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30k NS Raid Target


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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1293509199' post='2555896']
Yeah, VE/PB wants to roll raiders . . .

Come on, dude.
You're telling me they wouldn't jump at the chance to do something if the raiders were from an alliance they don't like? Remember, they like "defensive" wars.
You all can think what you like, !@#$ from that side of the web wouldn't surprise me one bit.

Edited by Fernando12
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[quote name='kulomascovia' timestamp='1293504361' post='2555766']
All nations were at one point or another unaligned.[/quote]
Mine wasn't :smug:

(Actually, really not. I was recruited to CN via OOC connections so I joined my first alliance immediately upon creating my nation.)

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[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1293534156' post='2556122']
Mine wasn't :smug:

(Actually, really not. I was recruited to CN via OOC connections so I joined my first alliance immediately upon creating my nation.)

Same, aligned from the get-go.

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[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1293534156' post='2556122']
Mine wasn't :smug:

(Actually, really not. I was recruited to CN via OOC connections so I joined my first alliance immediately upon creating my nation.)
Totally got that first. :smug:
[quote name='Locke' timestamp='1293508015' post='2555852']
Actually, that's not true; my nation's never been unaligned longer than the few second it took to fill in the AA field when creating it; I'm sure I'm not the only one.

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[quote name='Earogema' timestamp='1293520462' post='2556061']
Either attack the nation in question and try to fight CB or just stop puffing your chests. For the people who proclaim "do something about it" so often, you sure do whine a lot.

[quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1293524663' post='2556082']
Also, you all are reading way to much into this.
Also, you people are funny.

Above posts pretty much hit it on the head, all this bawling about a singular 30K nation makes you people look pathetic.

WC has every right to say who is and is not under his alliances protection. You cannot use the "It's our right to tech raid" excuse as tech raiding in itself is a breach of rights towards the effected nation. Also I highly doubt that PB want to roll some raiders considering the alliances making up PB are mostly raiders themselves.

If you want to raid someone, go for it but don't ever come back and complain about any consequences. You reap what you sow.

Edited by nutkase
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[quote name='SpacingOutMan' timestamp='1293515182' post='2555996']
Which is why we should all mourn the loss of the old CN, where war was in great abundance over the smallest of things. :(

It did get out of control. The actual Pandora Box was opened in the world by Vox Populi, MK and a few others.

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In other news, a 12 alliance up for raid if they keep doing this


[quote name='TheFlyingLobster' timestamp='1293533060' post='2556116']
Does Celestial Being even have any nations strong enough to protect this nation?

lol, three nations. Barely. If this nation doesn't want a war, he should have gone to peace mode. As such, he is a legitimate target.

Edited by mdnss69
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[quote name='SpacingOutMan' timestamp='1293514548' post='2555989']
If your lemon tree metaphor failed the first time, why on earth would you use it again?

And throughout the seven pages of this thread, all I've been seeing are a bunch of crying little !@#$%*es because WarriorConcept said "lolno". You all talk [i]such[/i] a big game yet I see no action; I see a bunch of whining but no concrete "fight". Don't like what WC is doing? [i]Do something about it[/i], your age-told moniker that has been painfully overused. And why this warranted a thread in the first place is beyond me as it was really stupid. Does it really hurt all of you [i]that[/i] bad that you can't raid this guy, even though he is well out of your range (for some of you at least)?


I really miss the old CN.

You're either unfamiliar with my history, or you've simply forgotten. I'm just crazy enough to actually do something about it, but I need motivation... I'm trying to find it in this thread, and so far, no dice. If you try a bit harder, maybe that will change your luck.

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[quote name='greenacres' timestamp='1293549011' post='2556194']
You're either unfamiliar with my history, or you've simply forgotten. I'm just crazy enough to actually do something about it, but I need motivation... I'm trying to find it in this thread, and so far, no dice. If you try a bit harder, maybe that will change your luck.

What, is this like the time you put in your Bio you were going to rogue me? Then you never :awesome:

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[quote name='nutkase' timestamp='1293536131' post='2556136']
Above posts pretty much hit it on the head, all this bawling about a singular 30K nation makes you people look pathetic.

WC has every right to say who is and is not under his alliances protection. You cannot use the "It's our right to tech raid" excuse as tech raiding in itself is a breach of rights towards the effected nation. Also I highly doubt that PB want to roll some raiders considering the alliances making up PB are mostly raiders themselves.

If you want to raid someone, go for it but don't ever come back and complain about any consequences. You reap what you sow.

But then they won't look all e-thug about the pixels they steal :P

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[quote name='greenacres' timestamp='1293550894' post='2556215']
I can't help but think you're simply trying to make up for your past misdeeds.

Then you're thinking about this way too much.

I'll give you a hint, since we're in the OOC part. This is a game, and I have always and will always continue to play for fun. I already tried out the whole raider business and had some fun, why not try the other side?

Like people have said for years, this game is what you make of it. Not my fault most people fail to realize this.

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[quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1293551366' post='2556219']
Then you're thinking about this way too much.

I'll give you a hint, since we're in the OOC part. This is a game, and I have always and will always continue to play for fun. I already tried out the whole raider business and had some fun, why not try the other side?

Like people have said for years, this game is what you make of it. Not my fault most people fail to realize this.

Oh, I realized that a long time ago, trust me.

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Dear WC,

You are an idiot,stop trying to make yourself seem important for the 9000th time since you started playing this game. It was old three years ago, now it has crawled under the porch and died. If I have to see one more of your self-love-fests I am going to rage. Thank you.

sincerely yours,


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AHAHAHAH oh wow! You all will argue and complain about anything.


[quote name='Lord Strider' timestamp='1293555268' post='2556251']
Dear WC,

You are an idiot,stop trying to make yourself seem important for the 9000th time since you started playing this game. It was old three years ago, now it has crawled under the porch and died. If I have to see one more of your self-love-fests I am going to rage. Thank you.

sincerely yours,


Refer to the segment above Strider. :)

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[quote name='kevin32891' timestamp='1293557280' post='2556271']
AHAHAHAH oh wow! You all will argue and complain about anything.


Refer to the segment above Strider. :)


Kevin, please refer to the top link.

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[quote name='Lord Strider' timestamp='1293558332' post='2556285']

Kevin, please refer to the top link.

You're implying its your party, but I see WC with the birthday hat. :)

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[quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1293504604' post='2555774']
I am glad so much complaining is going on because one nation is being protected for only 7 days. Makes this whole thing worth it.

It's [i]that[/i] - and not the protection of the unprotected - that makes this worth it?

It's all so clear now: This has more to do with snubbing raiders than it does with protecting the unprotected.

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