWF. All in all I agree with Erixxxx; you, or someone close, should have gone to Veritas Aequitas privately before going public.

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[quote name='Vladimir Nikanor' timestamp='1294308329' post='2565702']
I've never met you before, and I certainly don't literally hate you. However, I do feel you should have at the very least [i]tried[/i] to sort this out via more private channels first. It wouldn't hurt to talk to other Yellow Team members/alliances before taking it to the OWF. All in all I agree with Erixxxx; you, or someone close, should have gone to Veritas Aequitas privately before going public.

VE is a "traditionalist" alliance. The onus is on the smaller party in disagreement to come hat in hand and beg for clemency.

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Of course this was taken to the OWF automatically and without any attempt to contact VA gov. Have you met Penkala?

Anywho, Augustus IX made a mistake. Ooops. Also, he's voted in by VA members and our allies. You really think you have ANY sway over them? Seriously? lol

But yeah, we'd have been happy to have had our gov speak with Augustus IX if we'd have been contacted. We have no reason to care about what some 6k VE nation does these days.

So yeah, as it's been said multiple times, private channels FTW. Although, realizing my audience, it seems to be a pointless comment.

Also, 15 times....LOL! Thanks for the early morning chuckle penky. I needed that. The fact that you got greenacres to argue the side of VA shows your ultimate fail. Next up, you're gonna have WickedJ going against you in a thread where you try to start things with VA....oh, wait.


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[quote name='TypoNinja' timestamp='1294296157' post='2565542']
Nothing he could possibly have said justifies a sanction on one of our members without even talking to our government first. Even had his war screen shown 3 outgoing wars on VA nations you [i]still[/i] contact government first before making attacks upon an alliance member.

I don't care if you think we are harboring the Anti-Christ himself, you tell us first.

And yet I wonder why he didn't report this to VE gov to contact VA gov.
As far as the innocence part is concerned, I was referring to him claiming that this is the 15th time VA committed injustices against him. I find it hard to believe that he was completely innocent when all those 'injustices' happened.

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Why can't you people understand? Penkala is an innocent, delicate flower! He certainly wouldn't have been provoking VA at all, ever, and the only reason he posted this thread was to ensure the cyberverse at large knew of the grave and terrible injustice which has taken place! So, in conclusion:



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[quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1294315472' post='2565750']
Why can't you people understand? Penkala is an innocent, delicate flower! He certainly wouldn't have been provoking VA at all, ever, and the only reason he posted this thread was to ensure the cyberverse at large knew of the grave and terrible injustice which has taken place! So, in conclusion:



You put far too much effort into this. :smug:

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[quote name='TypoNinja' timestamp='1294296157' post='2565542']
Nothing he could possibly have said justifies a sanction on one of our members without even talking to our government first. Even had his war screen shown 3 outgoing wars on VA nations you [i]still[/i] contact government first before making attacks upon an alliance member.

I don't care if you think we are harboring the Anti-Christ himself, you tell us first.
The irony of VE government saying this is hilarious.


Surely those nations were nothing more than rogue states.

Listen, you guys use sanctions as common weapons of war. You're not innocents here.

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[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1294319799' post='2565769']
Listen, you guys use sanctions as common weapons of war.

I am glad that you agree on the fact that this was an act of or a weapon of war then....

VE should go to war here. This is one of the most clear cut casus bellis I've seen in recent history

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[quote name='Steve Buscemi' timestamp='1294294593' post='2565505']
Remember the time when NPO when to war with GS for merely voting for a FAN senator?
That fascination you have with them [i]has[/i] to be unhealthy, dude.

Clearly a cry for attention when there are better ways to handle a situation, but such is....yeah.

Still, lol VA for sanctioning him out of the blue.

Vengeance. Blah blah.

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