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CN Award Nominations


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[quote name='oOoMidooOo' timestamp='1294077588' post='2562070']
Yet, you always end up nominating your allies >.>

I'm not sure that's fair. There are a decent number of non allies nominated, and I think most ppl would agree, this will be a good year for PB in the CN Awards, their new bloc puts them at the center of CN politics.

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You've got:
Best Wall of Text: JonathanBrookBank's OP to kickoff the 5000+ post IRON-Gramlins topic, [b]GOONS response to the GOD cancellation[/b], Ejay's wall of text, Sardonic's WCE series, [b]Sardonic's Response to GOD cancellation[/b]

Those are the same thing. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=96133 I don't know if I'd really call it a proper WoT, either, but you can decide on that.

Edited by Schattenmann
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[quote name='Charles the Great' timestamp='1294161473' post='2563170']
I nominate the int and tR for most immoral alliance for the sneak quad attack just before white peace when NpO hung her allies out to dry.


Sorry, I'm not sure if this is a serious nomination or a joke, as I don't know the story behind it.

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1294168889' post='2563280']
I'm not familiar with these. If you edit in links I add the links to the nominations
[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1294168889' post='2563280']
I'm not familiar with these. If you edit in links I add the links to the nominations
He [i]probably[/i] means [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=88597"]this topic[/url], but it wasn't about Legion being racist so much as a single member. Grinchgate was...well you won't find any forum links and probably falls under "discussing moderation issues." :P

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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1294177924' post='2563444']
You've got:
Best Wall of Text: JonathanBrookBank's OP to kickoff the 5000+ post IRON-Gramlins topic, [b]GOONS response to the GOD cancellation[/b], Ejay's wall of text, Sardonic's WCE series, [b]Sardonic's Response to GOD cancellation[/b]

Those are the same thing. [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=96133"]http://forums.cybern...showtopic=96133[/url] I don't know if I'd really call it a proper WoT, either, but you can decide on that.

Thanks for the heads up

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<[NSO]youwish959> Like I said I have no idea who banned you
<[NSO]youwish959> You're just so easy to hate though :P

I'd just like to say that nominations for me for most controversial are very deserved. I would like to win it right here on the spot but instead...

y-y-you can thank me now and oh my goodness, you're welcome, you're welcome! It's me right now who I am trying to save myself from!

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1294178406' post='2563454']
Sorry, I'm not sure if this is a serious nomination or a joke, as I don't know the story behind it.

it is real.....those that were there know what happened....

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[quote name='Scorponok' timestamp='1294017086' post='2561287']
Now if only I could catch Bilrow when he has some spare time :).

Just click your heels together three times in a dark bathroom looking into the mirror saying, "Bilrow Bilrow Bilrow".

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"Best Recruiting Staff: TENE, Mostly Harmless Alliance, SNAFU, MCXA, NADC, GOONS, ODN, MK, OO,Face Punch, NPO, iFOK , Legacy, DRAGON, RnR, RIA,"

It looks like you've missed this one:

[quote name='oOoMidooOo' timestamp='1293919979' post='2560290']
Best Recruiting staff - For me this year i would probably say LoSS great achievement for them.

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Best OWF thread: The NpO-\m/ declaration of peace (http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=79454). It caused one hell of an uproar, the timing was exquisite and it had me chuckling to myself all night. My words don't do it justice. I don't see anything topping this as my most favorite event/announcement I've ever witnessed in Cybernations.

Funniest Event: See above^. Although you might include that with NpO changing sides which was already nominated.

Best Quote: I cannot believe no one picked this one. I've never read something that was so true and so hilarious at the same time:

[quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1279226130' post='2373395']
The Legion has its head so far up the NPO's butt that they can see Invicta's feet.

Edited by LegendoftheSkies
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I don't really get all these slot usage statistics being used as the be all and end all for the economic award. So you use a lot of slots? There's more to CN economics than buying in tech, and sure it's impressive that each and every one of your nations has the wherewithal to fill up all of their slots with buying delicious tech, it's hardly a difficult concept to grasp. It doesn't require much more than knocking on the door of your smaller allies and getting a list of nations to send $3mil to.

I don't know about any alliance's growth programmes as I'm not in them, but I'd be far more impressed with an alliance that consistently enacts a successful growth programme for new nations to maintain a good NS before sending them on their way to buy tech at a slightly lower rate than Umbrella manages to do. If there's an alliance out there that consistently and successfully manages this they would get my vote above Umbrella.

Buying tech is not difficult when you're in an alliance with hundreds of teeny tiny allied nations to get it from.

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[quote name='Poyplemonkeys' timestamp='1294245918' post='2564437']
I don't really get all these slot usage statistics being used as the be all and end all for the economic award. So you use a lot of slots? There's more to CN economics than buying in tech, and sure it's impressive that each and every one of your nations has the wherewithal to fill up all of their slots with buying delicious tech, it's hardly a difficult concept to grasp. It doesn't require much more than knocking on the door of your smaller allies and getting a list of nations to send $3mil to.

I don't know about any alliance's growth programmes as I'm not in them, but I'd be far more impressed with an alliance that consistently enacts a successful growth programme for new nations to maintain a good NS before sending them on their way to buy tech at a slightly lower rate than Umbrella manages to do. If there's an alliance out there that consistently and successfully manages this they would get my vote above Umbrella.

Buying tech is not difficult when you're in an alliance with hundreds of teeny tiny allied nations to get it from.

If it's so easy, why do most alliance have a 20% slot usage?

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Ask them? Various reasons can contribute to it. I've a 20% slot usage at the moment for varying reasons that I can't seem to overcome ^_^ I'm not trying to take away from the fact they are undoubtedly one of the most active and efficient alliances in the game, I'm just saying buying tech isn't a difficult concept to grasp.

Someone who isn't a complete idiot can create a nation and be doing what Umbrella do tomorrow (in reverse obviously, selling not buying). They've been doing the same for a long time now, and iirc have received rewards for it in the past. So while it's always going to be impressive when someone's hitting 90%+ in efficiency, I'd personally vote elsewhere if someone showed they were capable of something more innovative that had a profound economic effect on their nations/alliance.

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[quote name='Poyplemonkeys' timestamp='1294248155' post='2564463']
Ask them? Various reasons can contribute to it. I've a 20% slot usage at the moment for varying reasons that I can't seem to overcome ^_^ I'm not trying to take away from the fact they are undoubtedly one of the most active and efficient alliances in the game, I'm just saying buying tech isn't a difficult concept to grasp.

Someone who isn't a complete idiot can create a nation and be doing what Umbrella do tomorrow (in reverse obviously, selling not buying). They've been doing the same for a long time now, and iirc have received rewards for it in the past. So while it's always going to be impressive when someone's hitting 90%+ in efficiency, I'd personally vote elsewhere if someone showed they were capable of [b]something more innovative that had a profound economic effect on their nations/alliance.[/b]

Entertain me, what could be more innovative than packing your nations full of tech? The whole point of a good economic system is to build a nation that can obliterate other nations in war. If you're buying at market rate, you're not destroying your warchests for technology and will be the most efficient at destroying your enemy.

As far as nation building goes, if you're not bringing in tech, there's really no point to what you're doing, because your infrastructure goes away very quickly in nuclear combat. Tech sticks with you for the long run. The only way to do that is with tech dealing.

And if you're talking about growth in general, Umbrella nearly doubled it's NS in 2010, from just a tiny bit over 4mil to just under 8mil. There's other important factors we pay attention to beside tech dealing (although that is the most important detail).

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[quote name='Charles the Great' timestamp='1294192895' post='2563736']
it is real.....those that were there know what happened....

KK, have them added

[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1294198137' post='2563869']
BTW, seeing you reminds me, I have a quote about you that I'm going to nominate. :P

And here it is, a little bit of rage from the early part of last year.

[font=arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif][size=2][quote name='evilsquirrel' timestamp='1266263102' post='2183303']
Listen here you retarded !@#$@#$ gerbil or whatever it is you are, either way you need to be kicked, run over, stomped or a nice combo of all three. Take your midget $@! and your pathetic excuse for a lightsaber out of here before I pimp smack you with it. The new name for GLoF should be dishonor. You pathetic alliance attacked on false evidence. SO CHARLES? FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU YOU BLOODY RETARDED JACKASS GERBIL !@#$%*!

[/size][/font][font=arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif][size=2]That was funny enough in my book that it earned its own thread in MCXA's forums.[/size][/font][font=arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif][size=2]
[/size][/font][font=arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif][size=2]I'm also going to nominate this one by Walker Ninja[/size][/font][font=arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif][size=2]
[/size][/font][font=arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif][size=2][color=#1C2837][font=georgia][size=2][quote]If the last war is any indicator, the next war will look like a pack of chimpanzees trying to hump a football.[/quote][/size][/font][/color][/size][/font]

[quote name='Ernesto Che Guevara' timestamp='1294199065' post='2563898']
Why is Exodus listed under Best Rookie Alliance twice and Europa's name now not on the list? :butthurt:

Sorry,m fixed

[quote name='Co God Ben' timestamp='1294200558' post='2563927']
"Best Recruiting Staff: TENE, Mostly Harmless Alliance, SNAFU, MCXA, NADC, GOONS, ODN, MK, OO,Face Punch, NPO, iFOK , Legacy, DRAGON, RnR, RIA,"

It looks like you've missed this one:

Thx fixed

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yup that was pretty funny ......... it was way too easy to get that idiot to fly off the handle and show how pathetic he really is.


and thats cool I got my own thread on an alliance board when I have never even visited said boards.....guess I will have to make it a point to make a visit and sign autographs.....


Edited by Charles the Great
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Nominations will be closed in a few hours, and polls will go up.

You can still sign up for the academy

Also, I'd like to nominate the following for worst diplomatic mistake

GLOF declaring war on the 57th Overlanders, for what appears to be very bad evidence
Polar for changing sides during the bi-polar war
NEW for tech raiding Dark Fist

For most controversial alliance I'd like to nominate Gre for trying to make IRON unconditionally surrender

For most honorable alliance I'd like to nominate Europa, they were put in a tough situation, honored their treaties, but then stopped the spread of the war which would have really messed their allies over.

For best sig I nominate D34th's PR war sig.

Edited by supercoolyellow
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[quote name='AAAAAAAAAAGGGG' timestamp='1294248877' post='2564470']
Entertain me, what could be more innovative than packing your nations full of tech? The whole point of a good economic system is to build a nation that can obliterate other nations in war. If you're buying at market rate, you're not destroying your warchests for technology and will be the most efficient at destroying your enemy.

As far as nation building goes, if you're not bringing in tech, there's really no point to what you're doing, because your infrastructure goes away very quickly in nuclear combat. Tech sticks with you for the long run. The only way to do that is with tech dealing.[/quote]

Yeah I know the benefits of tech, I mean Umbrella is an outrageous alliance in terms of tech but compared to the average I'm hardly tech light myself... If I had innovative ideas to grow nations successfully I wouldn't be slumming it like I am now, I'd be either making my own successful alliance or be in economics of another alliance.

[quote]And if you're talking about growth in general, Umbrella nearly doubled it's NS in 2010, from just a tiny bit over 4mil to just under 8mil. There's other important factors we pay attention to beside tech dealing (although that is the most important detail).

I wasn't talking about growth in general. It's been sort of side-tracked into people thinking I'm saying Umbrella don't deserve the award, which is not what I've ever claimed. I was just saying I didn't see why people were pulling up slot efficiency and saying that's it, Umbrella wins, as if it's the be all and end all of economics. I mean, has Umbrella bought 4mil NS worth of tech in the year? Or are you growing in other ways too? I've said a few times now that I'm not saying Umbrella don't deserve the award, just [b]if[/b] an alliance had created and utilised an innovative and successful new growth programme in the year I would place more value in it than being the very best at something that's pretty simple to grasp and has been around for an age.

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[quote name='Poyplemonkeys' timestamp='1294258126' post='2564612']
I wasn't talking about growth in general. It's been sort of side-tracked into people thinking I'm saying Umbrella don't deserve the award, which is not what I've ever claimed. I was just saying I didn't see why people were pulling up slot efficiency and saying that's it, Umbrella wins, as if it's the be all and end all of economics. I mean, has Umbrella bought 4mil NS worth of tech in the year? Or are you growing in other ways too? I've said a few times now that I'm not saying Umbrella don't deserve the award, just [b]if[/b] an alliance had created and utilised an innovative and successful new growth programme in the year I would place more value in it than being the very best at something that's pretty simple to grasp and has been around for an age.

While it should be pretty obvious that we are expanding in ways other than tech (check out our rankings on average infra and how they change over time in UE's thread, for instance), I will state that we are. I am not sure anyone has incorporated a better growth program than our alliance, as evidenced by our growth alone, but I do feel that you are vastly underestimating our ability to bring in solid amounts of tech consistently, and the difficulty and complexity of keeping those numbers always high. If it were such a simple thing, I would expect there to be other alliances out there competing with us in the slightest, but this couldn't be further from the case. For something seemingly so trivial as keeping slots full, something that's "pretty simple to grasp and has been around for an age", I would expect a few middle-weight and heavy-weight alliances to be within 10-20% of our alliance, yet that is not the case. The simplest explanations are that most alliances either don't have the activity, do not have the organization, do not have the drive to find the sellers, or are inefficiently using/not monitoring their member's slots.

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[quote name='mrcalkin' timestamp='1294261317' post='2564658']
While it should be pretty obvious that we are expanding in ways other than tech (check out our rankings on average infra and how they change over time in UE's thread, for instance), I will state that we are. I am not sure anyone has incorporated a better growth program than our alliance, as evidenced by our growth alone, but I do feel that you are vastly underestimating our ability to bring in solid amounts of tech consistently, and the difficulty and complexity of keeping those numbers always high. If it were such a simple thing, I would expect there to be other alliances out there competing with us in the slightest, but this couldn't be further from the case. For something seemingly so trivial as keeping slots full, something that's "pretty simple to grasp and has been around for an age", I would expect a few middle-weight and heavy-weight alliances to be within 10-20% of our alliance, yet that is not the case. The simplest explanations are that most alliances either don't have the activity, do not have the organization, do not have the drive to find the sellers, or are inefficiently using/not monitoring their member's slots.
I know it's impressive, I don't know how many times I have to say this before I quit getting overly defensive Umbrella members not realising that I'm not taking a pot shot at your alliance. You can't deny that tech dealing is pretty simple to grasp and has been around for an age. I really don't understand why you've put that in quotation marks as if I've said something wrong. Unless you'd care to tell me this new type of tech deal Umbrella is doing that isn't send cash -> receive tech then there is simply no way to convince me that tech dealing isn't pretty simple to grasp. Again, the level of dedication Umbrella has put into the tech deals they do is clearly impressive and you're clearly the best alliance around at doing so but what's the point in a voting system if we can just calculate slot usage percentage and give the award to the alliance with the highest?

How about way back in the day, before my time so I'm fairly hazy on the details, but you're looking at giving out an award for for best military mind in the game... Do you give it to the guy did what everyone else does at a much better/higher level? Or do you give it to someone like Warrior Concept who discovered new ways (tank trick iirc? Like I said, fairly hazy) to demolish your opponents. Or to the person who pioneered having large warchests being a good idea and changed the face of warfare today with that concept? I'm [i]really[/i] not trying to take anything away from what is an undoubtedly impressive tech importation scheme Umbrella have going on, just I personally would put more weight behind a new idea that was successful and an improvement upon how we do things now than being the best at what we've already got going on.

Now that might be a difference in opinion for us, and if it is so be it we'll never reconcile our opinions because they're polar opposites. Just please realise what my opinion is and why I hold it before coming back at me with statistics and numbers that I've already recognised as being the best in that area in the game.

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[quote name='Poyplemonkeys' timestamp='1294258126' post='2564612']
Yeah I know the benefits of tech, I mean Umbrella is an outrageous alliance in terms of tech but compared to the average I'm hardly tech light myself... If I had innovative ideas to grow nations successfully I wouldn't be slumming it like I am now, I'd be either making my own successful alliance or be in economics of another alliance.

I wasn't talking about growth in general. It's been sort of side-tracked into people thinking I'm saying Umbrella don't deserve the award, which is not what I've ever claimed. I was just saying I didn't see why people were pulling up slot efficiency and saying that's it, Umbrella wins, as if it's the be all and end all of economics. I mean, has Umbrella bought 4mil NS worth of tech in the year? Or are you growing in other ways too? I've said a few times now that I'm not saying Umbrella don't deserve the award, just [b]if[/b] an alliance had created and utilised an innovative and successful new growth programme in the year I would place more value in it than being the very best at something that's pretty simple to grasp and has been around for an age.

Representing Umbrella econ, I can tell you that nearly every single one of our nations is in a consistent long-term trade circle. Most of our nations temp trade each and every collection cycle. We are proud of our infra:tech rations. We've doubled our NS in the last year. And most importantly, we import more tech than any other nation in the game per capita.. meaning in tech-based NS, we beat everybody else. It's been established we've imported at least 360,000 tech since march, which equates to 1,800,000 NS alone. Thats just under half of our total NS growth. Our tech importation is crucial to our growth agenda, and I don't understand why you don't realize that. In this game, nothing matters other than your ability to import tech efficiency and have a solid infra:tech ratio to maximize your profit while not destroying your ability to conquer during war.

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