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Topic should read "FARK IS RIGGING THEIR ERECTIONS", although I don't see why this would be a concern for uninvolved alliances or something Fark would discuss on OWF if true. Good luck to Fark if you are having any internal power struggles, but I still recognize Randomly Jim as the Supreme Ruler of Fark regardless of these strange erections.

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look people, i'm not making the logs. i'm just posting them. can i in any way authenticate the content? obviously not. But it is suspicious that they hid their election results, which they've never done before. It is suspicious that they won't deny it. Things around fark have been weird lately. and this was found earlier today: http://BINOFPASTE.com/28wzfhY5

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[quote name='Axolotlia' timestamp='1293615510' post='2557196']
I like how the topic for that channel is "Keep your eyes open for a valid GO CB. I hate those guys"
[quote name='R3nowned' timestamp='1293629760' post='2557276']
Exactly my thoughts. I'd have thought that would be more concerning than Fark rigging their erections.

Only if you don't know GO.

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[quote name='eirland' timestamp='1293687792' post='2557990']
look people, i'm not making the logs. i'm just posting them. can i in any way authenticate the content? obviously not. But it is suspicious that they hid their election results, which they've never done before. It is suspicious that they won't deny it. Things around fark have been weird lately. and this was found earlier today: http://BINOFPASTE.com/28wzfhY5

Oh you.. Fark :mad: rigging erections.. what were you thinking!!?

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[20:09:42] <RavingMainyYak[Fark]> I need this [b]election [/b]fixed.
[20:10:14] <RavingMainyYak[Fark]> How can we rig this [b]election [/b]without getting Paranoia and Rontastic all worked up about oppression again?
[20:10:29] <P3[Fark]> How many times have I asked you if I could fix the [b]election[/b]? Why can't I ever do it?
[20:11:11] <P3[Fark]> Oh, hate to change the subject, but about rigging the [b]election[/b]...

... just sayin'...

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I'd like to announce that I am throwing my hat into the ring at the next Fark election cycle. To show the integrity of my character while on my campaign, I've decided to generously donate a sizable sum to the [s]largest political faction[/s] War Orphans of Fark Fund. I look forward to all my supporters coming out to demonstrate the value of honest democracy in action!

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I sign an MDoAP with Fark and cancel it IMMEDIATELY in disgust.

Shame on you, Fark, for not having a proper guide on how to rig elections. Sure, all the old hands know how to do it, but the new guys just starting out have no clue.

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[quote name='Locke' timestamp='1293632020' post='2557285']
Okay people, this (assuming it's legitimacy and the small likelihood it's not a joke) is not relevant outside of Fark. We get it, no need to repeat it ad nauseam.

If it is legit, I would be keeping an eye on the situation if I were Fark's allies. Other than that...
...*moves onto new topic*

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Haha. I changed some poll around in Vox for like a week and no one could figure out what was going on. I wish I could remember what we were voting on.

It's a well-known [i]fact[/i] that TopCat and Callahan edited the CN Awards polls last year to make MK the winners of everything.

Edited by Schattenmann
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