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Can't wrap my head around why Paul thinks it's a good idea to taunt an alliance that is drooling at the prospect of mopping the floor with the NPO. As for Schattenham's publication, no fun without screens from our private areas. Better luck next time!

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1293958537' post='2560727']
A strawman is when you go after the person and not the argument.

I believe that word you were looking was wit.

In this case ANS does show competency it shows that one alliance is willing to recruit, take on new members, and teach them, and the other does not. The way I poked fun at him earlier, was just a lot more fun.

No it doesn't. That's to all points. Now hush.

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[quote name='lebubu' timestamp='1293988705' post='2560899']
Can't wrap my head around why Paul thinks it's a good idea to taunt an alliance that is drooling at the prospect of mopping the floor with the NPO.

Why would you want to do something like that? I thought we were friends! Friends don't use each other as floor mops.

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Yawn NPO trying to be funny yet again. I expect a retort on how I try to be funny to be thrown my way anyway. Half the Imperial military command if not more hasn't even had the pleasure of leading Pacifica through any war anyway. Reliance on U0 expected to be at 100%. I wonder if you guys are still using Arcades war guide. My guess is probably yes. Might explain the awful wonder order.

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[quote name='lebubu' timestamp='1293988705' post='2560899']
[b]Can't wrap my head around why Paul thinks it's a good idea to taunt an alliance that is drooling at the prospect of mopping the floor with the NPO.[/b] As for Schattenham's publication, no fun without screens from our private areas. Better luck next time!

For the love of god get on with it then.

With regards to the OP I didn't really enjoy it or find it particularly funny and not because it's bashing MK (if you actually read it properly you'll notice he's bashing on NPO too) It's just hard to make a good story out of nothing, that's why I quit writing The Day Today for lack of stimuli and fresh ideas.

At least you're trying though Schatt. Keep at it.

Edited by Johnny Apocalypse
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It only works when you try to take puns at NPO Shatt, like in here: [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=56242&st=0"]http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=56242&st=0[/url].

You must not touch in any way, anybody else. Then its all "no good quality hurrrrdurrrr, look at my ANS qqqqqqq".

Meh to TWiP of the past, meh to this one as well. I suppose, you cant wright great stuff without spying, and we all know its only cool and funny if its NPO that gets spied.

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[quote name='Letum' timestamp='1293983766' post='2560861']
I am glad you have admitted that your argument was based on false premises. Now we can all go home a little wiser.

Though if you repeat a lie enough, it might become true.
You and the rest of Pacifica's mindless proles have missed the point, yet again. At fault, is your erroneous belief that the rest of the world finds your alliance relevant and a threat to the completely manufactured concept of "NeoHegeomony"

My argument is deliberately fallacious, because I myself do not believe skewing statistics can quantify whether an alliance is better than another, and also shows that alliances that try such semantics can have the tables turned on them to turn a favorable picture into a discoverable one.[/color]

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[quote name='DictatatorDan' timestamp='1293992203' post='2560946']
My argument is deliberately fallacious, because I myself do not believe skewing statistics can quantify whether an alliance is better than another, and also shows that alliances that try such semantics can have the tables turned on them to turn a favorable picture into a discoverable one.

Except, you know, the content of SP's report was not trying to quantify that the NPO is "OMG da best!", and MK somehow sucks, completely unlike your actions. In fact, MK's size and the fact they were punching above their weight was noted, as it has in most other situations where this comparison was made.

Indeed, all the report was is just that: a report on Pacifica. If the rest of you find the fact that we have more wonders and have grown faster so difficult to absorb that you need to get all defensive and post about our alleged "incompetence" in order to balance it out, then frankly, that's your problem.

And if you are going to try and claim that merely stating the information that we have the most wonders in the world is an attempt to provide some skewed picture for the purposes of nefarious propaganda, then I'd say you need a bit of a reality check.

Edited by Letum
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[quote name='Letum' timestamp='1293992823' post='2560952']
[color="#FF0000"]The sum of the parts was to glorify Pacifica, when compared to MK. If it was not saying "We're the best", then why did the same drivel need to be posted twice? Why was it until now, after I deliberatly pointed it out that I have crafted a sophistry, my argument being taken as a legitimate attack of Pacificans? The stats I collected changed absolutly nothing, but garnered a very defensive reaction. Maybe it is truly because, to an extent, that Pacificans conform to the kind of knowledge that I have laid out.[/color]

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[quote name='DictatatorDan' timestamp='1293993532' post='2560962']The sum of the parts was to glorify Pacifica, when compared to MK. [/quote]
The original report was just a report. It took some statistical information in which NPO did well, which all other alliances do to feel good about themselves, but it was not directed to any other alliance specifically. It was, hey, we did well, yupiyayey. NPO is no different then any other alliance in this regard, nobody should feel ashame they did well in some areas.

That you feel it was NPO>MK piece of work, may have only to do how Shatt put a twist on it here and Shatt is not our "propagandist". Not now, not historically. Actually, Id prefer if he left us alone for a change.

You took his bait and effectively did what he wanted some to do. GG

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[quote name='DictatatorDan' timestamp='1293993532' post='2560962']
[color="#FF0000"]The sum of the parts was to glorify Pacifica, when compared to MK. If it was not saying "We're the best", then why did the same drivel need to be posted twice? Why was it until now, after I deliberatly pointed it out that I have crafted a sophistry, my argument being taken as a legitimate attack of Pacificans? The stats I collected changed absolutly nothing, but garnered a very defensive reaction. Maybe it is truly because, to an extent, that Pacificans conform to the kind of knowledge that I have laid out.[/color]

Or maybe it's the part where you talk of a "grandiose pipe dream", suggest a "propagandized economic aptitude" and claim the reality is "merely competent", that we are "decisively behind the curve of most of it's adversaries" and may be considered "inferior".

Perhaps you should spend less time letting your overly defensive mannerisms lead you to a hostile tirade and more time prodding your friends at MK to buy more military wonders. They should look at Fark's brilliant example: at barely 90 more members, the alliance bought 159 of them, as opposed to losing 7.

Edited by Letum
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[quote name='Feanor Noldorin' timestamp='1293994432' post='2560977']
One of your worst efforts.

TBH, no efforts at all. :rolleyes:

People have different expectations from TWiP, you basically wrapped another product in TWiP cover and tried to sell it. Now the product may not be bad, but customers came in for something else.

If it was posted by Sir Paul, as usual, interesting read. :)

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[quote name='DictatatorDan' timestamp='1293956701' post='2560718']
[color="#FF0000"]Did I rain on your parade? That's too bad.[/color]
[quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1293958062' post='2560724']
On the contrary, I think you gave him precisely what he was after.
There are apparently two levels of understanding in this thread so despite lackluster content I'm rating this a 4/5.

[quote name='Aurion' timestamp='1293986035' post='2560879']
I was expecting a bit more than a repost of the last NPO newsletter.

The sigs are decent, but Impero's said much funnier stuff (and in #ve, to boot).
I don't generally hang out in there; I don't want to get stuffed in a locker.

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[quote name='shahenshah' timestamp='1293995092' post='2560986']
People have different expectations from TWiP, you basically wrapped another product in TWiP cover and tried to sell it. Now the product may not be bad, but customers came in for something else.
Frankly, if people want more spy stuff then I'm going to need a pan-Digiterra treaty exempting me from punishment; it's a little different when you're already at ZI.

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[quote name='Mixoux' timestamp='1293995191' post='2560989']
Wahh, making fun of my alliance? Better get all my buddies to comment on how much it sucks and a waste of time reading this was.
You say that like it was some conscious effort.

"Hey, you all should go look at Schatt's most recent thread and rip on it."

Not so much.

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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1293995324' post='2560993']
Frankly, if people want more spy stuff then I'm going to need a pan-Digiterra treaty exempting me from punishment; it's a little different when you're already at ZI.

Hey now don't get lazy in your old age. Risks must be taken to produce high quality journalism.

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The part I found most informative of this whole thing is what I believe any political aware nation leader already knows. NPO is merely waiting on the sidelines for its enemies to weaken themselves by fighting each other. As shown by the "advice" of deploying TOP against NpO and PB against SF.

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[quote name='KainIIIC' timestamp='1293952644' post='2560684']
agreed. It was so-so until all the MKers came in and made the article delicious :smug:

The sigs were of course the best part though.

Yes, Schatt has made some really good sigs here lately.

[quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1293962735' post='2560753']
They are critiques, none of which are childish, so your definition doesn't work. Whining would be something along the lines of "why is he so mean to me!" None of them even closely resemble that. Just comments about how lame this is.

Why did we respond at all? Boredom. These kind of silly antics against us amuse us.

ok now I'm confused:

[quote]to hold the attention of (someone) pleasantly; entertain or divert in an enjoyable or cheerful manner[/quote]

So if you enjoyed it why are you critiquing it?

[quote name='Biff Webster' timestamp='1293977196' post='2560812']
I'm glad to see so many disappointed, it can only mean you still expect great things from the irrelevant Presbyter. It also means it went over your head.

I think most of us were hoping for juicy info. It's mainly a case of nostalgia. :(

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